GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 69 : Summer of '69

  • Thread starter EDK
I seem to be quite hopeless with this car thus far (28.7 is my best 1st sector at this point :dunce:) but here's a sector 1 video from week 34:

Thanks a lot. 👍 Glad to see I'm not the only one struggling, my PB is a 28.6 in T1. I'm hoping it'll just be one of those days when you can't drive, with any luck I'll go .5 faster tomorrow. :ill:

Hard to explain. Alot of trail braking for turn 1, aiming for the outside of the track then coming in tight for the apex and as early as you can on the power. Full throttle up to turn 4 (hairpin). Wide entry into the hairpin to get on the accelerator nice and early to maximise speed down the straight and through turn 5.

That probably isn't very helpful but I don't know how to explain it better, sorry.

I know what you're saying and this what I've been trying to do, but I either seems to be arriving with massive understeer on the brakes or backwards. :lol:

Thanks for all the help guys, I'll give it another shot tomorrow. :)
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A couple of pictures to brighten your day :)


Thanks for the kudos guys. :cheers: Feels odd to have times that Chris is struggling to meet...maybe it's because you're not pointing the nose at the sky? I tried a Praiano tune after getting my current times (ride height was -10/-10) and was much slower, unfortunately. I can agree with you that I don't like doing this, but most cars just feel better to drive this way. :ouch:

Turn 1 I found really hard with Matt's 5/7 BB, the backend kept swinging out too much. I'm at 5/5 now.

Some time in turn 1 yet, very hard to get right. Also, it's tricky to find the correct line through the first corner in t2.
:lol: This has only been up half a day and already D2 is tighter than a very tight thing.
:lol: This has only been up half a day and already D2 is tighter than a very tight thing.

Ya, and guys are running some really good times already, and that new guy is making us look bad.

Good tune by the way, I just tweaked it a bit and gained .8 over my tune.

Edit: New gal. Sorry about that.
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Have you guys got any tips for sector 1? I can't get close (as close as I'd like) to you guys there. :(

Just ran my first session to get the car tuned and start breaking it in. Did not grab my splits yet, will grab those and post my tune later.

I like to use the pavement stripes as my braking reference markers.

Almost everything tends to understeer going into turn 1, you are transitioning from banking to a flat surface, AND you are trail braking. So I don't agree with some of the comments about starting out wide. If you start out there, the car tends to want to stay out there, and you have to brake more than otherwise needed to make the turn.

I keep my car just to the left of the white stripes that are about 1 car width from the right wall. I am braking lightly at the start of the 4th stripe after start finish. Everything is gradual, you need to just focus on keeping the car pointed toward the inside so that it does not understeer wide into the grass on the right. If you do everything right, you'll release the brake just before turn in, coast a bit to the apex, and hammer out of the turn.

The key for me is that I'm never at full threshold braking, it's more about maintaining momentum and being smooth, so the braking is probably about 50-70%. I was using brake balance 6/9 for my run. Downshifts need to be on time, but not too early, as bouncing off the limiter keeps the engine from slowing the car.

The car does have a tendency to want to kick out at apex in this turn, and I was not able to find any particular aspect of my tune that might be causing that effect. Will keep working on the tune to see if I can get that out. But it's odd, because it's not happening in any of the other tight infield turns.
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Great write up as usual Kev. 👍

I'm starting to figure this tank out now I think.... definitely had trouble adjusting to this from the AEM S2000. :crazy: So, some splits:


Not pointing at the sky yet but no doubt that's where I'll end up in a few days. :sly:

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Safe to say that I'm content with this lap, but it remains to be seen if I know how to take the bus stop chicane properly. I adjusted the final drive on my setup posted on page 1 from 2725 to 2775 and upped the front ride height to 30. Other than that, only difference was that I'd just reached 565bhp.

ABS at 8 with 5/7 BB. Getting S/F speed of 187mph (301kph)
Steward's Comments:
This is my favorite car on GT5. The Daytona Yellow Wheels and the car number acts as a tribute for this week.

Great call Kevin, of course I'll have to use the number since it's got my DNA all over it :lol:
Nice one Matt 👍 Looks like I'm going to have to do the ride height thing then...

1st sector video for anyone who wants a look. Made a mess of the hairpin so there went a tenth...

Edit - Started feeling more comfortable with the car now


I think I'm getting the bus-stop fairly well but its always difficult to tell until you suddenly rocket through there 0.2 quicker than you've managed before.
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Chris, you stole my red T3. ;) If those latest splits are with a more level ride-height than Matt and I are using, I'd love to try it out. I haven't posted my tune yet, because they were all guesses, and I really wasn't that comfortable with it yet, other than the gears.
Sorry about that Lucas mate... :sly: Looks like I stole James' red 2nd sector as well. :D (That'll be short lived I reckon) Unfortunately its not a totally level setup - as usual, turn in is better with the nose up. I still hate this quirk of GT5 but we seem to be stuck with it sans explanation as to why its like this. Anyway, my setup as of the above splits:

Max Downforce



2/7 ABS 10

TCS, ASM, Active Steering Off

Tranny trick, set final so max speed is 207mph
Work(and Nurburgring time trial) kept me from last two events. Happy to give this a go.

Here's my setup - I really like it, which is rare.

Thank you very much for the setup. On replay, the car looks rather ugly with its nose pointed up, but handles very nice.


Someone's gotta guard the rear :)



Best lap looks dirty :grumpy: Next best is almost 0.2 slower, but can't get regain that after trying for few hours now. Oh well. Probably submit these.
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Thanks for the video, Chris!


Power @565 hp, pretty much default setup still (except tranny trick, max DF and rear toe at 0). Next step will be trying some of the posted setups.

I guess I have to participate this week, since we're back on the site of my first WRS!
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This combo's got me hooked!


Using Matt's tune. Very nice (same can be said for your splits 👍).
Tried both of the posted setup's. Here's my 1st entry.

I saw that Lefty was trying to coax some 60+ old timer's over to WRS!! Way to go 👍

Edit: I had to remove the last submitted splits. In reviewing I saw that I was using R3's instead of R1's. Don't know for the life of me how that happened. Wasn't the 1st time, but hopefully the last. :guilty:
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New and improved. Not much left, just a little in t2. Missed a little in the last sections though, do to staring into my rear view mirror.

Nice going, D2'ers. 👍:grumpy:

I'm going to counter by putting on some Bryan Adams real loud, and getting super pumped to go searching for tenths! :lol:

Thanks Chris and Matt for the tunes, I'll be trying both. :cheers:
Sorry about that Lucas mate... :sly: Looks like I stole James' red 2nd sector as well. :D (That'll be short lived I reckon) Unfortunately its not a totally level setup - as usual, turn in is better with the nose up. I still hate this quirk of GT5 but we seem to be stuck with it sans explanation as to why its like this. Anyway, my setup as of the above splits:

Max Downforce



2/7 ABS 10

TCS, ASM, Active Steering Off

Tranny trick, set final so max speed is 207mph

Cheers 👍 Much better than the random numbers tune I had on :sly: Feels nice and balanced through first sector



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My first ones here. Car was not broken in yet, so a lot more to come.


Tune. Interesting that the other tunes have a softer rear, will have to try that out.

EDK Tune
RH 45/-25
Springs 12.0/14.0
Damp Ext 6/7
Damp Comp 6/7
ARB 7/3
Camber 2.5/1.0
Toe 0.0/-0.10

LSD 10/18/10

Aero = Max

Brakes 6/9


Final gear to far right

Top Speed to 242 (This car needs this to have the right top speed)

Set these


Final = 2628
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I have a question, is Adjustable LSD allowed? It is not mentioned in any way in the rules.

Thanks, I'll try being a bit smoother through there. It's one of those ones where you know you can go faster, you just can't seem to reach it due to mistakes. :nervous:

I'll give it a shot today with some of these tunes posted and see if I can do any better. :)
I have a question, is Adjustable LSD allowed? It is not mentioned in any way in the rules.

Yes, it's allowed. You're right it's not mentioned, but the question was already asked and answered in the first page of posts. ;)

Kev, I'm not seeing anti-roll bar settings in your tune, and am having problems setting those gear ratios if I do anything to the Top Speed slider. If I leave Top Speed at default, and only max out Final Drive, I can set those ratios, and then set Final Drive. The resulting gearset is fairly usable, but something makes me think you had something better in mind. 👍
I'm using the same wheels as the pics in the OP.

EDIT: Only progress tonight was that I proved to myself how horrible my busstop is on my current-splits lap, and had 1 single lap that was faster to T3 (with a sad crash in the busstop).
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Finally got a half decent T2 but didn't get a good 1 or 3. First ever WRS splits:

28.684 (:yuck:)

EDIT: Still can't get a lap I'm happy with. Finally got a .1 in the first sector and 24.0 in the second then binned it at the Bus stop and can't get below .4 in S1 and .2 in S2 again. :ouch:

I can get fairly good sector times, I just can't string them into a decent lap as no matter how quick your splits are, if you don't get a good run at the bus stop, you can't get a decent lap. :irked: :(

I'll try again tomorrow. *sigh*

Hopefully next week we'll get a track I'm good at. :lol:
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Kev, I'm not seeing anti-roll bar settings in your tune, and am having problems setting those gear ratios if I do anything to the Top Speed slider. If I leave Top Speed at default, and only max out Final Drive, I can set those ratios, and then set Final Drive. The resulting gearset is fairly usable, but something makes me think you had something better in mind. 👍
I'm using the same wheels as the pics in the OP.

ARB settings are 7/3.

Was not able to use the normal Tranny trick for this one, could not get a high enough top speed, even at 2500 final.

Did you do as I mentioned in the post, by moving final to far right, setting top speed to 242, then selecting gears? It's different than what I normally do, but was needed to get high enough gears.
Great splits James. 👍 I was expecting something like that... ;)

Great going too Baron and Mohit. 👍 D2 showing strong form again. :nervous:

Was not able to use the normal Tranny trick for this one, could not get a high enough top speed, even at 2500 final.
Odd... If I'm understanding you correctly Kev, your revving out before reaching top speed with the normal tranny tricky? I'm using the normal tranny trick with final set for a top speed (showing top right) as 207mph and it seems just about right.. (can't remember what speed that is just now.) Are we doing something different or is that not what you mean?

... no matter how quick your splits are, if you don't get a good run at the bus stop, you can't get a decent lap.
Yeah the bus-stop is everything here. You can lose 0.5 in the blink of eye or cut too much and lose the lap. :crazy: Frustrating in the extreme but soo satisfying when you nail it . Looks great in the replay with this car too. :)
ARB settings are 7/3.

Was not able to use the normal Tranny trick for this one, could not get a high enough top speed, even at 2500 final.

Did you do as I mentioned in the post, by moving final to far right, setting top speed to 242, then selecting gears? It's different than what I normally do, but was needed to get high enough gears.

Yeah, tried that, but when I set Final to max/right and Top Speed to 242, 1st gear, for example, only had the range of 0.7xx to 1.2xx, if I recall correctly.

I was able to do the normal tranny trick, like Chris, with a top speed in the upper right of 208mph.
Hmm, I must have messed something up when tuning it on Saturday night. Will give it another go in my next session.