5th GTPlanet Formula 1 World Championship

  • Thread starter DonkeyFuzz
United Kingdom
Hertfordshire, UK
GTPlanet Formula One 5th
World Championship


Hello all and welcome to the 5th unofficial GTPlanet Formula 1 World Championship for Formula 1 Championship Edition. This is being organised and as such, drivers of all levels of skill are welcome to join the Championship.

This is probably the last championship for F1:CE ever so take part because it's your last chance!

Unfortunately, with the loss of online gaming for the NTSC version of the F1 game, this Championship can only be held for people with the PAL version of the game.

Race Organisers:

DonkeyFuzz – PSN – Nev-Nev-22

Race Schedule:

Grand Prix: Magny-Cours, France, Hockenheim, Germany and Hungaroring, Hungary
Weather: Sunny (Each)
Time and Date: 3rd September 2010 - 11pm (GMT +1)
Lobby: Parabolica
Laps: 15 (Each)
Name: GTP 5th Champion

Rules :

The maximum drivers participating will be 11 although if someone pulls out from the Championship then someone else may join in their place or if someone cannot make a race, another driver will be able to fill the slot for that race.
Drivers must be part of a team to compete.
Each team must have no more than 2 drivers.
Points are awarded as of the 2003-2009 points scoring system as followed:

1st:10 pts
2nd:8 pts
3rd:6 pts
4th:5 pts
5th:4 pts
6th:3 pts
7th:2 pts
8th:1 pt

There are no extra points for fastest lap or pole position.
If you are unable to make the race, then don't worry about it, it's only a game, however, you will be marked as a DNS and recieve no points, however, you may ask on the thread to postpone the race, then a vote will take place, and the majority wins.
If you cannot make a race but wish for it to be postponed then post and a vote will take place on whether to postpone the race or not.
Collisions will be off to avoid racing incidents.
Damage will be on.
2 pit stops must be completed during a 15 lap race regardless of whether 1 stop is possible. Drivers found breaching this rule will receive no points for the race. If breached twice, you will be disqualified from the whole Championship.
Qualifying will be enabled.
Rules will be enabled.
Weather set to sunny (Subject to Change).
There will be a 3 lap warm up session at 11:00pm and one after this for the following race
Before each race there will be a 5 minute waiting period allowing for any late-comers to join in time for qualifying. We will not start the race earlier even if all drivers have joined. Whilst we are waiting, there will be a warm up session.

There will be two races held each Friday each with a 3 lap warm up race followed by a 15 lap race on a rota with a 20 lap race each Friday.​


There are 11 available slots for teams.

1. Hesketh - DonkeyFuzz and F1MadAd
2. Brawn GP - Fishfash and Alireza Sabbagh
3. McLaren - KingMartin and Ginty1
4. Arrows GP - Wooly51 and PJ-FFL
5. Alfa Romeo - Jordy7777 and Lofasz
6. FunkMonk GP - FunkMonk27


There are 11 available slots for drivers.

1. DonkeyFuzz (Nev-Nev-22) - Renault
2. F1MadAd (F1MadAd) - Honda
3. Wooly51 (Wooly51) - Williams
4. PJ-FFL (pj-gm) - Ferrari
5. Alireza Sabbagh (Alireza Sabbagh) - ?
6. Ginty72 (GINTY1) - McLaren
7. KingMart1n (KingMart1n) - BMW Sauber
8. Fishfash (Gyles69) - ?
9. Jordy7777 (Jordy7777) - MF1
10.FunkMonk27 (FunkMonk27) - ?
11.Lofasz (GTP_Lofasz) - Red Bull

Available cars: Toyota, Toro Rosso and Super Aguri

Previous Championships:

https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=108195 (Season 1)

https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=112563 (Season 2)

https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=118789 (Season 3)

https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=124994 (Season 4)

Race Results (Season 5)

Sakhir, Bahrain: Qualifying and Race Results:


Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia: Qualifying and Race Results:


Melbourne, Australia (Heavy Rain): Qualifying and Race Results:


Imola, San Marino: Qualifying and Race Results:


Nurburgring, Europe: Qualifying and Race Results:


Catalunya, Spain: Qualifying and Race Results:


Monte Carlo, Monaco: Qualifying and Race Results:


Silverstone, Great Britain (Light Rain): Qualifying and Race Results:


Montreal, Canada: Race Results


Indianapolis, United States Of America: Qualifying and Race Results:


Magny-Cours, France: Qualifying and Race Results: (Photo's 1 and 2)


Hockenheimring, Germany: Qualifying and Race Results: (Photo's 3 and 4)


Hungaroring, Hungary: Qualifying and Race Results: (Photo's 5 and 6)


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Bold = Pole Position
Italic = Fastest Lap
Red = 1st
Silver = 2nd
Blue = 3rd
Green = 4th or lower
DNS = Did Not Start
DNF = Did Not Finish
* = Did Not Compete

Previous Winners: (Numbers correspond to F1:CE season)

Fishfash (1, 2 & 4), Kakundoo (3), F1MadAd (5)

Fishfash (1, 2 & 4), Shaggy Alonso (3), DonkeyFuzz (5)

Fishfash (1 & 4), Shaggy Alonso (2 & 3), Markk001 (5)

San Marino:
Fishfash (1, 2 & 4), Kakundoo (3), Markk001 (5)

Fishfash (1, 2 & 4), Kakundoo (3), Markk001 (5)

Fishfash (1 & 4), Lewy0s (2), Shaggy Alonso (3), F1MadAd (5)

GT4 Genius (1), Shaggy Alonso (2 & 3), F1MadAd (4), DonkeyFuzz (5)

Fishfash (1 & 4), Shaggy Alonso (2), KingMartin (3), DonkeyFuzz (5)

Fishfash (1 & 4), Kakundoo (2), Shaggy Alonso (3), DonkeyFuzz (5)

Fishfash (1 & 4), Lewy0s (2), Shaggy Alonso (3), KingMartin (5)

Fishfash (1 & 4), Shaggy Alonso (2 & 3), DonkeyFuzz (5)

Fishfash (1 & 4), Shaggy Alonso (2 & 3), DonkeyFuzz (5)

Fishfash (1, 2, 4 & 5), Shaggy Alonso (3)

Fishfash (1), Shaggy Alonso (2 & 3), F1MadAd (4)

GT4 Genius (1), Shaggy Alonso (2), Ginty72 (3), F1MadAd (4)

Appie17 (1), Kakundoo (2), Shaggy Alonso (3), DonkeyFuzz (4)

GT4 Genius (1), Shaggy Alonso (2), Kakundoo (3), DonkeyFuzz (4)

Appie17 (1), Shaggy Alonso (2), Kakundoo (3), F1MadAd (4)

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You like them? Phew, the one below the drivers standings will be the constructors table but obviously I can't fill that in just yet and the one below that will be saying who is in what team.

Also can anyone get hold of Fishfash to see if he's interested as I'm he would be seen as he did such a fantastic job with organising and racing in the previus one.
I'm sure he'll see this soon enough Nev. But if you can't get hold of him and need to ask anything, then you can ask me too =P, I organised the 3rd GTP F1 World Championship 👍

Also, although it doesn't make that much difference, I think you should give people the numbers in the Championship based on the Championships of last season, like they do in F1. It doesn't really make a difference, but just thought I'd give my opinion lol.
Good idea Kak, I'll do that now. 👍

Thanks for the offer for helping out and everything as well, should be useful having someone with more expiernce than myself. :lol:
No problem lol. With two full Championships completed (one of which I organised), and coming second in them both by essentially a point each time, and then just under half a Championship, which consisted of some more good results, I'd say I have some good experience under my belt, and hopefully I can turn that into me winning the final Championship this season...will be VERY tough though!
My only recommendation with those tables is to change the font colour for the text.
Basic HCI princinples man, always use contrasting colours :P.

Use white or something to contrast with the red, makes it easier to read and probably better for certain colour blind people (if they do indeed read this thread).

Erm..and I woudn't use yellow for "4th and below" positions, seeing as you've already used yellow for the background.
If the race(s) is held at 10pm I won't be able to make it.
Okay, thanks for your table recomendations, I will update it now. I think we will do 2 15 lap races at 11:00pm instead because more people could probably join then.

Obviously you guys have a race this Friday so the first two races will be next Friday.
Hey Guys,

You guys did not waste any time setting this up :lol:

Nev I wil let you know this Friday if I am able to join the championship.

Oh and yes, I will be using the controller if I do join, mid-pack me thinks :nervous:
Hey Guys,

You guys did not waste any time setting this up :lol:

Nev I wil let you know this Friday if I am able to join the championship.

Oh and yes, I will be using the controller if I do join, mid-pack me thinks :nervous:

Cool, I put you down provisionally already but I'll keep it like that until you give further notice. :)

I was very eager to set another championship up A.S.A.P because time is short and I had fun in the last championship and I also wanted the task of making a table up so I get a good experience in the what should be 2 seasons of GTP Racing.
can't wait for this to start im faster now that im manual the only problem i've got is that im going on holiday on 26th that means i'll miss for races. i'll just have to win the first to lol. good job nev .wouldn't mind being king s team mate again think REDBULL will do it this time?
Okay, I'll start making teams up unless we are going to do it randomly the only problem is that how will this work?

If not then we have Red Bull done with Ginty and King. Anyone want to be my team mate?
Hi EveryOne, :) I will always be using the Controller & never use Cheats or Tricks (I Keep It Real). :lol:
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me! me! me! lolol

MadAd, we'll join to form a team, have you got any team names? I'm not very good with comig up with things like that.:)

SMK, I like your idea's as they seem unique but I think it seems to complex to be doing things like that in the championship. I think we should stick to what has always been the way on GTP but if anyone else agrees with SMK and there is a majority then the rule will be instated.

Back onto teams and we know myslef and MadAd will be in a team whilst persumably Ginty and King are in one for Red Bull.

My guess so far to who's in what team is Kakundoo and Fishfash for Brawn GP, also, SMK wants to be in a team for Lotus and PJ's avatar is a Lotus so thats a team and that leaves us with Jordy and Ardius who could go together. These are just guesses and are not permanent but if I could get a rough idea of who's in what team then that would be good. Thanks. :)
Hi EveryOne, :)
I will always be using the Controller & never use Cheats or Tricks (I Keep It Real).

DonkeyFuzz, You must add this rule (For those at the back who may not have anyone to race)
To achieve points at the end of the championship you must join 8 races or All races, and if you miss a race your points from your last race are award'ed evenly to the drivers who Finish behind you in that last race & only to them drivers who enter (complete) the present Race, & this rule applys to every race a driver miss in a row & if there is no drivers below the points are award'ed -1 to drivers championship from the bottom up (11 to 9 only).
+ Adopt it to 4th GTPC and it does not efect the top half at all (No harm to add spice now &again)

Reasons (Example's) + it's all about fun not points (?)
1, Finnish 8th Ten times 10pts, new driver 1race 1win never races again 10pts (not fun for the driver race the most & got 10pts harder)
2, Mid champ' Drivers sometime' leave near the end when they have no chance to win, taking pts of driver's who race to the end.
3, My reason, I will race every week, I have a chance of beating 1or2 to the line, others by there own mistake's, the most points I could achieve is 80, if every race perfect.

For Sure, SMKKRPts. Rule brings more Fun to the Championship... :lol:

Hmm, I think thats too complicated and too confusing for new drivers. Imagine if you had to miss a race because of work/sickness/holidays/life in general and you get told you don't score the same points as everyone else?

We are not super-serious around here, we take the racing seriously but I personally tried to run the championship in a friendly and fun manner rather than a strict way. It may not be always fair to those that always turn up, but if you turn up every week you are pretty likely to be finishing high up anyway.
Beating the odd people who turn up for only 1 or 2 races is part of the game, its still fair in the sense of everyone had to beat those people, not just you.

I personally would hate that system as I cannot reliably turn up to every race, life is not all about video games and I sometimes have to make room for the more important things.
"Went crazy on me" - what? I apologised for a bit of a desperate move by myself, how is this a reference to how serious I take my racing and not the championship?
And to describe that incident more vividly - I was following you in slipstream going into that turn and I was way along side you in the braking point. It was a legitimate move although at a place where people don't normally overtake. It was not "crazy" but it was a bit ambitious.

If you're going to start implying I'm dumb and don't understand then I really don't want to take part in any championship that includes you. First and foremost I race with people I respect and who respect me, if you're going to have an attitude when I criticise your ideas, then I don't feel I can race respectfully with you.

I especially dislike elitist attitudes like this whereby those who cannot take part in events for decent reasons are looked upon as "getting in the way" of those who want to win. I think I have proven in past championships that I do dedicate a lot my time to this game and to this forum and series of championships and I have reliably turned up when I could. When I have exams, a lot of assignment work or unforeseen family issues or personal problems, I cannot put a game before these things. Maybe you do, but reality matters more to me.

My problem is a lack of respect. 👎 Maybe you could actually spend some time writing your posts in proper spelling and grammar too?
Okay, I have the teams sorted out I think.

Hesketh - DonkeyFuzz and F1MadAd
McLaren - KingMartin and Ginty
Brawn GP - Fishfash and Kakundoo
Arrows GP - Ardius and Jordy ???

SMK, I know you requested your own team but it seems silly to put you on your own if there's someone else looking for a team. It doesn't matter to much and if anything it should help the constructor standings.
:banghead:I never ask you (?) anything but you telling me things.

+ U race with people U respect and who respect U, sunds like GOD Should it not be -
I race people who I have Earn Respect with & show a (not have a) kind nature towards each others Interest.
+ U are being 2selfish
This Forum is for other things not Banter towards each other, & I never had an attitude when U criticise my ideas, I had an attitude because your
1st criticisement was... I think thats too complicated and too confusing for new drivers. So you're implying new drivers to be dumb & not understanding.
2nd Imagine if you had to miss a race because of work/sickness/holidays/life in general and you get told you don't score the same points as everyone else? let you answer this one yourself life is not all about video games and I sometimes have to make room for the more important things.
& one more thing i'm Free of everything I understand & respect Ever1...
& I was having chat a the time with some1 & all we share about it was 1st one on te bud goes up top...
Man... if u race for a team ur car setups reports would be like a Dickionary...:lol:
Your Problem is not me our anything I say, you have no target/goal,
I'm going try my best 2 finish every race & enjoy wacthing ever1 battle race2race 4championshiop it should be a good1 EVER1.
What de you aspect from a Monkey who can Can-can & climb a tree at te same time... hell of a show on the way down.

Well I'm not exactly feeling a lot of respect from you when you say stuff like:
New rule NOGOODSMKKRPts always put the one's who don't show up in front of me like Ardius when he can't make race's becase thats more fun than normal & gives them them a reasom to come back soon... i'm 2 super-serious & that would be more FUN4EVERY1
but your reply shows your level of understanding and the fact there's more important things to do, so why then write a reply thats all about what already stands the normal fact,
that Dumb do Dumb'er thing's and Smart want Smart'er things the One's in the middle don't understand anything...

If you are really giving me any respect and don't have an attitude, you wouldn't be implying I was dumb or didn't understand. I was criticising your idea in a constructive manner but you choose to make fun. I don't want to race with someone who thinks little of me. This isn't being "GOD", but a simple matter of how can you expect me to respect you when you act like this when I am critical?

I wasn't implying new drivers are dumb, I was saying the system you suggested was complicated, more complicated than the simple points system we already have in place. The regular drivers would get used to it but each time a new driver came in, they could be a little confused that their positions don't equate to the same points. I know I would be and DonkeyFuzz also agrees it would be complex.

I still don't understand why you think my racing earlier but not being able to turn up for a race later means I don't take it seriously. As I have stated many, many times already I do not always have the availability from life to turn up. If you really must know why I did not turn up 1 hour later - it was due to one of my brothers returning home who I do not see very often. Do you really expect me to play a game or greet him?

I'm having a hard time really understanding what you mean for the rest of your post. When you registered for this forum, you agreed to this:
By using these forums, you agree to the following:
* You will post all messages in English.
* You will not use “textspeak” (“r”, “u”, “plz”, etc.) in your messages. Decent grammar is expected at all times, including proper usage of capital letters.

Its not much to ask and I would like to understand your posts.
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Okay, I have the teams sorted out I think.

Hesketh - DonkeyFuzz and F1MadAd
McLaren - KingMartin and Ginty
Brawn GP - Fishfash and Kakundoo
Arrows GP - Ardius and Jordy ???

SMK, I know you requested your own team but it seems silly to put you on your own if there's someone else looking for a team. It doesn't matter to much and if anything it should help the constructor standings.

I don't mind being Ardius' teammate, up to him aswell though.
I did think we were doing teams randomly but it's up to you Nev.
SMK, what the hell are you on!? Please, PLEASE, can you write in proper English? I seriously have no idea what you're going on about, and for Ardius to make any sense of it and then reply is pretty genius in my opinion.

The GTP World Championship rules were essentially made up by Ardius and adapted by driver's over the season due to certain situations that occurred. I think it's rude of you to disrespect Ardius like that, and I'm with him in saying that I don't want to race with someone who has the same ideals and disrespecting attitude as you.

This is meant as a fun Championship. Yes, we are all competitive and want to win, but it's not the be all and end all. People will have other commitments and issues that will stop them from racing from time to time, and to punish them for that is completely out of order.

Now that i've said my piece, I can get back to this season :). I think it's a pretty safe bet that Hesketh have the best chance of winning the Constructor's this season, although hopefully it will be closer fought than last season's. And maybe we'll have a few drivers going for the Driver's title too 👍
I don't mind being Ardius' teammate, up to him aswell though.
I did think we were doing teams randomly but it's up to you Nev.

I thought it would be easier to do it like this because it means it can be done quicker, however we can change if you would prefer but they seem sorted out now and King and yourself have said you don't mind so I think we'll stick like this if thats okay?:)

It would be great if Ardius could team up with Jordy unless you want mix yourselves up with each other. Either way is good.:)

SMK, please don't take this to heart, but could you try and show some more respect to others on this forum. Ardius is the creator of the GTP championship and his rules have barely changed at all so that's how they are going to stay. As well as this, some of your rules seem pointless to have like capital letters and not using 'r' for ready because it's just a quicker way of doing things and it's not hurting anyone is it?

Overall SMK, if you could just show some more respect then that would be good because you can put a real downer on things.:grumpy:
Okay, nothing to do with teams but about the race schedule.

Our Championship starts on the 25th June and F1 2010 comes out on the 24th September which gives us 13 weeks of gaming.

To spread this out for the full 13 weeks, that would mean doing 2 15 lap races a night for the first 5 weeks then 1 20 lap race a night for last 8 weeks. I don't know what you think but I think it would be good to spread it out for the maximum time length that we can.

I thought F1 2010 came out on the 25th September which would be a Saturdday so that would give us 14 weeks but it comes out on Friday so that loses us a whole week!