Top Gear: The Game. No there isn't one, but there should be!

  • Thread starter dylansan


United States
I've thought about this before, the hosts of Top Gear have so much fun on the show, with various challenges, races, etc. Many of the things they do, I would also love to do. If they made a reasonably large game with lots of fun budget challenges, country crossing races, large scale car related games (foxhunt, soccer, etc.) and other things that perhaps aren't completely feasible on the show, it would be one of my favorite games. What do you guys think? Am I insane or is this a good idea? Perhaps both?
Well it would definitely never happen if nobody thought of it. Putting it on the internet adds .00000000001% chance that it could happen. Even so, I'm a dreamer by nature. I imagine these things, which is why I made this thread to see what other ideas people have about features that an improbable game may possibly have.
It's a interesting job IRL but I don't think a game like that will be a succes. Only a few people would like a race game with that kind off game play. I wouldn't!

Besides, we already going to have the topgear track in GT5 ... .
I've thought about this before, the hosts of Top Gear have so much fun on the show, with various challenges, races, etc. Many of the things they do, I would also love to do. If they made a reasonably large game with lots of fun budget challenges, country crossing races, large scale car related games (foxhunt, soccer, etc.) and other things that perhaps aren't completely feasible on the show, it would be one of my favorite games. What do you guys think? Am I insane or is this a good idea? Perhaps both?

Knowing that the Top Gear test track is going in GT5, and with DLC a certainty, i don't see why PD couldn't take a leaf out of Top Gears 'not deadly serious' book and create some fun Missions, perhaps a new one each month? A setting like the gymkhana one in GT4 would be ideal for a online Toyota Aygo football match. The long, wide straight of Dunsford itself could be utilized for some 'how many buses/caravans can you jump in a xxxxxxx' type missions/challenges etc etc.
Knowing that the Top Gear test track is going in GT5, and with DLC a certainty, i don't see why PD couldn't take a leaf out of Top Gears 'not deadly serious' book and create some fun Missions, perhaps a new one each month? A setting like the gymkhana one in GT4 would be ideal for a online Toyota Aygo football match. The long, wide straight of Dunsford itself could be utilized for some 'how many buses/caravans can you jump in a xxxxxxx' type missions/challenges etc etc.
I was thinking the same, actually. PD have produced some purely out of fun, not to serious events for GT before, such as the Toyota Pod race in GT Concept and the Coffee Breaks in GT4: Prologue and GT4. I don't see why they couldn't do the same with a "Top Gear style" in GT5 or even a stand alone game.