- 27,387
- Toronto
- NewAesthetic
- SlipZtrEm

Google Docs version!
Important: This thread is out of date as of September 03, 2011: Please visit Duck's excellent Car Catalogue Megabase for all paint chip purposes.
Annoyed with PD's approach to painting cars? Join the club. Been on the hunt for that specific hue of red and just don't know where to find it? Wonder no more! I've created this as a handy tool for the colour-obsessed like me to not just keep track of what they might have in their save(s), but which colours are found where. You thought Silver Chrome was rare? Ha.
The list by default is sorted alphabetically by Make then Colour Type, followed by Colour Name. Use the drop-down menu at the top to narrow searches - selecting "Yes" for the New column will display all paints available in the NCD, for example. The 3 columns on the right are there for users to keep track of their stock in up to 3 different accounts - if you have more, just add another column! The User Total is only designed for three columns for now, though, but if you have a basic understanding of Excel you can fix that. The most important thing to keep in mind is what we'll refer to as the Order Of Availability:
New: Colour can be obtained in the New Car Dealerships. Always available, credits allowing.
UCD: This column tracks which colour was the only available colour for a specific car prior to the 1.06 patch. After that, all cars' palettes are available. Still, a UCD cycle file is always helpful!
Prize: Car is won at stated event. The entire palette is up for grabs… but you'll only get one (not entirely true, thanks to Digital Nitrate). Check Prize list!
Gift: Technically everything, including Mattes and Chromes, can be daily gifts. It's the Gift-only's that are the hard ones.
Future plans are (hopefully) an Access version, so instead of scrolling through dozens of Brilliant Black entries, users will be able to select only unique colour options, and the program would spit out a list of all cars it comes on. Perhaps a web-based edition. We shall see.
I only ask you don't try to pass this off as your own doing; it took quite a lot of time. Other than that, enjoy!
Update History:
01.18.11 - Thread created. Full list revision history available in file.
01.19.11 - 300SL and Cobra standard model chips added. Spelling errors fixed.
01.25.11 - Numerous Paint Category listings updated, new UCD finds clarified.
02.09.11 - A handful of fixes, more categorization. The halfway mark is basically hit: 36/73 makes complete!
02.18.11 - Just when I had found every UCD car... PD switches it all up. 10 paints left to be categorized. GD edition available.
03.22.11 - A large update: Unique Colours page added. Have yet to get it matched up with an autosum, but soon!
06.07.11 - Well, it took months, but finally, the Unique Colours works as planned!
08.03.11 - Massive update done; hello automation!
08.17.11 - Done!
09.03.11 - Fixed some spelling errors, erased the WiLL VS' Black.
01.27.12 - And with that, this is done.
Latest Counts:
Total Chips: 4916
Used Cars Found: Complete
Last edited: