GT is a prize collecting game. Why did Kaz have to trash the fun of prize collecting

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by making all cars purchasable like forza? GT was always better than FM until they lowered themselves to forza's level with this horrible prize car system. If GT6 doesn't resurrect the amazing legendary prize collecting aspect of GT I'm trashing my fandom the same way Polyphony did with the prize car system.
So the amazing physics, the game play, and the sense that GT is a game that allows one to enjoy and appreciate the engineering feat that is the car, are all second to having prize cars not purchasable?
Last time I checked PS3 played games...and GT5 goes into a PS3...

But seriously dude, right now, that is one of GT5's least concerning issues at the moment.
In your opinion. IMO it's the biggest issue. I wouldn't even care about the pitiful lack of events and tracks as long as there were prize-exclusive cars.

Without the prize cars, GT5 is a skeleton of a game. Just like GTPSP. But I wasn't so disappointed with GTPSP because
1. It was the first time and
2. It wasn't a numbered GT.
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I can't agree with you. Prize exclusive cars are one of the worst possible features for the game.

Though, if GT mode were optional, and all cars were available online and in arcade, I wouldn't care.
And here in lies the problem facing PD. The same game means different things to different people. They could simply update graphics and car lineups with each incarnation to satisfy the same people who want the same thing over and over or they can try and innovate and change to improve on the wants of some people in the hope of developing the game, but that of course comes at the expense of some who want something else. No new game is going to please 100% of the old fans, let alone everyone else.

Some of the cars have to be a reward to get. Trashing out money that you can win anywhere in the game for a car is NOT rewarding no matter how many credits you have to pay.
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And here in lies the problem facing PD. The same game means different things to different people. They could simply update graphics and car lineups with each incarnation to satisfy the same people who want the same thing over and over or they can try and innovate and change to improve on the wants of some people in the hope of developing the game, but that of course comes at the expense of some who want something else. No new game is going to please 100% of the old fans, let alone everyone else.
WTF?!?!?! Not including all/most prize cars in the new/used dealerships would take LESS disk space meaning more other stuff could be added, so it's a double benefit.
Can you buy an X1?

And cut out the double posting, Meechcryskull. You have an edit button you know.
Ohhh the typical, It is my opinion but if you do not think I am right, then you are not worthy...

Dude, if you do not like the collectibles in the game, then go and play something else. Quite frankly, there are tons of things that could have been inproved in the game and didnt other than the collecting cars. But everyone's priorities are different so stick to yours and stop calling other people out that do not share your priority.

This thread is pointless
WTF?!?!?! Not including all/most prize cars in the new/used dealerships would take LESS disk space meaning more other stuff could be added, so it's a double benefit.

Hmmm, not really seeing your logic there!

If the only way to obtain cars is to win certain races at certain stages then there are going to be plenty of people who play who don't set out for 100% completion. The majority of people aren't hardcore gamers. Gearing the game up in a way to please the hardcore gamers is to ignore the needs of the majority of the market.
Hmmm, not really seeing your logic there!

If the only way to obtain cars is to win certain races at certain stages then there are going to be plenty of people who play who don't set out for 100% completion. The majority of people aren't hardcore gamers. Gearing the game up in a way to please the hardcore gamers is to ignore the needs of the majority of the market.
So GT1-4 ignored the needs of the majority? Despite selling so well?
Some of the cars have to be a reward to get. Trashing out money that you can win anywhere in the game for a car is NOT rewarding no matter how many credits you have to pay.

Typical...........always wanting something to them handed on a plate.

There is nothing wrong in working hard for something you want. In our case its cars in a game. Yep it is a game btw. Some of the cars cost 20 million, and i think the only way to get them is by racing and saving.

In a way there are prize cars cars, it is still very difficult to collect some of our favorite cars given the super high price point.

I really like that they made some cars very expensive, it brings that much more meaning to them when you purchase it and you will know they won't be super common online.
I may have agreed with you if you were able to reset the wins in an event and re-win the prize car, or get another prize car from re-running a series. At this time, you can't, so I like being able to buy the cars I would otherwise only be able to get once.

Edit: Also, you do realize, you have to be a certain level to purchase the cars right? So you DO have to unlock, as well as purchase them. Doesn't that kind of undo your argument about how you don't have to unlock anything a tad?
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And no making a car cost over 9000000 credits isn't the same as making it prize-exclusive.

whats it matter?. it leads to the same get the car.

Just one way you get it given to you for winning, and the other you have to work extra hard. :indiff:

It seems boring to know that you can just buy a car instead of ONLY winning it. Boring game. All those new features, kart, nascar etc for WHAT? A pointless career mode and some useless photo mode? Biggest disappointment ever. If 4za switches to proper prize cars I'm switching to Forza.
It seems boring to know that you can just buy a car instead of ONLY winning it. Boring game. All those new features, kart, nascar etc for WHAT? A pointless career mode and some useless photo mode? Biggest disappointment ever. If 4za switches to proper prize cars I'm switching to Forza.

But to buy the cars costs $$$, and the way you get $$$ is to race. Racing being the fun part and all that.

Why do you play the game if you hate racing to purchase cars??.

Most cars need to be purchasable but some prize-only like in previous GTs.. NOT ALL PURCHASABLE. Now I'll have to wait 6 more years for a proper GT game :(
Being able to buy a prize car isn't a big deal to me. Most people are going to be winning the same car exact car eventually. I really wish that PD could have made the prize cars random. It would be better if the prize car that you won would match the level of the race.
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