hgrf93's gallery: ***XKR*** UPDATE! (17/11/13)

  • Thread starter hgrf93
Very nice! Favorites are the third and the last one :)
Thank you Mazda :cheers:. I'm glad you liked them :).

That orange Viper deserves a sequel. 👍
I will consider making a sequel with it ;). Your comments are always greatly appreciated :cheers:

Nice set :)
The first shot is beautiful with a great composition and a nice toning. I also like very much the second one.
I really appreciate the kind words, Jérémy :cheers:. The first one was my favourite from the batch as well ;). Thanks for stopping by 👍

Héctor congratulations, just beautiful pictures, the set of California, was one more beautiful than the other .
Thanks, Jecklland :cheers:. I'm glad you liked them.

Viper looks very nice, especially the third one 👍
Thanks a lot, Qnrad :cheers:.

And now, a preview of the next set:

Can you guess 💡 the car??? :P
Mmm... That looks cool! :drool: I'm guessing that's a Lotus Esprit... :sly:
Thanks GTracer :cheers:

I'm not sure of the car, but i'm sure that's a great close shot with a beautiful bokeh :)
Thanks, Jérémy :cheers:. I'm glad you found it to be a good pic :embarrassed:.

Honda Civic Type R '08?

Great preview BTW. 👍
Thank you, SVX :cheers:.

No one has guessed the car yet so I'll leave it as a mistery until the full set ;).
The first 3 shots of the Viper set are nice. Good varierty of styles too.

This Super Leggera is pretty sweet too. The colour of looks awesome and the dark rims work well on it. I like the wing shot and also the warmth and clarity of shot #9. But my fav is the last shot, nice composition and great toning and depth. It really makes the car look rich and realistic. 👍
Yes, this is a nice set Héctor, the small panorama is my fav, efficiently edited for sure, lighing and toning are managed the bright way. Others are nice too, showing a nice us of light, bravo :tup
Very nice work on toning in this set Héctor, I especially love the RebBull Hangar shots, they look quite realistic with a beautiful light. But my absolut fav' is the last one : great one ! I can't wait for the second part :)
Wonderful set.. I love the color
Thanks a lot ziggy :cheers:!

The first 3 shots of the Viper set are nice. Good varierty of styles too.

This Super Leggera is pretty sweet too. The colour of looks awesome and the dark rims work well on it. I like the wing shot and also the warmth and clarity of shot #9. But my fav is the last shot, nice composition and great toning and depth. It really makes the car look rich and realistic. 👍
Thanks a lot for the comment, GPR :cheers:! I'm glad you liked it and really appreciate the feedback 👍.

Yes, this is a nice set Héctor, the small panorama is my fav, efficiently edited for sure, lighing and toning are managed the bright way. Others are nice too, showing a nice us of light, bravo :tup
Thanks a lot, Hervé :cheers:. I'm specially glad you liked the pano since you are the master of panos ;)

Nice set mate ! :drool: I love this color :drool: 👍👍👍
Thank you so much, Masta :cheers:.

Very nice work on toning in this set Héctor, I especially love the RebBull Hangar shots, they look quite realistic with a beautiful light. But my absolut fav' is the last one : great one ! I can't wait for the second part :)
Thanks a bunch, Jérémy :cheers:. I'm glad you liked the set. The next one is ready to upload, I'll post it later :).
This second part is as great as the first one 👍
The first three shots are my fav', I love the tonning of the first shot, the autumn feeling of the second one and the bokeh of the third. But the other spa shots are also great with a realistic rendering.
And your last three shots are excellent, I really love the mood of the first SL shot and the DTM shot has a very good composition.
Great work Héctor :cheers:
Yummy is the word. Very nice second part, the panorama is (again) my fav, the sun at dawn and its red colour looks great, smartly edited the way I like. The autumnal Spa is also excellent, the orange leafs are wisely edited. Number six and seven are reaching the realistic world. Others are nice. The DTM reminds me the great old days. The Mercedes pics are beautifully edited, wow, truely loving the mountains rendering. Bravo Héctor 👍
Great theme you have with your 380RS set with the decrease of world color and leaving the attention to the car.
Part 2 of the 380RS is quite nice as was the first. Soem interesting editing choices in there. I like the selective colour of the first one and out of the bunch I like shots 4 & 6 best. 👍

The DTM shot is interesting also, again I quite like the selective colouring. And the last SL shot is quite good too. 👍
This second part is as great as the first one 👍
The first three shots are my fav', I love the tonning of the first shot, the autumn feeling of the second one and the bokeh of the third. But the other spa shots are also great with a realistic rendering.
And your last three shots are excellent, I really love the mood of the first SL shot and the DTM shot has a very good composition.
Great work Héctor :cheers:
Thanks a lot, Jérémy :cheers:. I'm glad you liked it :)👍.

Yummy is the word. Very nice second part, the panorama is (again) my fav, the sun at dawn and its red colour looks great, smartly edited the way I like. The autumnal Spa is also excellent, the orange leafs are wisely edited. Number six and seven are reaching the realistic world. Others are nice. The DTM reminds me the great old days. The Mercedes pics are beautifully edited, wow, truely loving the mountains rendering. Bravo Héctor 👍
Thank you so much Hervé. I'm glad you liked it :cheers:.

I like the last shot.
Thanks, Jamie :cheers:.

Great theme you have with your 380RS set with the decrease of world color and leaving the attention to the car.
Thanks, Eric :cheers:. I wasn't sure if the decrease of world colour was a good idea or not, it was just an experiment but it ended up looking ok :lol:.

Part 2 of the 380RS is quite nice as was the first. Soem interesting editing choices in there. I like the selective colour of the first one and out of the bunch I like shots 4 & 6 best. 👍

The DTM shot is interesting also, again I quite like the selective colouring. And the last SL shot is quite good too. 👍
Thanks for the comment, GPR :cheers:.