GTP_WRS Week 73 : Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer

  • Thread starter EDK


WRS Admin
United States
Boise, ID


:: GTP_Weekly Race Series ::


Week 73 : Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer

Hotlap Event in Time Trial


Acura NSX '91


High Speed Ring Reverse


:: Only Open to Qualified GTP_Registered Members ::

:: Members are not obligated to take part ::

Race Details:

  • Mode: Arcade > Time Trial
  • Physics: Professional
  • Track: High Speed Ring Reverse
  • Make: USA > Acura
  • Model: NSX '91
  • Drive Train: MR


Vehicle Specifics:

  • Power: 270 BHP
  • Weight: 1365 KG
  • Driving Aids: Optional
  • Transmission: Optional
  • Tyre Type: N3 / N3
  • In-Race RA Functions: Optional (if available)


Race Specifics:

  • Your run must be done while being off line
  • All hard surfaces are part of the track
  • Please, take notice of the invisible walls - Take no risk when submitting.
  • The use of the clutch is prohibited

Steward Comments:
This week's theme comes form the fact that I've joined 2 things I least like about this version of GT together - The NSX (In any version) and High Speed Ring (In any version). That said, it's a tricky little combo on N tires, and somehow allows me to tolerate being around both of these enemies. ;)

Viewing your T1 & T2 Lap Time Splits:

You need to make sure you save the 'Save Best Lap Replay' (ghost replay), not the 'Save Replay'.
To view your best lap replay, go to 'My Page' and watch the replay from there using the 'Replay' option.


Save best lap / ghost replay icon

Standard Clean OLR Rules:

  • 2 wheels on (or vertically in line with) the track at all times
  • Rumble/ripple strips are part of the track
  • No contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible
  • If you're not 100% sure that your lap is clean, then consider it dirty
  • No hybrids
  • No cheating of any kind,these are relaxed races and we are experienced racers, we know what times can be done,and we can read your mind.We will know.
  • Nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
  • Save your best lap/ghost replay

Thread rules:

The following information cannot be discussed in this thread (they can, however, be discussed on MSN or via other private conversation methods

  • Lap time
  • Any information which can be used to infer laptime

The following information can be discussed in this thread

  • T1 and T2 times
  • Any settings discussion.

Minimal number of splits: 2
Maximum number of splits: 2



All submissions must be sent by PM (Subject title: GTP_WRS Week 73 Submission ) to (Vaxen):

  • Please submit your time in the following format on a single line:
    (Example-) [division 2]---1'44.678---GTP_EDK
  • you can submit only once
  • please include in your submission PM your division, GTP_Tag and final lap time
  • the deadline is Monday, March 29th @ 11:59pm GMT
  • if you are unsure of the deadline try this site

Why Use GMT?:
GMT is World Time and the basis of every world time zone which sets the time of day and is at the centre of the time zone map. GMT sets current time or official time around the globe. Most time changes are measured by GMT. Although GMT has been replaced by atomic time (UTC) it is still widely regarded as the correct time for every international time zone.
Time verification:

Save your ghost replay and keep it at least a full two weeks after the event's deadline:

  • Racers, named by the OLR Admin staff, (if any) will be required to submit a replay for verification
  • Any submitted time is subject to a time verification request
  • When a time verification has been requested, the concerned racer must provide the correct replay within seven days of the request
  • Failure to do so will result in the removal of the unverified submission from the results table
  • Video replays are not accepted as a form of verification


Good luck, :gtplanet:
OLR team
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T1: 0'24.136
T2: 0'48.618

T1: 0'23.826
T2: 0'47.792

T1: 0'23.600
T2: 0'47.785

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First Splits.


It's hard to resist to the temptation to get sideways sometimes.:lol:
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Hey Kev,

I checked your family tree and I found the Marquis D'Sade to be your g-g-g-grandfather!!!!! :ill::scared::crazy:
T1: 1716
T2: 2395
I've never been able to drift around the last sector very well though.

T1: 23.608
T2: 47.807

After a 12 lap run I think this is a great combo. Good work Kevin. :D It's quite hard to determine where the limit of grip is for the car. But as LIL_KACHING said, it is really fun to get sideways. :P

T1: 1716
T2: 2395
I've never been able to drift around the last sector very well though.

T1: 23.608
T2: 47.807


Though this car is easier to drift then to get the fastest time around that track.
Gave the new combo a quick try yesterday evening after a long and late day at work in which we served snacks and dinner to 1000 guests :grumpy:
It brought two things to my mind.

1) There should be a shadow WRS for su**ers like me to run in STD mode, and
2) It reminded me of this video from Ken Block :D

PS can anybody tell me how to embed a Youtube video into a post so that you can see the screen directly?
EDIT thanks Brandon, easy-peacy-nice&easy 👍
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Nasty little combo this one, but loads of fun. I'm yet to get a clean lap in. I thought I had one with a 47.71x split at T2, but the replay was without mercy, showing hitting that invisible wall in the 1st corner. :ouch:
Retry tomorrow. :)
Haven't given this one a go yet - I just love HSR forward or reverse, but I have a business trip to attend to this week - hope to get some time on Friday or Saturday to chase down you speed demons. Later guys!
NSX + N3 = WIN! I'll try some laps tonight, although I'd rather have suzuka than HSR for this one. :D

I'll edit and post my times soon.
This combo is really addicting and fun. When I touch the wall in the first corner, I drift the rest of the track. :lol:

New splits.


I don't know if it will be my final time because my G27 is starting to make some screeching sound and I'm a bit worried, fortunately it is still on the warranty so I might call logitech on this one.
What is meant by watch out for invisible walls?
In the first corner especially. If you watch closely, the car doesn't touch the wall but it is still held by a ''invisible wall'' giving the player an advantage but without touching the wall and without invalidate the lap.
This is not funny Kev. What sort of crude joke is this? :grumpy:

Anyway, after drifting from 1 side of the track to the other for over an hour :ouch: I have managed to come up with these splits.


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In the first corner especially. If you watch closely, the car doesn't touch the wall but it is still held by a ''invisible wall'' giving the player an advantage but without touching the wall and without invalidate the lap.

Got it.

In the first corner especially. If you watch closely, the car doesn't touch the wall but it is still held by a ''invisible wall'' giving the player an advantage but without touching the wall and without invalidate the lap.

How do you if you have TOUCHED the invisible wall??
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New Splits



sorry Double post 👎
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How do you if you have TOUCHED the invisible wall??
When you watch the replay in 3rd person view (from behind the car), you can see a sudden change in direction and irregular speed changes.
I attempted this combo earlier today and managed to construct these split times

23.425 (.385)

Not entirely certain of the shift point for each gear, but I upshifted at the red light for gear 3 and 4, let it go a bit for gear 2 though..and up shift to gear 5 will create a slight lead approaching the 1st corner but it's probably easier to tackle this corner without having to perform an extra downshift, so staying in 4th is optimal.

The first corner is extremely tricky to perform, you need to manage a speed no lower than high 130km/h, probably even 140km/h actually, letting the car drift right out onto the rumble strip, hopefully not hitting the invisible wall, then be sensitive with the wheel on exit, as soon as the car starts loosing the rear your in trouble and more importantly your loosing time aswell. For the second corner, brake by feel, no real braking marker, initially keep the car in 3rd, but downshift to second at around 105-110km/h in preparation for the exit, doesn't really matter If you get the car slightly sideways as obviosly the exit isn't important, it's the positioning for the left that is, both corners can be initially exited at 100km/h, or there abouts, then the last right, try to reduce your speed to roughly 135km/h, really trying to focus on exit speed ofcourse, with ideal exit speed, you should hit the line at 241-242km/h.

Looking forward to having another crack at this one, cheers.
My first try on the more then slippery combo.

bad times

Hehe, i just figured out i hade the NSX R :ouch:
Back to business again with the right car....

New splits with the Acura:
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