GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 69 : Summer of '69

  • Thread starter EDK
After nearly 1200 miles, last splits for the night. I'll pick it back up tomorrow and hopefully get another couple of tenths at the line.

Nice splits Joao mate 👍


Up an impressive and awe inspiring 4 thousandths at the line. My frustration has boiled over into good old fashioned irritation with this now. I've left about 0.5 out there based on best sectors but I've had enough. Good luck all. :cheers:

After nearly 1200 miles...
Bravo! Its quite a while since I've had that kind of dedication. I hope it pays off for you. 👍
Managed to get a good session in yesterday with EDK's tune:tup:.Banging my head against a brick wall trying to string my best sectors together though, time to give up I think, and submit with this, dropping about 7th's on pb sectors though :indiff:

Found out my current best lap is borderline illegal at the bus stop. :ouch:

So I'm playing it safe and submitting my next best lap which is only 0.06 slower:

24.195 (very dodgy)

At my wits end with this now .3-4 left in the lap but I just can't string a better lap together :irked:. Going to move onto week 70. 👍
New splits


Seeing 27.9s here and there, twice under 52 seconds and one 1:07.69x but still not converting. I've driven 600 miles now, but had a laptime 3 hundredths slower than this one after 200. Getting quite close to giving up and submitting!

2 tenths and a little bit of chump change are left. Will take huge amounts of fortune to get them on a single lap. Fairly happy with the overall time though, will give it another hour or so later on and submit.
.014 better split time for a .084 better lap time. I'll take it.

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Ok, so I think I've had enough. Had several .6xx t3's but lost it immediately afterwards.

Slower splits, but gained .05 at the line. Submitted this lap.

Hit the magic lap for me! Ok, it's not quite David Copperfield, but it's at least the local magician:)


Probably not the best chicane but the splits are .073 better and the overall lap was .132 better, so I had a little improvement in the last 2 sectors.

Still, I feel like I have left at least a tenth out there, but I don't think I'll be able to get it. This track has so many places that if you're just a little off, OOPS, there goes a tenth or two!
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Tiny bit more but still two tenths down on what I could get. This'll be the submitted lap unless I find a spare hour tomorrow which is unlikely. Blew another good lap the lap before, a .750 :banghead:
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Gained 0.2s overall chasing a (almost-not) dirty ghost that's another 0.1s faster. I'll keep trying up to the deadline.
Did not have time to get back on the track, submitted with last splits. I know there's more out there for me, but no time to go find it.

See you guys on Wednesday. 👍
My splits from the other day.;)


I'm going to have one final go to see if I can beat them while still keeping it clean.:crazy:
Finally got a couple more sessions on our holiday today after 5-6 days of not having time to run it after the first session; submitting with:


No magic (or other chicanery :dopey:), but it's nice and clean, unlike some others this evening :indiff:. There's apparently .46 or so just swanning around lazily out there somewhere, but in 3 sessions, it'll have to do.
Submitted with current splits, leaving 2 tenths out there. I suspect I'll be somewhere around 2 tenths off the ultimate divisional pace, too. Nevermind!

Some pics!

Started the week with an orange #27!

Exiting the bus stop - the bane of this track.....

Switched to a white #27 towards the end of the week and switched to ABS1

Cutting the fast left in sector 2 to maintain 140mph

Sunoco doesn't get enough product placement in the Indy Racing Series, so I thought they could do with this

Great week, really enjoyed it - perfect car for the track and great setups shared. Look forward to seeing and checking a few replays, mind out for those bus stops! (*prays I don't look foolish after saying this!*)

Great shots there mate. I just swung it wide before the entrance to the kink to keep up my speed. When I tried to do it your way, it kept messing up my entrance to that troublesome double braking right hander. I never could get throught the kink full throtle though. Allways had to lift just a little going in.

Here are a few shots of my ride going into the chicane. This is as close as I came to going off track on this run. Strange that all my slower times had several places that were right on the edge, but the best one was very clean.

Going into the entrance to the chicane:


Leaving the entrance to the chicane:

Just can't get the line through turn 1 right and my lap is busted from there.

Submitting with the splits that are on the board.
Nice pics guys 👍

I started with this paint job...


And then switched to this on Tuesday:


The matte black paint absorbed photons, which made it quicker down the straights. 👍
And it's stealthy, so you can rip up the highway after the the race and not worry about radar!:lol: Looks awesome too!

And a special kudos goes out to you for sharing your setup this week. A lot of us have real trouble trying to find something that works from event to event, and guys like yourself that are willing to share really help us out. Thanks Chris.
Submitted with current splits.

Know that will go down a place or two because of two last sectors :ouch: but i´m hitting GT Academy, and on the breaks this week WRS :dopey:

Busy, busy weeks that we have :sly:

Good luck to all :cheers:
I won't get back home until after the deadline, after all, so I have to submit with the splits on the board. Good luck, everybody!