1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
You got something for that RX-7, Jason? You know which one I'm talking about :sly:
No actually I don't.
Seems as though this vendor just hoarded them when they came out... Just so he could sell them on. As most do... He did label the boxes, but I...didn't take notice. I'll pick it up for you if I can find him at the same flea market with the box of that series. Maybe I'll dig deeper and try to find the Supra. >_>

I was just going to do a wheel swap/detail on the red one so if it's super expensive just pass it up. Any other colors I'll take.
^ '83 MBX RX-7.

Here is this week's Drama Dialogue starring Andy.

Conversation with seller
Me: Are you willing to ship items loose if they're carded?

Also, are you willing to ship in padded envelopes?

How much would you charge to ship 3 loose cars to Canada? More specifically, to this postal code: ______?

Seller: Hi I will ship them anyway you want them ship but i can't be ressponsible for any damaged

Me: Okay, that's great! I assume you'll have them individually wrapped in tissue at the very least.

Could you provide me a response for the last question (when you have the time) which was a shipping quote (3 loose cars) to this Canadian postal code ______?

Seller: Yes we will have them wrapped individually thanks


Me: Again - like I asked before, could you provide me a shipping quote (3 loose cars) to this Canadian postal code ______?

If they give me the exact same response again....
Here's the Karmann Ghia at about 85%. I still need to shorten the axles so the wheels fit better and paint the underside.



Awsome bro! love it. You also added a rollcage? sweet.
Got an eBay delivery today, a while ago I wanted to grab a basic 60th Anniversary Routemaster and over here seller's are asking about $12+ and delivery from other countries would have been a bit more expensive. So after waiting a bit I picked this lot up for $17.60 which I thought was a good deal:D

Nice haul! Never saw the chase bus around here. Bought the only regular routemaster bus I ever saw haha.
If I ever find another Routemaster, I'm just going to make a phony Chase version of it.


Anyway, here's some cool carded stuff from June:




The Mercury Cougar's up for trades btw.
I just forgot to bid on an awesome lot that had a few redlines, Yatmings, and 80s era blackwall cars I didn't have. I 🤬 hate when this happens.
Why does that Sam Posey Challenger look like it has blue roof? Regardless, nice cars. 👍
I just forgot to bid on an awesome lot that had a few redlines, Yatmings, and 80s era blackwall cars I didn't have. I 🤬 hate when this happens.
Haven't done that in awhile, but I know what you mean. :lol:
Awsome bro! love it. You also added a rollcage? sweet.
Detail's sick. 👍
Jesus Christ.

I first read this.

It's a chase version.

I go flying to google.

Like, close to a minute later, I read this.

Nah it's actually is just a reflection of my monitor.


You got me good, 🤬 :lol:👍
The vintage lot is tempting indeed, there are a couple hard to find carsies there in good shape.

Aaaand I fell for it. The nail in the coffin is that I thiiiink, just think, looking at the pictures, that the Airport Rescue miiiight be a made in Mexico car. I'll confirm when I have it in my hands, but in the meanwhile, this might just be a very strange jackpot :crazy:

EDIT: Aw sorry for the twin post :/
I thought that was Supra/Celica XX in there, I think it was Dodge Daytona?

What didn't help was there was a photo of the actual car(real Sam Posey car), and the roof looked blue-ish due to the way sun light was reflecting off it. I did a double take on that one. :crazy:

I'm trying to work out why there are no bids on this. I count 21 cars that I gave more than $3 here. Just the 3 pack Camaro, bronco real rider, motorhome, thunder roller and semi fast should bring the bid. Not to mention the pontaic, green Z car and two other real riders... + 30 others. I wish the super scraper want missing the plow. I only "need" the white super van, black California Cruisen and Vetty Funny.
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FWD Mopars are really not what you should be talking about around me, I can go on and on. :lol:

I love the sticker on the bottom of the speedo on the Omnis!
They're in the 20's on eBay. A local guy has one at the meet, I'm sure others will start getting them too. Didn't bother to ask him how much though. If he says $15 I might just do it. Maybe.

Kind of want the Tundra too.
They're in the 20's on eBay. A local guy has one at the meet, I'm sure others will start getting them too. Didn't bother to ask him how much though. If he says $15 I might just do it. Maybe.

Kind of want the Tundra too.
One's I've seen were in mid to high $20's, and after shipping, they were reaching $30 territory. Tundra was high, too. I wanted Tundra even more so, but they were going for mid $20's, and I think that's around when I opted for those Tomica Vintage trucks. Same money, but totally outclasses them.

If you can find the Camaro for $15, I think it would be a steal. 👍