GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 69 : Summer of '69

  • Thread starter EDK
I've always used my braking point for the bus stop to be when I can read "DAYTONA" clearly on the wall in front of me. At least in GT5....

Miniscule gain at the line... I reckon I'm about maxed out to T3 (for me anyway) so now its just a case of finding the 0.4 I keep dropping in the bus-stop. Until I find the breaking point anyway. ;)
Thanks EDK, will try that. And yea, I meant braking point, not breaking point, lol. I already know where my breaking point is. It's when I need to take my medication, lol. Anyways, sorry for the spelling error.
Thanks EDK, will try that. And yea, I meant braking point, not breaking point, lol. I already know where my breaking point is. It's when I need to take my medication, lol. Anyways, sorry for the spelling error.

No problem at all, I was only making light and a word play since this is a point on the track that can cause so many issues for so many people.
The only real problem I'm having is trying to figure out a breaking point going into the bus stop. Some kind of visual marker or something.

Here's my confession: I use the driving line. Before ya'll start yelling at me saying I would able a lot faster without it, let me explain.

I used the line as a relative marker and try to remember where I need to deviate. Same thing goes for the breaking points. I just figure out how much earlier or later (or at) the start of the red marker.

I tried a few times to do without it and just end up getting frustrated (my memory is not that good). So, I've made my peace with it :)
I started GT5 without the driving line - but once we moved to tracks I wasn't familiar with I couldn't do without it. I always used to joke that IF I ever happened to win the first round of a GT Academy I would be the first guy to drive a real car into a wall at the next round - and the first thing I would say after having the Jaws of Life pry me out of the car would be "Where did the driving line go?". :lol:
I used the line on Prologue, while I was getting used to running online and finding braking points.

It got to be a bad habit, and kept me from realizing my full potential on a lot of combos, so I decided to break myself of it and I haven't looked back.

The BIG issue with the driving line is that it's dynamic, so it adjusts according to the speed you are traveling. If it was fixed like trackside markers, the adjustments you make to it would be consistent from lap to lap. But instead, because you may be carrying slightly more or less speed through a particular section, you end up having to adjust to the adjustment.

Then there's the fact that it tells you to brake about a mile too early for Turn 1 at Suzuka. :sly:
Then there's the fact that it tells you to brake about a mile too early for Turn 1 at Suzuka. :sly:

Yeah, I would drive well into the red portion of the line for that track - funny thing is after driving there for so many years that is one of the tracks where I leave the line on but use a track feature to brake. :lol:

Ok, I've reviewed enough replays for tonight - time for some '69 action! :sly:
Did a few laps with this finally. I noticed that any time the car got sideways, it seemed to bounce on the suspension.

Kind of bummed about losing the fastest t3 on the leaerboard but I think I can get it back later.

Also figured out how to get .2 more in the bus stop but only got .1 of it on this lap.

Switched to Chris' setup with some tweaks for this lap.
Changed my LSD to 10/20/10, everything else the same. I did notice that bog down effect when running yesterday. This is a compromise, though, as the car is not as stable in the bus stop.

Finally was able to put it all together tonight and came up with these:


Here's a shot from an earlier session:

It got to be a bad habit, and kept me from realizing my full potential on a lot of combos, so I decided to break myself of it and I haven't looked back.

Don't I know it. I just find it too easy to give in to the crutch. One good thing about WRS is that it forces me to focus on one track and I'm beginning to learn some of the lines and breaking points. My plan is to do advanced Mercedes challenge to force me to drive without the line. Already golded first two of advanced. So, slowly getting there.

About the dynamic break markers, I thought it was the exact opposite. If I rely on fixed markers, then I'd have to adjust the breaking points based on my speed (very hard for me). With the red markers, if I know I have to break a car-length early or half a length late, then my reference is somewhat independent of speed. Am I off in my reasoning?

PS: Sorry to be a bit OT, but tips from better drivers are greatly appreciated.
Changed my LSD to 10/20/10, everything else the same. I did notice that bog down effect when running yesterday. This is a compromise, though, as the car is not as stable in the bus stop.

Yeah, when I moved the Accel. sensitivity up a bit I was gaining a tenth or so in all the acceleration zones. 👍

I really need to get my T1 down a bit more. If I can cut 2 tenths out or maybe 3 I'll be (almost :sly:) up there with the other D1s. :ill:
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Finally was able to put it all together tonight and came up with these:

Didn't I tell you it would only take a few weeks and you would be back on the pace. And here you are. 👍
Finally got the engine break in, this "monster" didn´t stop on gaining CV.

After that, and still far from pace, realized that i the i didn´t change the aero :dunce:

Some laps with all that it should, gave

T1: 28.019
T2: 24.049
T3: 13.819

Still room to improve, because seen better T2 and T3

But it´s all on the bus stop :crazy:
This is my first WRS event also.

Welcome to the WRS. 👍 Nice to see a fellow Michigander join the ranks. You picked a tricky combo to start off with. If it wasn't mentioned already, you can review the replays from the previous Daytona TT here This should help with the driving line, especially in the tricky turn one.

I see your in Div. 4, I too started at D4 bronze. With the help and the skills of the people here in the WRS, I'm sure you'll advance and have a great time doing it in the process.

Best of luck, and again welcome to the WRS. (just one bit of caution, this can be very addictive and consume countless hours of your life). :lol:
Here's my confession: I use the driving line. Before ya'll start yelling at me saying I would able a lot faster without it, let me explain.

I use the driving line on all tracks except one in GT5. Guess which?

I do it because I'm too lazy to pick out markers with each car and track combo.
Don't really need a pic, since Arianrhod picked both colour and my now-usual car number :scared:
My apologies :sly: I didn't think anyone else would be using raspberry red pearl - its not a problem is it? I paint most of my cars this colour with white wheels and the rest are either iris red pearl (which is basically pink) or cosmos purple. :P And 7 is my lucky number (of course) so I figured 77 would be a good bet for extra luck through the bus stop. :P

I had some free time today so decided to have another go.


I keep missing the hairpin in T1 by miles which is killing my time there. Quite good through T2 and ok T3 but flew through the bus stop and knocked half a second off my lap time. :crazy: Did another few laps and easily beat my T1 but couldn't match my T2, then my ghost disappeared off into the distance through the bus stop. I think that was my lucky run through there and no matter how well I do the rest of the lap, I can't see me beating that.

Great going CatsPyjamas and Millross - I don't think I'll be catching you guys this week. 👍
Another person gone quicker than my splits now. :rolleyes: Need to get that T1 down.

My problem is that I can get faster splits, but my bus stop on my current best lap is too good. :indiff:
My best run through the bus-stop, from last night: :grumpy:


Beware! :lol:

Also saw some 28.0's and some 24.0's for T1 and T2, so it's only a matter of time (and luck) now.

Got along with both Kevin's and Chris' tunes, using Kev's gears. 👍:cheers:
Too right. Also worth noting that the position of the car when you pause the replay is not the same as the position when you take a photo of it. Frustrating but its worth taking the extra time to make absolutely sure you're clean.... This bus-stop is a killer.
Didn't I tell you it would only take a few weeks and you would be back on the pace. And here you are. 👍

Thanks! I always liked Daytona Road and this car isn't too difficult to control once you have the tune dialed in.

With my luck, next week will involve Eiger Reverse and a Lotus! :nervous: :lol:
AHHHHHHH! *pulls out hair* :crazy:

I can't do it. I've got a tenth to come out of T1, a tenth out of T2 and half a tenth out of T3 but I just can't string it together with a decent bus-stop. :(

I think I've got the equivalent of "salt fever". I just can't rest until I get those next few tenths. :nervous:
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AHHHHHHH! *pulls out hair* :crazy:

I can't do it. I've got a tenth to come out of T1, a tenth out of T2 and half a tenth out of T3 but I just can't string it together with a decent bus-stop. :(

I think I've got the equivalent of "salt fever". I just can't rest until I get those next few tenths. :nervous:

Was in the same boat last night, saw several 27.9's at T1 and several 1'05s at T3 but blew it all away at the bus stop. Just hang in there and keep driving consistently - you'll get that magic lap and it will feel good (as long as you have some hair left)! :cheers:
AHHHHHHH! *pulls out hair* :crazy:

I can't do it. I've got a tenth to come out of T1, a tenth out of T2 and half a tenth out of T3 but I just can't string it together with a decent bus-stop. :(

I think I've got the equivalent of "salt fever". I just can't rest until I get those next few tenths. :nervous:

Welcome to WRS :dopey:

It only gets worse, and when you found those tenths you will see that other sectors can be done even faster, and on and on :crazy:

Magical laps are rare, never happened to me so you should be happy if your lap is only one or two tenth below the best sectors together.

Another advice, don't let the leadboard fool you, sometimes we try to hard to be well placed in it but forget the last sector :sly: and in the end what really matters is the final time.

Good luck, welcome to hell :gtpflag:
Thanks guys. 👍 Good to know I'm not the only one. :lol:

I'm all too aware that the last sector is important, especially here where it can make or break your lap. :scared:

But it is easy to look at my position on the board and feel a little disappointed as I know I can get up a bit further with that "perfect" lap. :ill:

Maybe this wasn't the best combo to chose to start on then, it's very tricky. :indiff: