GT5 Colour Database [Complete!]

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm


can't kick this feeling
Staff Emeritus

Google Docs version!

Important: This thread is out of date as of September 03, 2011: Please visit Duck's excellent Car Catalogue Megabase for all paint chip purposes.

Annoyed with PD's approach to painting cars? Join the club. Been on the hunt for that specific hue of red and just don't know where to find it? Wonder no more! I've created this as a handy tool for the colour-obsessed like me to not just keep track of what they might have in their save(s), but which colours are found where. You thought Silver Chrome was rare? Ha.

The list by default is sorted alphabetically by Make then Colour Type, followed by Colour Name. Use the drop-down menu at the top to narrow searches - selecting "Yes" for the New column will display all paints available in the NCD, for example. The 3 columns on the right are there for users to keep track of their stock in up to 3 different accounts - if you have more, just add another column! The User Total is only designed for three columns for now, though, but if you have a basic understanding of Excel you can fix that. The most important thing to keep in mind is what we'll refer to as the Order Of Availability:

New: Colour can be obtained in the New Car Dealerships. Always available, credits allowing.
UCD: This column tracks which colour was the only available colour for a specific car prior to the 1.06 patch. After that, all cars' palettes are available. Still, a UCD cycle file is always helpful!
Prize: Car is won at stated event. The entire palette is up for grabs… but you'll only get one (not entirely true, thanks to Digital Nitrate). Check Prize list!
Gift: Technically everything, including Mattes and Chromes, can be daily gifts. It's the Gift-only's that are the hard ones.

Future plans are (hopefully) an Access version, so instead of scrolling through dozens of Brilliant Black entries, users will be able to select only unique colour options, and the program would spit out a list of all cars it comes on. Perhaps a web-based edition. We shall see.

I only ask you don't try to pass this off as your own doing; it took quite a lot of time. Other than that, enjoy!

Update History:

01.18.11 - Thread created. Full list revision history available in file.
01.19.11 - 300SL and Cobra standard model chips added. Spelling errors fixed.
01.25.11 - Numerous Paint Category listings updated, new UCD finds clarified.
02.09.11 - A handful of fixes, more categorization. The halfway mark is basically hit: 36/73 makes complete!
02.18.11 - Just when I had found every UCD car... PD switches it all up. 10 paints left to be categorized. GD edition available.
03.22.11 - A large update: Unique Colours page added. Have yet to get it matched up with an autosum, but soon!
06.07.11 - Well, it took months, but finally, the Unique Colours works as planned!
08.03.11 - Massive update done; hello automation!
08.17.11 - Done!
09.03.11 - Fixed some spelling errors, erased the WiLL VS' Black.
01.27.12 - And with that, this is done.

Latest Counts:
Total Chips: 4916
Used Cars Found: Complete


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I've found 4 colors, so far, that you're missing.
Mazda Arctic White,
Mercedes White,
Ford Quick Silver Clearcoat Metallic
Toyota Sparkle Wave Toning
What cars they're from I have no clue.
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👍 cheers for your work on this.

If you are looking for colours from us that you've missed then add Gris Bleu and Guardsman Blue Poly to the list :) Bob is doing a 24hr nurb enduro at the moment, so will have to get back to you later for manufacturer info if you need it.

Oh and I think Millenium Yellow should be Millennium Yellow, unless I made a typo in my list...
I have a feeling the Axela might be the carrier for the the Arctic White - I'll double-check with PSP tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure no GT4 car carried it, which makes that chip (and any others off the Axela) a huge pain in the arse to find.

You both have brought something to my attention too; despite "replacing" the Standards with Premium versions of the Shelby Cobra and 300SL, it seems the Standards are still in there, since both the Mercedes White and Shelby Guardsman Blue Poly are chips from the Standard versions. Though nobody's found either in the UCD yet, which means the cars are only available via the PSP transfer option, but all the paint chips apparently are still there. Will add those in then.

Icleolion - I knew I had Gris Bleu... but turns out I had a spelling error :P.
It's Nissan-speak for 3-Coat Pearl, and Metallic, respectively. A bit annoying since they're used in addition to just adding "3-Coat Pearl" and "Metallic" to other paint chips...
You sure have a lot of paints and I thought my 570+ were quite a lot.:lol: Also this thread should be sticked like the Car Database.;)
Carry on with the excellent work mate. 👍

Thank God somebody else did this, I was just about to use up half my diminishing "spare" time doing something similar for my own records. :dunce:

As I'm currently buying up each & every car level 5 or below in the UCD & have lost count of the number of duplicate models (same car/variant & paint) I've aquired !!! :crazy:

Hate going back to view my Garage each & every time. :ouch:

You sure have a lot of paints and I thought my 570+ were quite a lot.:lol: Also this thread should be sticked like the Car Database.;)

He doesn't have them. Those are just all the colors in the game.
This didn't actually take too long - most of it was done while Bob was racing.

Basher - That's exactly why I did this; to keep track of what I did and didn't have. Then it just sort of grew into its current form.

eSZee - Some moderate Google-fu has made it pretty clear that Arctic White is indeed an Axela colour. The problem is I can't find any list of available paints from that model year, so the only way to find out what colours are available in-game are to win them, and match them to the AI car if it randomly pops up somewhere :(.

Ash - 1105 currently :D. Need to find out how many unique ones there are though, so I know how many of those I have, as that's the main goal for me here.
I have around 160 colors (after deleting 200 that I don't like). When I enter the color chart and sort the colors for tone, there are a few tens that always stay on top and out of order. Is this only me? I find that quite irritating.

Also, in the paintshop the buttons for listing the colors ascending/descending are interchanged. (german GT5 version here)
I have around 160 colors (after deleting 200 that I don't like). When I enter the color chart and sort the colors for tone, there are a few tens that always stay on top and out of order. Is this only me? I find that quite irritating.

Also, in the paintshop the buttons for listing the colors ascending/descending are interchanged. (german GT5 version here)

Yep PD got the ascending/descending sort backwards. Also if you have been gifted paint chips, they will not be sorted correctly and will just stay at the top.
Thats an impresive list, I have quite a few paints, will see if i have any that aren't listed, also i know that Matt Black (Matte paint, but shows with no e) can be a prize for something, cause i have it and don't have a Lexus LF-A think it was from the amount of cars i have, but not sure
I meant he doesn't have all of the 5000 or whatever, sorry. I'll help him get there though.
He's still 200-300 behind me.:sly:

You already have sir, with your more efficient method :D

Thats an impresive list, I have quite a few paints, will see if i have any that aren't listed, also i know that Matt Black (Matte paint, but shows with no e) can be a prize for something, cause i have it and don't have a Lexus LF-A think it was from the amount of cars i have, but not sure

You probably got it as one of the daily log-in bonuses; that's how a great majority of the colours in the game will be obtained, and only that way since Standards, bar a select handful, only appear in a single colour every instance in the UCD (the Online Dealership will show different colours, though).
Can you give me some advice on viewing/opening your zip file?

I downloaded WinZip to open with. It gives me the error, "Invalid archive" everytime I try to open the file.

Should I download a different free zip file reader?

You already have sir, with your more efficient method :D

You probably got it as one of the daily log-in bonuses; that's how a great majority of the colours in the game will be obtained, and only that way since Standards, bar a select handful, only appear in a single colour every instance in the UCD (the Online Dealership will show different colours, though).

I noticed that about a week ago, that UCD cars have been popping up in different colors. Maybe I'm at that point in my UCD cycle but I've been seeing cars in colors I've never seen before.
Uh oh... I hope it's just the isolated hyper-mileage models... if they all start changing I'm boned.

File's been updated, though I still haven't added Sparkle Wave Toning, forgot to (and the Ford GT colour). There's not many UCD finds left - the number is actually a few higher than the 587 listed, since some cars show up in colours that don't give paint chips, even though the rest of their options do (the two-tone Silvias, some Daihatsus).
Can you give me some advice on viewing/opening your zip file?

I downloaded WinZip to open with. It gives me the error, "Invalid archive" everytime I try to open the file.

Should I download a different free zip file reader?


I'm having the exact same problem. No matter what I try I can't seem to get it to open.

Any tips on what I might be doing wrong?
You can download the trial version of winrar
Just download and install the 32bit or 64bit version depending on your windows version, After its installed just right click on the .zip file and extract. Even though its a trial version it will work forever with right-click>extract. Double left-click will prompt a buy full version screen so just right-click and never worry about it.

Now if you have a spreadsheet viewer installed just use that to open the .xls file, If not just goto click browse under local file and find the .xls Open and click view

CTRL+F to search the sheet :)
Question on Matte Black..

I just got a paint called "Matt Black" as one of the free daily paints. All the other Matte paints I have are spelled "Matte", not "Matt". But this black one does show up as one of the Matte paints on the list. So is there a paint called "Matte Black" still out there, or is this it..?
Question on Matte Black..

I just got a paint called "Matt Black" as one of the free daily paints. All the other Matte paints I have are spelled "Matte", not "Matt". But this black one does show up as one of the Matte paints on the list. So is there a paint called "Matte Black" still out there, or is this it..?

The "Matt Black" you received is the Lexus LFA variant of the matte black paint chip.

There is also another paint chip named "Matte Black" which is the Gran Turismo variant, like the other matte colours such as green, red, etc.
When unpacking the archive with whatever program it gives me this:
GT5ColourDatabaseV1-3 with no extension at all. And when i add .xls extension file wont open...
Help please..
I remember hearing something about a Mat Black.. why isn't that on the list? I think its on the FT-86?


That second post gives your answer. This database lists all colours available in chip form; no point listing colours that we can't really "access". For the record, the FT-86 concept only gives a single chip: Flash Red, since that was the original concept's colour. All the other colours are culled from various other cars in-game, and for whatever reason, PD decided they wouldn't provide chips.

A small update will be coming at some point in the next 24 hours; I've filled in a few more Unknowns, and am still chugging along. Also, I'm going to have to double check the Mach 1... seems it doesn't actually give out chips :(

Current personal count is 1850 chips...

Not sure what can be done to fix problems people are encountering; I use WinRAR, and I (mistakenly, it seems) assumed it would play nice with others. I'll look into other options when I update.
This database lists all colours available in chip form

Wasn't 100% sure if this was the case or not, being that it is a "colour" database and not a "paint chip" database. I know there would be people out there interested in a list of colours for particular cars.. especially if there is no paint chip for it.

I'll look into other options when I update.

Have you looked at google docs? No need for zipping, can viewed online in most browsers, you can update it on the fly, can be viewed on smart phones, etc. Plenty of features suitable for sharing information.

Keep up the good work! 👍

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