Ronalds Reviews (current: Praianos' AMG)

  • Thread starter Ronald6
United States
Portland / Or /
Welcome to my review thread.

My review Schedule and History

My settings:
Controller: DFGT
Transmission: Manual
Tyre wear: on
Grip: Real
All aids off, ABS: 1 / 0
FFB: 7
Unless noted otherwise all my reviews are done offline in practice mode.
Online testing will be done in ACR_Test-n-Tune lounge if possible.

Some reviews may be driven with other settings and I will note these at the top of the review, usually. I prefer to use ABS: 0 but most tunes are not setup for this.

Most of my reviews will be of "sporty" cars (550pp or less, with sport or comfort tyres) rather than race cars. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you want a review, but keep in mind that I will be spending 4 to 8 hours on each long form review. Be prepared to be scrutinized.

My reviews will usually come in three types:
1) short form review
2) long form review
3) shootout

Short form reviews:
A few of my reviews will be for the tuned car only, or the Stock car only.

Long form reviews:
These tunes will be tested at these tracks:
Trial Mountain (reverse)
Deep Forest
Autumn Ring
Cape Ring Full
Monza (no chicane) (for high speed cars only)

The long form reviews will have three stages:
Stage 1: Stock Car (Base Model)
Stage 2: Modded Car
Stage 3: Full Tune
For stage one I will test the car factory spec with zero miles if possible.
For stage two I will add all the parts the Full Tune has minus the "adjustable parts." I.e. Custom Tranny, custom LSD, custom suspension, and brake balance.
Stage three has all parts and adjustments the tune calls for.

I will post my fastest lap time for each track but note that this time is not usually intended to be a 'hot lap.' I test with tyre wear on and run continuously without restarting before moving on to the next track. This makes hot lapping difficult. And most of my time is spent trying to feel the car, so my aim is not for a perfect lap.

Reviews that I do for shootouts will be copied to this thread. These reviews are usually shorter and hot lap intensive.


I will rarely give tuning advice. As a driver I will describe how the car handles, feels, and my thoughts about it. I will describe how the car behaves under different and desperate conditions. It's up to the reader and tuners to understand the 'whys.'


My review style is constently evolving. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please let me know.


Please visit my other thread: the Test Drivers and Tuners Dictionary


And as a courtesy to all us phone users, if you quote someone, please snip it down to the relevant text. Thank you.


O'Sensai, Aikido and the Harmony of Nature, "The action appropriate to a function in harmony with nature occurs spontaniously."

Chesty Puller, "We arn't retreating. We're attacking in a different direction."
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Harvey Wallbanger (Desperado) / Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex '86, AKA: "Sunshine Express"
Sports Hard Tyres
Tuned for the '86 Shootout, Nur'GP/D

Trial Mountain: 1:44.394
Two words: Throttle Control. Keep these two words in mind at all times. The moment you don't... remember that dog in Up who says, "Squirrel!" It's alot like that but more, "Wall!"
This car is brother to Harveys' G4 in more than color. Both cars require constant concentration and minimal input controls when driven correctly. If you turn the wheel more than 3° chances are you could have gone quicker.
Turn in is excellent. So much lift-off over-steer you can rotate the car any amount, just remember to break early. Lift-off over-steer and trail-breaking are unavoidable, so get used to it. After a few laps you'll be able to rotate the car on demand.
Mid- and corner exit are all up to the skill of the driver. Smooth is the word. It's easy to recover from an unintended slip, but fish-tailing is a very real problem when exiting the last corner of a complex. The same attitude that inflicts fish-tailing also helps when making quick lateral movements.
If you are used to modern cars on wide modern rubber then this car will be a shock. Adjust your perspective and remember, this car is old.
All in all not easily the fastest on the track, but is possibly the sportiest car on GT5. Massive fun.

Deep Forest: 1:30.453
Not as scary as I thought this track would be. The cars soft rollypolly suspension soaks up the elevation changes easily.
Hitting the apexes is easy through the complexes but for some reason is difficult entering and maintaining attitude on simple corners.

Autumn Ring: 1:32.156
This car feels purpose built for this track. Most of the corners are simple "entrance, exit" without a continuous radius in the middle. The longer corners have enough room to catch and maintain the cars attitude. The corners are connected by such short streights that the fish-tailing tendancies are easily avoidable. The car eats the slalom like complexes greedily. It's hard to get a good hot lap in because every corner is an opportunity to drift. So simple: drift, catch, drift, catch, drift, drift, catch, driiiiiiiiiiiift, catch. Love it.

Cape Ring Periphery: 1:52.966
If you like high speed full throttle four wheel drifting then this is the car / track combo for you. The cambered chicanes are easy if you treat them with respect. The loop is simple, compared to the other tracks. The single corners are easy once you spot your break points.

Cape Ring Full: 3.07.550
My hands ache from gripping the wheel so tightly, I had to place my thumbs along the wheel so I wouldn't break it. Cape Ring Full is my favorite test track, it's a good replacement for Complex String. The front and rear tyres wear at almost the same rate. Quite an accomplishment for a FR and speaks volumes for the cars balance.

All-in-all a blast to drive. It's everything I love about the '86: excellent balance; throttle/break steering; massive range between grip and slip without snap under- or over-steer.

But it's mentally exhausting to drive for long periods of time. Thirty laps and I needed a break and some Advil.
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Jackthalad / Toyota MR2 GT-S '97

For comparison I'll take the completely stock, zero mile test car out first to get a feel for it.
Comfort Soft Tyres
Standard settings
Tyre wear: on

Lap times are not "hot laps" but instead are intended to give a reasonable idea of the times the car can produce. I usually take around 5 to 12 laps per track and most of that time is spent getting a feel for the car and its boundaries.)

Trial Mountain: 1:49.753
Yep, its a mid engine car all right. Corner entry has slight under-steer and corner exit has over-steer. Not a problem as long as you're not too aggressive with your break points.
The suspension feels squishy. Low angle drifts are easy to recover from, but lift off over-steer mid corner is a bad idea and will lead to over rotation if you're not careful.
With other vehicles I've tested lately ("Sunshine Express," ACSR421/Nissan 240ZG '72) counter-steer wasn't called for much to correct a drift, all you needed to do was throttle/break steering. This MR2 needs counter-steering. It's going to be hard to push this car to the limit, the edge is so soft. But that is what I love about this car in real life, you know just how much grip you have at all times.
Despite the squishy suspension feedback is good.
The power and tranny are good. There's enough power to go from over- to under- and back to over-steer on sweeping corners by going through the throttle range. It does come stock with a turbo. Which doesn't produce a noticeable lag. The engine red-lines at around 7200rpm. The lower gears enter around 4500 and the higher at 5500. There's alot of room in the tranny to pick which gear will give the best hp/torque at that moment.

Deep Forest: 1:35.457
As long as you break early and keep a sensitive right foot on the throttle you'll do fine.
The first corner will test your basic knowledge of how to pilot a MR through a low camber mid speed corner. It will be easy to overbalance the under- and over-steer so treat the elevation changes with caution.
Take the slaloms as straight as possible but beware the high banking curbs that will not only disturb your lateral weight but longitude weight, and there goes your lap. Watch your ghost disappear.
On the longer corners remember to angle early for a longer exit line. Your ideal line will be nowhere near the geometric line.
An excellent car/track combo to learn weight control.

Autumn Ring: 1:36.276
An excellent car/track combo to learn blip/minute lift-off over-steer. Just the tiniest lift off from the throttle is all thats needed to adjust the nose of the car in the right direction.
After the previous tracks breaking in a straight line is easy and allows me to use the throttle through the complete radius of the corner. This definitely cuts down on the snap over-steer.
Using pre-entry on the longer corners is fine if not taken too far. Try to come in too fast and no matter how much room you give yourself it won't save your hot lap.
The loop is more than wide enough to enjoy the drift tendencies of the car, but keep the tyres too hot for too long (on CS at least) and you'll over rotate before the corner is complete. Take it at the right speed, feed the throttle into the weight, time it right and you'll rocket up the hill.
The following chicane-right corner complex can be taken as one complete unit, maintaining the weight from the exiting right chicane into the right corner.
Slight trail-breaking for the first corner of the final 3-corner complex will set you up for a perfect 4 wheel drift, but don't, instead bring it up to 1% just below the drift and maintain. Don't touch the break once you finish the entry into the first corner.
It's obvious that the back tyres take the brunt of the workload of this car if you use Tyre Wear: On. It's still possible to power under-steer the front end on corner entry.

Cape Ring Full: 3.18.678
The higher speeds through these cambered chicanes/S complexes accentuates the cars attitude. In-other-words: Ahhhhhh! Wall!
Swinging from a cambered left to a cambered right is difficult when you have to use pre-entry where the camber is still angled from the first corner.
The higher speed long corners makes shifting after entry a must at some point and that has the potential to upset your car. Again: Ahhhhhhh! Wall!
The multifaceted right turning complex, which is usually my bane, is easy with consistent throttle through the complete complex.
The left turn before the loop can be taken at just a smidge under full throttle, but be wary of lift-off over-steer as you enter the loop.

Now for the 'Modded' Model.
Stock was 239hp, 433pp @ apx 68.8 miles.
Modded: 256hp, 443pp. (Will be 450pp with break-in and oil change.)
The weight @ 1270kg didn't change.
Sports Hard Tyres

Trial Mountain: 1:45.364
The under- and over-steer tendencies of the car are lessened slightly by the grippier tyres, under- more than over-. The HP difference isn't enough in itself to notice a change in the handling. The higher speeds make the squishy suspension more noticeable in the chicanes/S complexes. The car just doesn't have room/time to recover from the lateral weight shifts.
The Modded version is faster, but not easier to drive. Keep your mind on throttle control.
The added parts didn't change the tachometer or the red-line. The gears are closer together but there is still room to play with 'choose your torque.' Terminus is still at 8000rpm.

Deep Forest: 1:32.397
The extra HP isn't noticeable in the handling but the tyres more than make up for the difference.
Only the anti-cambered corners offer any real difficulty.

Autumn Ring: 1:31.651
Breaking distance is noticeably shorter on the downhill U-turn. Over-steer is still a problem on the single corners, taking them all out is still difficult.
Control in the loop is noticeably improved, the car will handle much more under-steer on entry and transition into over-steer reasonably well. The extra speed exiting the loop on the uphill is more than noticeable and will lead to entering the next complex too fast if you're not ready for it, which is even easier to take as a single maneuver if you can keep the speed. Actually it's almost impossible not to take as a single arc.
No noticeable difference in the chicane/S complex at the beginning of the track.

Cape Ring Full: 3:12.117
Now the cambered chicanes/S-complexes are easy, or at least easy-er.
The multi-faceted complex is again my bane. The car is expressing under-steer through it instead of over-steer like the un-modded version. It might be that I'm not breaking at the right time. I need to adjust my break distances more carefully, lol. I'm consistently driving out into the grass toward the end of the complex.
(Yep, it's just me breaking too late.)
The loop is easier and more forgiving, just be wary of the extra speed you'll carry over the hill, but lift off over-steer isn't as much a problem as it was.

Full Tuners Model
It went from Black to British Racing Green w/ Boston Green wheels
(Lol, BRG and Boston on the same car.)
Stock was 239hp, 433pp @ apx 68.8 miles.
Full Tune: 272hp, 450pp @ 143.0 miles (w/ break-in and oil change, power limiter @ 99.2, I'll add limiter to keep it at 450pp between tracks.)
The weight @ 1270kg didn't change.
Sports Hard Tyres

And here we go...

Trial Mountain: 1:43.221
Gone is the majority of the cars squishiness. This helps every area of performance. Most importantly corner exit doesn't have the sway-back feeling. Before as I exited a corner deep into the outside suspension when I uncoiled and throttled the lateral weight shift would rock to the outside before settling to neutral. While this didn't inspire fishtailing (and was helpful on some chicanes, bit made cambered high speed chicanes difficult) it made corner exit difficult to keep at maximum potential throttle. That's almost completely gone.
Lift-off over-steer is much tamer. Unfortunately that means less vehicle manipulation, but on the bright side there is slightly less chance of over rotation. But the over rotation is still there. I'm not sure I would want it completely neutered.
Mid- and corner exit are harder to throttle control. I'm not sure if it's the extra HP or how its delivered. I'm not able to go full throttle on corners I could before with both previous models. Combined with the fact that the car is much more stable on its suspension this allows for much higher speeds than either attribute alone would allow. And the time difference between models proves this.

Deep Forest: 1:30.006
The steering wheel is lighter. That's noticeable on this track. I'm not killing my hands gripping too tightly so the FFB doesn't snap my wrists. The feedback because of this is improved for mid- and corner exit. I usually don't hulk out till I feel the wheel hulking back.
The first corner is vastly easier, breaking and turn are much more precise. It's also much easier to keep the same driving line lap after lap, even with the extra throttle control that's needed.
Because the car isn't as squishy with its suspension and input controls, instead of controlling the cars attitude with the break and throttle you are using the break only to slow the car and the throttle only as much as your steering inputs will allow. So you will use the wheel for steering more and the throttle only to keep max speed.
Not only has Jack tamed the cars attitude he has tuned a car that requires a completely different driving style.
The cambered with elevation changes S complex is vastly easier to navigate. The cars sway (which is still present, just reduced) keeps up well and works with the camber much better instead of feeling behind.

Autumn Ring: 1.30.709
It's hard to peel myself away to type. It's so easy to lay down repetitive laps. The stability and throttle control paired with the increased feedback make this track fly by, lap after lap.
Every corner is better.
Specificly the U- turn with the drop before and after, which was my nemesis on the Base Model, is now my favorite corner from the ones I've tested. Just a smidge of trail-breaking and it's easy (or at least easier) to catch and power through. Joy.
The multi-chicane/S-complex is still stressful. So many lateral weight shifts that are just a hair higher in frequency than the cars suspension.

Cape Ring Full: 3:04.471
The multi-faceted right turning complex, which was my bane with the Modded Model, is now easy and fun, the reference points are easy to spot.
It's much easier to maintain and adjust the cars attitude in the hairpins. My exit speeds are much faster.
The entrance and line through the loop is much easier to maintain.
The first downhill S-complex (one of my favorite in the game) is in near perfect harmony with this car. The frequencies are well matched.
The rear tyres still obviously take the brunt of the workload but the disparity isn't so much to disturb the cars balance unduly.

Jack tamed an unruly sports car and made it competitive. He didn't remove the cars attitude completely, he just ironed out it's week spots. He went from a car you had to try and keep up with and predict, to a car you led around the track.
The car has more than enough HP to burn the tyres on just about every low or mid speed corner, and throttle control is a must.
Well done.

Ending Mileage: 216.6
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Ooooo, fun! :dopey: I'll definitely keep an eye on this thread. You should have plenty of fodder to start off with all shootouts lately. :lol:

Good luck! :sly:
Thanks DB and Cap Shadow.
I plan on pulling some of my previous reviews here. But it will take time to organize it on my phone.

I will include Shootout reviews but mainly I would like to spend about 4 to 8 hours per car and the Shootouts don't allow for that time. And I would like to go into more depth than one or two tracks can provide.

If anyone has a car they would like reviewed send me a PM.
... but mainly I would like to spend about 4 to 8 hours per car ...

That is some dedication there, my friend! :eek:

I might have one to send your way for an opinion, though maybe not until we get all these events settled down. :scared:
...though maybe not until we get all these events settled down. :scared:

I've learned my lesson on taking on too much at one time. From now on one Shootout at a time with time off between for 'personal projects.'

Unfortunately I think my hopes of starting the WDSC (weekly driving skills competition) back up are falling to the wayside.

Four to eight hours per car might seem like a lot but when you take into consideration that it usually takes me an average of four hours just to borrow a car, its not bad. Most of my testing is done offline. And since I plan on testing the base model, modded model then the adjusted model in order I don't need to borrow the car, usually.
Also, if a Tuner is going to take the time to post a good tune then I believe it is worth my time to give a thorough review.

My own tunes (which usually 'are of lower quality') take a minimum of eight hours to fine tune. And after I'm done a five minute search will usually turn up something sportier or faster. I'm definitely a Driver, not a Tuner. Completely different perspective.

Now if I just knew how to hyperlink from my Android...

@DB: just send me a PM with a link to the car, or just the specs themselves. I'll put you on rotation.

So far I have:
Jackthalad: MR2
Gamerdog6482: "Redbull"
DigitalBaka: mystery entry
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Id like to submit my tuning garage gtr and zr1. Not really race tuned but "OMG" tuned.

Would I need to 'buy' the tune to test it?

And there is little motivation for me to test a tune that others didn't have access to.
If you ever want to try one of the tunes from Clueless, just ask and I'll put it on share.

Great thread by the way. Good reading :cheers:
Thanks to everyone for the positive encouragement.

I will eventually, anything you have in mind?

I'm color coding my tunes to make sorting them easier. Any particular color you would like to be associated with? Perhaps British Racing Green. There's always been a spot in my heart for that color (behind red, white and blue of course).

ACSR421 = Golden Metallic
Trackripper = ??? (Silver?)
USArmyCombatVet = Blue Sapphire
MotorCtyHami = Guardsman Blue
RobRabbitMan = Black (Asphalt)
Praiano = ???
Harvey= Solar Yellow
Jackthalad = ???
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I scanned your garage list and a couple of cars stood out:
Autobacs Garaiya (sp?)
Subaru 22B-STI

The problem is they all use RS tyres.
Do you have a sub-600pp tune for sports tyres?

The Garaiya is alot like the MR2. I'd love to compare them.

I always loved "the bird" but yours have weight reduction 3 and engine upgrade 3. Hasn't the car got enough danglies for you?

Hard to go wrong with a Subie. But again: RS tyres?
We have alot of sub 600pp on SS or less, but if you are looking for a certain car, and you being from Oregon, try the Mustang "Duck" 1 :dopey:
Missed that "1." Looks perfect. I tried to tune it myself a few months ago but I just made it worse.

Go Ducks!
Or Beavers, I'm not picky, so long as it's Oregon.

You're on the list.

I should probably put a time out on accepting new tunes to review. Sorry to y'all tuners, but I need to keep the workload manageable. As soon as I'm done with the current review I can add a new one to the schedule.

Im 2/3 done with my review of Jackthalads' MR2. I've finished the Base Model and Modded Model, the Adjusted Model is next.
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Thanks to everyone for the positive encouragement.

I will eventually, anything you have in mind?

I'm color coding my tunes to make sorting them easier. Any particular color you would like to be associated with? Perhaps British Racing Green. There's always been a spot in my heart for that color (behind red, white and blue of course).

ACSR421 = Golden Metallic
Trackripper = ??? (Silver?)
USArmyCombatVet = Blue Sapphire
MotorCtyHami = Guardsman Blue
RobRabbitMan = Black (Asphalt)
Praiano = ???
Harvey= Solar Yellow
Jackthalad = ???

Any shade of obnoxiously bright green for me - like my avitar photo. My favorite in-game color is Honda Lime Green Metallic.
Thanks to everyone for the positive encouragement.

I will eventually, anything you have in mind?

I'm color coding my tunes to make sorting them easier. Any particular color you would like to be associated with? Perhaps British Racing Green. There's always been a spot in my heart for that color (behind red, white and blue of course).

ACSR421 = Golden Metallic
Trackripper = ??? (Silver?)
USArmyCombatVet = Blue Sapphire
MotorCtyHami = Guardsman Blue
RobRabbitMan = Black (Asphalt)
Praiano = ???
Harvey= Solar Yellow
Jackthalad = ???

Matte Light Green for me...
I've no idea. :P
Not silver though, that's really drab, maybe red or blue.

Hey, it's better than beige. Or brown. :lol: Just use the colour on favourite among the cars you've tuned. :P

And (though it won't be very relevant), dibs on Purple.
Oi, all purples are mine! :dopey:

And Ronald…you have to be the most hard working person still driving here…6 tracks, was it? :eek: That's being thorough with your work…
Review schedule
Jackthalad: MR2 (current)
Gamerdog6482: "Redbull"
DigitalBaka: mystery entry
Trackripper: RUF/Porsche Boxter S
Krenkme: Ford "Duck" 1

Just want to point out, for the Red Bull I used RS tires, that's not mentioned in the tune.
Would I need to 'buy' the tune to test it?

And there is little motivation for me to test a tune that others didn't have access to.

"I will send the zr1 but not the gtr because it cant be sent so ill share it.
Oi, all purples are mine! :dopey:

And Ronald…you have to be the most hard working person still driving here…6 tracks, was it? :eek: That's being thorough with your work…

No problem Onboy thats fine i will look for another one .we got the same colour :dopey:
I'm color coding my tunes to make sorting them easier. Any particular color you would like to be associated with? Perhaps British Racing Green. There's always been a spot in my heart for that color (behind red, white and blue of course).
I'm happy with that 👍