Looking to borrow Formula PD

  • Thread starter paskowitz
United States
New York
(excuse me, that is formula gt not pd)

So here is the deal. I do not care about the Formula GT. I just want to beat the one race. So I came up with the idea of borrowing it. I will trade give you a free SGT car from my garage, which you keep forever (which I will send you first, before the trade). Then you send me the FGT which I will then trade back to you at midnight. You get a free car and I beat that stupid race without spending 4.5 million credits. If there is anything I can do to make this deal go through let me know.:)

I will be on 8-12pm EST time. PSNID: thepatriots. Message me on GTP first. Thank you for your time.
I have one, but i'm not risking losing it while this server issue exists. I highly doubt anyone else will, though you never know.

They're not that hard to find. Save up the 4.8m credits, you'll find it in the used cars, only took me an hour cycling through the license test, back to used cars.
I would also like to borrow the Formula GT car to finish the championship. I'm even down to giving away a decent car as some kind of rent.

I know that many will find it hard to trust me because of my low post count, but I'll be really happy if someone will. I'm a 24 year old engineer in Los Angeles, an established member of FIFA forums, and an active online player of GT5 with more than 20 friends.

Here's my GT5 profile:
I'll put it to you this way, if I do not return the car, I would be willing to be perma-banned from this site and after 1500 post... I do not think that is going to happen. (BTW I was planning on video tapping returning the car as proof).
I have one, but i'm not risking losing it while this server issue exists. I highly doubt anyone else will, though you never know.

They're not that hard to find. Save up the 4.8m credits, you'll find it in the used cars, only took me an hour cycling through the license test, back to used cars.

What is the server issue, by the way?
im in a similar situation. i have been trying to get the formula car for days and it has not appeared in the dealer. thanks PD.