GT5 free demo size

Hey guys, does anyone know what size the GT5 free downloadable demo is? Im having a problem with my internet connection at home, so i would probably download it at work. I just don't want to finish the bandwith.

Also, i read that cars on this demo were being unlocked as the Tokyo motorshow progress'. Seeing as the show ends on the 17 Nov, is it safe to assume that when i download between the 17th to the 30th, i'd get the full game?
yea i dl'ed it yesterday actually and at first things were locked but then a message of some kind came up and it reconnected to the internet and then the cars were unlocked. same unveiling.

i think the file size was 760mb or so.
So wait, is this the gt5 prologue demo that you're talking about? I thought they took it off the PSN after the 11th of Nov. and I was crushed because I haven't had an internet connection until just a few days ago and I couldn't find it on the Japanese or US PSN. Is it still available or are you talking about GTHD? And if its still available, how can I get it?
gthd is still availabe as far as i know. gt5: p demo is in JP store till nov 30th.

can anyone confirm that the GT5 P demo is still downloadable?
i bought my PS3 this week and if it's still available i will make an extra Japanese account.

i thought that the demo was available 'till november 11th?
I can't read Japanese but I'm pretty sure it's still available. Just checked it.
On the demo itself, there's a news saying something about the demo and referring to the date of Nov 30th.

Also, the extended availability has already been mentioned by several members, but don't know of any official source for this.
can anyone confirm that the GT5 P demo is still downloadable?
i bought my PS3 this week and if it's still available i will make an extra Japanese account.

i thought that the demo was available 'till november 11th?

Well, I'm getting my PS3 in early 2008, & i might make a Japanese profile aswell as a NA profile.
I just checked yesterday on the japanese PS store, and it was still available for download. 👍
how do you find the gt5 prologue on the Japanese psn store?

Created a new Japanese account but couldn't find it

Any help or a guide is very helpful, hope to get it before its gone

downloading it as i type this.

i had trouble finding it but just look on the first page of "new" items and you'll see the nose of the new Skyline. 👍