NEW TOP 5 Rank Leader Board! Post your times! 2.15!

the r35 in real life moves with power to all 4s but sends most power to the rear to get more topend at a faster rate.
ROTFLMAO at this thread
People hate on the retro launch but they can't even do it.
Shells N Cheese, you've been asked many times to explain what a retro launch is, yet I haven't seen an answer from you yet.
ROTFLMAO at this thread
People hate on the retro launch but they can't even do it.
Shells N Cheese, you've been asked many times to explain what a retro launch is, yet I haven't seen an answer from you yet.

I've explained it several times, I'm through arguing over it, it's just not worth wasting my time over anymore, have a great day dumba*****
I did a timed launch with my BE a while back I think I did 8.912. i'm faster at full rev now than then but I have not checked a timed launch time. i'm still working out some theories I gathered as I try to get better at setting cars for drag on this game. I have no interest in posting any of my times on a leaderboard for at times I see times are done with timed launches and some at full revs.
Don't even get Danny involved. Why you think he didn't post anything in the last 2 hours?

Agreed, this is finally over, no need to keep talking about it and making it worse, it's settled, I'm retired and you guys can do whatever the h*** you want to.
What's the HP Danny?

Camaro SS is 705hp! I was missing 2hp for some reason but since c-losk sent me the RM version last night I was able to find out:tup: I was running 9.811 and I quit this car but thanks to c-losk I was able to brake it in for max hp 705! ran with the same tune 9.808. Than I made a few adjustments and ran 9.806!

Don't even get Danny involved. Why you think he didn't post anything in the last 2 hours?

Well, he's just watching the thread. But he's the one who made this leaderboard and thread. He makes the rules and we are arguing about the rules right now. :dunce: Maybe he can say something about it.

Agreed, this is finally over, no need to keep talking about it and making it worse, it's settled, I'm retired and you guys can do whatever the h*** you want to.

You've said this like five times.
Well, he's just watching the thread. But he's the one who made this leaderboard and thread. He makes the rules and we are arguing about the rules right now. :dunce: Maybe he can say something about it.

You've said this like five times.

Well, he's just watching the thread. But he's the one who made this leaderboard and thread. He makes the rules and we are arguing about the rules right now. :dunce: Maybe he can say something about it.

You've said this like five times.

Well maybe it's time you listened, don't you think?
Problem solved. Thank you danny. :cheers:

:rolleyes: Do you enjoy the sight of tailights and smoke? hahahah

You sure do talk a lot of S***, run your car not your mouth, thank you and have a nice day. By the way kingking, this was solved a long time ago, I knew from the beginning that he would allow it. From what I hear, one guy tried to post a retro time when this leaderboard was first made and Danny said no to him, hmmm wonder why he said no then but says yes now. I don't really care so yeah, end of discussion, sorry for bringing it up again, but hey everyone else was.
I need help using the editing tool for when I use it my before post completely changes. want to see a continuation of my post

i'll see how it works. guys I don't see the need for these argument. solve arguments on the track and let that do the talking. not a leaderboard that doesn't say much
Last edited:
I need help using the editing tool for when I use it my before post completely changes. want to see a continuation of my post

Are you on a phone or computer?
Shells you say that you're "retired" and leaving this board...then why do you keep replying to everything?

I'm trying not to but people keep talking S*** about me, so naturally I try and defend myself, if people would shut up this would end, but every time I get a notification and come back to read it, it's about me, so seriously guys leave me alone and we can both move on with our lives. Spikey, you can even look, I left for quite some time and when I come back there is another 2 pages talking about me, I'm not the only one at fault here and everyone reading this can see that.
Shells, you say that you're "retired" and leaving this board...then why do you keep replying to everything?


Nice. This one's mine.


0.001 faster 0-100. :D

I'm trying not to but people keep talking S*** about me, so naturally I try and defend myself, if people would shut up this would end, but every time I get a notification and come back to read it, it's about me, so seriously guys leave me alone and we can both move on with our lives. Spikey, you can even look, I left for quite some time and when I come back there is another 2 pages talking about me, I'm not the only one at fault here and everyone reading this can see that.

You've said that you won't care if we talk "behind your back" because you believe your opinions and we believe in our opinions.
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