The 'REAL' BMW 2002 Series (OPEN)


managed by: tmoney645 & omahasubaru

- Be a smart and observant racer.
- Clean Driving PLEASE.
- No corner cutting (unless accident, avoiding impact etc.) A minimum of two wheels on track surface at all times.
- Please, be courteous, that means no trash talk, be respectful, no arguing, TROLLING, SPAMMING, B-S ING, OFFENSIVE/DISTURBING LANGUAGE, CUSSING, etc.
- No bumping/crashing/smashing on purpose, if you can't make the pass, don't take someone out.
- If using a headset, please keep conversation/chatter to a minimum during the race and limit background noise as much as possible.
*If it is judged that a driver is doing any of these on purpose, and after asking to stop, doesn't there will be consequences involving booting from room.

BMW 2002 Turbo '73

-= Allowed Modifications =-
Chassis: weight reductions 1 & 2 only
Engine: upgrades 1 & 2 only (rebuild ok if needed)
Exhaust: semi racing only
Drivetrain: twin disk clutch only
Suspension: Full Adjustable Race only
Tires: Sport Soft only
Paint: free/open

Qualification times are to be submitted in the series post on GTP forums by no later than one day before the race. These times will determine grid order for each race. A 1 lap pre-race will be held before the start of each race to set the correct grid order. If submissions are low for the race, then we will hold a pre-race qualify session for 20-40 minutes before the race to set the grid.

Races will be held on Saturday Nights. Room(s) will be open at about 8:30PM central. There will be a 30 minute session before each race in which we will do practice laps. Then the race will start promptly at 9:00PM central.

Race Settings
We will run without any aids enabled aside from ABS brakes. Damage will be set to light and penalties will be off.

Schedule - Series 1
1..01/15.....Côte d’Azur.................20..
2..01/25.....Autodromo Nazionale Monza...12..

3..02/05.....Laguna Seca Raceway.........18..
4..02/12.....Tsukuba Circuit.............25..
6..02/19.....Nürburgring GP/F............13..

Background info
EnzoDBR9 started this league but was unable to continue running it so he asked tmoney and myself if we'd take it over. We wanted to see it through so accepted the request. The previous thread here was replaced with this new one here so that it could be better managed and organized.

Thanks for the interest everyone! Come have fun with us racing these classic bimmers!
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Since race two is tonight... just show up and tmoney will organize a qualification session before the race. He will post the room number once it is ready.

Thanks - Jon
Hope to have a better turn out tonight. New people, don't worry about qualifying, just build your car and come race tonight!
Any chance we can move the race time up a bit? If it's 30-60 minutes earlier I can most likely make it; if it stays at the scheduled time I definitely won't be able to make it :(
I wanted to get in on this series back when it started, but it filled up too quickly and I was too late. I didn't even know that you guys were looking to fill slots because it fell apart. Also, quite coincidentally, the 2002 popped up in my used lot today. It's the first time I've seen it! I snatched it up and I am definitely itching to get behind the wheel. I am down for this series, I will be rocking traditional white for my 2002 to look as authentic as possible.

Also: Egg... hope to see you out there. :)
I'll be there. With the new thread, we should be able to get things going well. I think the problem with the original registration list is that it took too long to start up. Over a month from initial registration to the first race.
Don't forget, race tonight! Room will be open at 8:30, look for the room number here shortly before that. I have jiggled with my routers firewall so hopefully there wont be any disconnects this time around. See yall there!
Thanks to everyone who came out tonight. I had a decent time.

I've got a new issue w/ GT5 that I hope is a fluke. When we started both sessions, my car was defaulting to 4th gear. I thought it was some online fluke or some issue so I tried an A-spec race with a completely different car that has 6 gears and it was the same issue. :( Sorry to those I held up at the start. I'm hoping this was a one time bug and doesn't happen again.

tmoney, hope you get your network issues resolved.
I discovered last night through a lot of research that my modem/router does not support UPnP. I have a NAT type 2 connection and I an still getting these errors, so I hope a new router will fix this for me. I have been meaning to get a better one any ways. Hopefully I will have it before next weeks race, this weekend will still be up in the air as far as me being able to actually stay connected.
I know you all have already run two races, but is it too late to get in on this. I love the 2002---one of my favorite cars---and I also love clean racing. :)
I have a 2002 and want to race with you guys. But how does submitting a qualifying time work? Please let me know if I can get in on this series.
PSN: torzilla
Torzilla, you just run laps on your own and than post your best time here. This "league" is purely for fun so we are going with the honor system.

On that note, I am going to host a room for practice tonight around 9pm. Will post the number when its up.
I'll be there for practice. I haven't even run the next track yet, so some practice is definately needed.
New people, if you don't have time to post a qualification time don't worry. Just show up for the race there are open slots.
Correct, the room opens 8:30. We most likely will be doing qualifing (to set grid order) during that time.

ALSO, I can't seam to stay in a room for more than a few minutes with my current connection problems. So I wont be hosting a practice room tonight, sorry.