Hello guys. I've recently been made aware that sphinx is trying to get me blacklisted and has a video proving that i was driving like a c-unit on suzuka. Obviously i'm not going to deny what i did, i just want to let you know that Sphinx deserved everything her got and that i do not behave like that for fun. I don't like ruining people's games but if they make an attempt to ruin mine then i am willing to give up a podium finish to ensure they end up in the sand. I'm an official playstation community member and i enjoy clean races when on the rare occasions that i have the opportunity to. Plenty of people have added my PSN after epic, clean, neck and neck races and i'm happy about that. I know that a blacklist will have no effect on my gaming whatsoever, i just want to point out that sphinx deserved everything he got. He took me out many times before and during the heavily edited races he's posted so please just don't be so quick to point the finger in future. I'm racing 600pp suzuka mostly. Come and have a race with me.
Moderator Note:
Post approved by Sphinx
I've moved this out of the Online - Unplayable until format changes thread because it didn't belong there.
Moderator Note:
Post approved by Sphinx
I've moved this out of the Online - Unplayable until format changes thread because it didn't belong there.