-=> Photomode Discussion & Analysis Thread. (Discuss here, not in Comp. threads) <=-

  • Thread starter GrumpEone
United States
Rochester, MI

This thread is for in-depth discussions on any Photomode Competition.
If used correctly this thread should contain a wealth of knowledge to help everyone improve their entries.

The discussion here can include, but is not limited to:
  • Poll Voting Tendencies, Questions, Concerns, and issues.
    [*]Entry analysis, after a poll is completed one can post their entry here to be analized.
    [*]GT4 PhotoMode questions, including how to use in-game options to provide a better shot.
    [*]General Photography/Art questions, including theory on the make-up of art in general.
    [*]GT4/Official Racing Series' Reference, including race classes/groups.
    [*]Misc. Discussion relating the Photomode Competitions.

All criticism should be subjective, and not to be taken personally, this thread should be used similar to a knowledge base.

Current Analysts:
  1. GrumpEone (Shot Analyst, General GT4/Photomode Knowledge, (older 6.0) PhotoShop Guru)
  2. Nenad (Shot Analyst, General GT4/Photomode Knowledge)
    (Photomode & GT4 knowledge is above-average, rest average)
  3. Bram Turismo (Shot Analyst, General GT4/Photomode Knowledge, Photoshop [2.0] Guru)
    Well I do have some knowledge of the basics of photography, but it's not my field of expertism. If you want to know how good or bad I am myself in this field, feel free to visit my photography thread, which is linked to in my signature. You can pretty much decide my role yourself, but I really would like to have a role as someone who breaks down and analyzes GT4 images that have been re-worked according to the 2.0 rules.

  4. Nicknamealguem (Shot Analyst, General GT4/Photomode Knowledge, Competition Host x2)
    Well, my role here? Let's see, I am not great at making big reviews texts, but I think I can do a pretty decent review/analyse of a shot; I have somegeneral knowledge over GT4 photomode and photomode competitions; I know enough about Photoshop; and I have some general Photography notions to get along. Alternatively, I don't know nothing about cars and mechanics.

  5. jgda9rs (Photography Guru)
    I can contribute to photography questions no problem. it's what i study in school.

  6. vista2401 (Shot Analyst, Official Race Series Research)
    yeah, i'll be the official racing series...person. And i can also do the "Poll Voting Tendencies, Questions, Concerns, and issues."

  7. MinoltaMan89 (Shot Analyst, Photography, Competition Host x2)
    I'm in, I don't consider myself a photography expert or anything, but I could contribute.

  8. SVX (Shot Analyst, Competition Host)

    [*]in.s@ne (Competition Host)

Current Competitions (6):

[2.0] Competition - Hosted by MinoltaMan89
PMC (PhotoMode Competition) - Hosted by Nicknamealguem
Unedited Competition - Hosted by SVX
CCCL Competition (Certain Car Certain Location)- Hosted by MinoltaMan89
Drift Competition - Hosted by Nicknamealguem
Customized Competition - Hosted by in.s@ne
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I'd be happy to help if I'm allowed to. 👍 (Photomode & GT4 knowledge is above-average, rest average)
Ohh, Ohh. I can be the Simon Cowell of GT4 PhotoMode! Everyone hates my criticism, but loves me none the less! :dopey:. Dont sign me up, but i will come here often to learn about the 3 (or more) types of editing: 2.0, Unedited, Open.
I got no idea about any of 'em
I'd be happy to help if I'm allowed to. 👍 (Photomode & GT4 knowledge is above-average, rest average)

I figured as such, I'll put you on the panel for Shot Analysis & General GT4/Photomode Knowledge.


Ohh, Ohh. I can be the Simon Cowell of GT4 PhotoMode! Everyone hates my criticism, but loves me none the less! :dopey:. Dont sign me up, but i will come here often to learn about the 3 (or more) types of editing: 2.0, Unedited, Open.
I got no idea about any of 'em

We would be happy for anything you can add to this thread, thanks.

This thread needs more Bram Turismo, sign me up!
Heck yeah, it will give you something to do, since your not putting in too many entries lately (your GT4 doesn't work anymore, right?) How would you consider your Photography knowledge?

At least two of the Panelists need to have a good Official Racing Knowledge, which is what I lack. At least one of the panelists needs above-average to advanced Photography knowledge.
I could do the Official Race Series' Reference, it's not that hard to use google and Wikipedia :lol:, i can still do it :D.
I still want to know though, what are the differences between the 3 edit rules? I dont know what you can and can't do? (Think of this as your first query/question)
I could do the Official Race Series' Reference, it's not that hard to use google and Wikipedia :lol:, i can still do it :D.
I still want to know though, what are the differences between the 3 edit rules? I dont know what you can and can't do? (Think of this as your first query/question)

Basically there are Four edit types on these Photomode Competitions:
  • Unedited - (No editing is allowed other than Resize)
  • PMC - (Minor Image adjustment is allowed, usually limited to Rotate, Resize, Crop, Brightness/Contrast, Gamma, as well as being able to personalize your shot with border and signature.
  • [2.0] - (Advance editing is allowed, including everything as PMC as well as additional editing tools and filters. Adjusting Hue/Saturation is also allowed. The specific tools and filters should be listed in the specific competition. This competition is for the best with PhotoShop touch-up, and can take hours to go over, almost, every pixel of a shot taking out the infamous jaggies.)
  • Open - (Any editing is allowed, the only real restriction is that every element must come from GT4)
OK, thanks GrumpE. I can be a Shot Analysis.. person. I know a bit about photography, like jaggies, if the pic's too sharp, rule of thirds... etc. And i can help with those Race Series' Reference.
Mainly, open edit doesn't allow you to use other images outside of GT4. If you can create it with photoshop tools, it should be okay.
That reminds me, whatever happened to the Photoshop photomode competition? For making things like magazine covers and posters and whatnot out of GT4 shots?
It simply died out. Many competitions have dissapeared because of fewer people visiting this part of the community throughout the years GT4 has been aging, and of course with the arrival of the PS3 and GT5:P.
^^ Sure, how would you classify your role?¿

I've been pondering this thread for awhile, tried to suggest others to start it, but as of recent events Now is the time.
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Heck yeah, it will give you something to do, since your not putting in too many entries lately (your GT4 doesn't work anymore, right?) How would you consider your Photography knowledge?

Well I do have some knowledge of the basics of photography, but it's not my field of expertism. If you want to know how good or bad I am myself in this field, feel free to visit my photography thread, which is linked to in my signature. You can pretty much decide my role yourself, but I really would like to have a role as someone who breaks down and analyzes GT4 images that have been re-worked according to the 2.0 rules.
I firstly thought the photomode group was created to raise some of these issues, but it seems no-one goes there. This will, eventually, stop the non-desired flood and discussion in the competition threads, that drags for 2 or more pages. 👍

Well, my role here? Let's see, I am not great at making big reviews texts, but I think I can do a pretty decent review/analyse of a shot; I have some general knowledge over GT4 photomode and photomode competitions; I know enough about Photoshop; and I have some general Photography notions to get along. Alternatively, I don't know nothing about cars and mechanics. :D
Would you like to be a panelist too, I think you are definitely one of the more knowledgeable in photography aspects, would like you to be in.
And the Great thing about this thread depending on its usefulness, will mean that it will be referred to for gt5 competitions for alot of answers. A detail posting of all the rules as grumpy started would be very useful to have all in one place
If this photography panel continues through to Gran Turismo 5, I would be interested in taking part. Although I really enjoyed it, I probably wouldn’t be dedicating time to GT4 photomode pictures. I’ll gladly take on the roll for the photomode comps and galleries of GT5.

But anyway, I’d say I have a fair idea on art. Where improvements can be made, photoshop editing, etc. I spend a lot of my spare time creating drawings, designs, etc. I’m sure a lot of people today don’t really know my work.
A few examples here and here. 👍
Best typo EVAR.
lmao "threats" hahahaha
grumpeone : sure. why not

Discuss Photomode or die!!! (jk) Even though it's a typo, it kinda fit the idea....lol

Please Scrutinize these two shot that missed[2.0] #122,

Theme: "Photomode Salon Show"

Shot #1 - Jetboy

I really thought this shot should have made the poll, but there were a bunch of good shots for this one.

Shot #3 - GrumpEone

Okay, I'm bracing myself for impact. Lemme have it, what is the good, the bad, and the ugly of my shot.

Analyze and discuss, or else...lol

Normally there will be less images to analyze, but I kinda want to get a feel of our current analysts' analytical abilities.
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One question im wondering about for open edit competitions, are we allowed to use something as an outline to go by, such as the Gran Turismo logo to create a "background" or "foreground" layer as long as we would make it just black or a certain color!

Something like this, I took a picture of my gt4 case and used logo as an outline, as I said above, but made it black, would something like this be allowed for open comp?

Should be, until you let us know that you imported an image. Btw- there are plenty of GT4 billboards scattered throughout the game, you could use those instead.

That is what I used to create this:
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