Do you feel GTP is becoming over moderated?

  • Thread starter Azuremen

Do you feel there is now over moderation?

  • Yes

    Votes: 31 20.8%
  • No

    Votes: 118 79.2%

  • Total voters


United States
Simple question, anonymous poll.

Premium Area results

11 - yes
58 - no

And keep it civil people, I don't want to have this get locked up.
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Nope. In fact it's been a little more laid back the past months. Of course there's slight "overmoderation" (I think) from a couple of guys here and there. But it's been A LOT worse... specially like 2 years ago.

If you pay attention to GTP's history, there's been "controversial" calls by the staff that have raised some concern by the regulars... but everyone gets over it and life goes back to normal.

Although... I have to admit that Duke sometimes seems like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. But everyone has stressful days I guess :P
who can forget that thread i made a few years back about the mods..

I think since those days its gotten better. always room for improvement but usually im pretty happy with it.
I haven't run into any problems, but I try not to push the boundaries too much or venture into the areas of the forum where the mods are always cracking down on stuff.
It's easier to keep the reins tight than it is to correct a runaway problem later.
No. They behave pretty fairly IMO, but with enough presence compared to the under-moderation of other forums I'm on.

The topic sounds like a bit of a loaded question though. Would it be asked if the OP himself didn't think the forums were over moderated?...
The topic sounds like a bit of a loaded question though. Would it be asked if the OP himself didn't think the forums were over moderated?...

Another telltale sign is his two other new threads. Not a big deal. Actually, I was surprised the facepalm thread was closed, considering there was a nearly identical thread started by Philly a while back.
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As far as I am concerned the moderators do a fantastic job of keeping this forum steady. They keep the idiots out and keep it all running smoothly.

As a further note you only have to see the amount some of the moderators put in to see how hard a job they have. One moderator above all I hold in high regard, and that is Sphinx, he put a huge amount of work into race events, and is always reliable to answer ant questions. You only have to llok at the success of the IFTC Championship to see this.
There is no doubt in my mind that for the most part, the mods are doing a fantastic job. Nevertheless, and I suppose I'll be the first one to say it here, I do feel as though the mods are cracking down on things far more frequently than ever before (or, perhaps, I'm noticing it that much more). Sure, its both good and bad, but I'll remain cautiously impartial for now.
I personally don't feel that the forum is over moderated at all, myself.


I think overall they are doing a good job, but a lot of stuff ends up being kind of like, well, the US of A nowadays, where you can't do anything funny because someone, somewhere might be offended.

EDIT: Although I think making the poll public would have made this a little more useful.
I can see why some would think the site is over moderated. After all a lot of things that are acceptable in other forums and in certain segments of society would simply not fly here, but we have to remember that this is a family site and although a lot of us are more mature, a lot of young kids also visit this site. Jordan understands his responsibility in having a game based website/forum which caters to all steps of life in a way that will not leave him open to criticism or in a worst case scenario even legal action.
I think we're all just growing up and realizing there are more younger members that need their ears and eyes protected. I'm not criticizing it, because I was young on here at one point, but I think the term "a family environment" to be quite novel. I just imagine momma bear and poppa bear and the little cubs sit down after dinner and check their subscribed threads. I tend to mostly behave myself here as if it were a big school, whereas it is easy to treat is like a big bar or lounge. I think that's more or less how the mods run the place too. I'm on other boards where the average age is much much higher than here and they have identical politics and bickering and issues. It's more of how an open tolerant internet community works, and not these specific mods and EULA.

Just random pondering - I just joined a message board the other day where they had a sort of skill-testing question to register: Who was Charles Eames' wife? Not an impossible question, but if you're not in the know, you wouldn't get it. A quick Google has the answer for the prying youngster, but I guess that takes care of the use-the-search problem that many newbies have on these sort of messaging boards.
I think more if you are knowledgeable in the subject and therefore a positive contributor to the forum that it was for (it was a design bb), you wouldn't need Google.
Ok, I've just seen a few registration questions that are there to trip up bots ie "What planet are you from?" Or "Are you a spambot?"
No, I feel it could be even more moderated, especially as huge numbers of people are joining in the lead up to GT5's release.
