So, I haven't fixed ninjajimmy's adapter yet, like me he has a job.

However, I will put up some details here that may help others going forward:
Little green blinking lights
Some of you may have noticed that the hole around the shifter USB port on the adapter is a little larger than necessary. Almost like an accident I suppose... However, if you take a look at the holes for the other connections, they are nice and tight... Well, the end where the shifter plugs in was made larger for a good reason!

Inside there are some little lights that give an indication of what is going on with the adapter. I will spare you the details of why they are not on the outside, but cost and annoyance to the customer are the main reasons.
If the light is blinking, that means the microcontroller inside is trying to communicate with the shifter. If it is lit solid, that means something is "stuck."
I have not given out this info because really, it's not that helpful to the customer for the most part. However, if you look in there and it's not blinking, see the "It's not working!" section below.
So, that's the short story on the green blinking inside the magic box.
First off, as long an Xbox is plugged in, it's providing power to it's USB ports. This is probably so that you can turn on the box with the controller. The PS3 may do the same, I'd have to check. Just keep that in mind when you are thinking you may have turned off the adapter to reset it. Turning the console off won't reset the adapter.
I'm going to be a little technical here, just warning you...
Inside the adapter are two chips that provide the necessary outputs to simulate the Fanatec shifter. For these to work properly, they need to know what the voltage coming from the wheel is. It also does this so it doesn't output a voltage to the wheel that is too high for it to handle on it's shifter port. Because the chips inside the adapter work so efficiently, sometimes residual power from the wheel will keep the adapter running, sort of. As an example: (do not do this...)
You have your wheel on, adapter plugged into it and it's working great.
You unplug the power from the adapter for some reason, but leave the wheel on.
Then you plug the power back into the adapter.
It stops working...
This happens because the wheel provided JUST enough power to prevent the adapter from actually powering down and resetting properly, but not enough to actually make it run. When power is returned to the adapter, it gets stuck. Technically speaking, the shifter itself isn't recognized at this point. So you may see blinking inside the adapter, but it's not actually talking.
Which leads us to...
"It's not working!"
Here's the short answer to your problems... Follow the instructions that came with your SFA1, start from scratch with it completely unplugged from everything. Unless your dog ate it, you ran over it with a car, squirted pop inside it, or basically physically broke it... it'll work.
Here's some steps if you don't feel like digging those out:
1. Turn off the wheel
2. Unplug the SFA1 from the wheel
3. Unplug the power cable from the SFA1
4. Plug the power cable back into the SFA1
5. Plug the SFA1 back into the wheel
6. Turn on the wheel
7. Calibrate the shifter on the wheel
8. Turn off the wheel
9. Turn on the wheel
10. Test
The first thing to try though, is just hit the reset button on the SFA1. Doing that will often get it working again. Not always, but often. That's what it's there for. Just press it lightly until you hear/feel a click, then release.
Last thing... TH8RS
If you are using the TH8RS, which you probably are... and none of the above worked... Attached the shifter to your computer and check to make sure it actually still has it's firmware. I don't know the details of this but I had one user that was not able to get things working. He finally plugged the shifter into his PC and it told him that it needed to reflash the firmware on the shifter. He did that and all was well again. This is probably rare and shouldn't be the first thing you check. However, I thought I would mention it.
I will be putting all this and more up on my site in the near future.