The 'REAL' BMW 2002 Series (OPEN)

I will have a practice room up for about 45 minutes. All are welcome to join.

Room number is 1472-6118-3830-2743-6797
I'd like to get in on this for the next race. I just won the 2002 last night and got it all set up so I guess I'll catch you guys on the 5th or in the next practice session.

PSN: Jay2DaB329
since we have this weekend off of races... I think there is a good chance there will be lots of practice sessions over the next week.
I'm putting together my 2002, and I'm curious if there are any "restrictions" on car color for this series/league? Is it totally up to each of us, or are we trying to minimize redundant colors? Thanks in advance.

I'm putting together my 2002, and I'm curious if there are any "restrictions" on car color for this series/league? Is it totally up to each of us, or are we trying to minimize redundant colors? Thanks in advance.


No, we only ask that you keep it semi-realistic (no pink or lime green cars etc). Other than that its up to you.
No, we only ask that you keep it semi-realistic (no pink or lime green cars etc). Other than that its up to you.

Huh, what's wrong with lime green? :confused:

This car is green already :lol:

Not sure of the actual colour name, but there was a pretty bright green available from the factory. They're just not as fast as the orange ones ;)


The Spec Miata race series that I run in just finished up at Laguna today, so it will be back to back Laguna races for me. Should be an interesting comparison in handling.
Huh, what's wrong with lime green? :confused:

This car is green already :lol:

Not sure of the actual colour name, but there was a pretty bright green available from the factory. They're just not as fast as the orange ones ;)


The Spec Miata race series that I run in just finished up at Laguna today, so it will be back to back Laguna races for me. Should be an interesting comparison in handling.

My 2002 is that color green too, thats how I got it from the UCD. I have a strange love for ugliness when done in tasteful ways, and I think the metallic green 2002 looks perfect. Im also coming off a race at leguna seca today in a lotus series. To be honest Im kind of sick of leguna and I know the 2002 will be a lot looser than my Elise RM but Ill be there blowing everyone's doors off reguardless.
I was going to say the same thing! :lol:

The color is Taiga Metallic and that's how I found mine in the UCD, I just painted it white because I prefer the look of the classic 2002 racer.

My 2002 is that color green too, thats how I got it from the UCD. I have a strange love for ugliness when done in tasteful ways, and I think the metallic green 2002 looks perfect. Im also coming off a race at leguna seca today in a lotus series. To be honest Im kind of sick of leguna and I know the 2002 will be a lot looser than my Elise RM but Ill be there blowing everyone's doors off reguardless.

I was actually thinking of Mintgrün (mint green) as a shop I used to work at had a customer with one in that colour. I had a tii in Colorado Orange, so naturally my race car is Orange :)
Amazing what you can find on the net:
Loving these bright 70's colours, but yes, no pink this time Graham :lol:

Laguna might be a handful in this car, it's pretty loose as it is. Tuning will be critical to keep it pointed in the right direction!
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Anyone going to be on tonight? I got my new router today and I want to test to see if I still have any connection issues.
I have a question about qualifying, which tracks do you count your time one, practice, or online? There's a difference in the tire temp (I think thats it) online versus the practice track. So basically you can run faster times on the practice track than on the online track. So which one should I be posting a qualifying time from?

Times should be set in online mode since that is where we will be racing.

P.S.- My connection is fixed! No more disconnects for me.
Times should be set in online mode since that is where we will be racing.

P.S.- My connection is fixed! No more disconnects for me.

What was it that was causing all the DC's out of interest? I have a friend in the same situation.
I am planning to do some practicing tomorrow evening, around 8pm EST. I will post up a room number when I have it up tomorrow.
What was it that was causing all the DC's out of interest? I have a friend in the same situation.

My old router did not support UPnP, that was the main issue.

Also, here is my qualification time for Laguna Seca

I will have a practice room open in about an hour and a half, so 8pm EST. If anything I can get my qualification time in.
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well I managed a 1:43.136 clean lap. So if all is good with that, its my qualifying time.

I forgot how much I love this track... So much fun to race this track.
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Laguna is going to be a blast with the 2002. Hope to get in some practice tomorrow so I can test the method for setting the grid. Can anyone get on to help me out?
What time are you thinking about getting on? If it's late enought I might be able to hop in and help
I will likely be online for a while tonight. I'll likely still be around at that time. Just send me a message and I will join in.
Took a few laps of Laguna online tonight...well more like 15 :)

I was surprised how stable the car was! When I ran Miatas here last weekend, it was by far the most loose that car had ever been. Since the BMW is already pretty tail happy I figured this thing was going to be all over the place :crazy:

Managed to get down to a 1'39.675 using a slight variation on the tune I used for Monza. This will be my qualifying time.
I found the car to be quite stable as well, even on the corkscrew, which was really surprising. Seems 1:43-1:44 is about the average so far. Egghead, still not sure how you are doing so much better than the rest of us. I guess your just that much better. I managed a 1:42 last night, but i can't call it clean as i accidentally cut one corner. Overall I am happy with the way the car handles this track.
I am hoping for a good turn out for this race, I love this track. I know I could get my times down but I just haven't had the time to play at all this week. We are going to try to manually set the grid this time. Note to those who haven't qualified: STILL COME TO THE RACE, you will be placed at the back of the grid on a first come first serve basis. There are still lots of slots so just show up for a fun race!
I am practicing in my lounge right now if anyone wants to join. those of you that aren't already friends with me just add me and join the lounge. PSN is rotarypower85.
I found the car to be quite stable as well, even on the corkscrew, which was really surprising. Seems 1:43-1:44 is about the average so far. Egghead, still not sure how you are doing so much better than the rest of us. I guess your just that much better. I managed a 1:42 last night, but i can't call it clean as i accidentally cut one corner. Overall I am happy with the way the car handles this track.

I keep wondering this myself to be honest, I'm not really that good :confused:

I've double checked the mods on my car a couple of times to make sure there's nothing illegal on it. It's sitting at 213hp and 972Kg, sport softs of course. The only thing I could think of that would make a significant difference that can not be restricted in a room would be the transmission and a limited slip differential; I have neither.

Here's the settings that I used to run my qualifying time at Laguna in my online lounge:

Ride height F: -20 R: 0
Springs F: 9.7 R: 10.5
Extension F: 4 R: 6
Compression F: 5 R: 4
Swaybars F: 7 R: 2
Camber F: -2.2 R: -1.0
Toe F: -0.05 R: 0.25
Brakes F: 5 R: 2

I'm certainly not a tuning master, but I think jacking up the rear on this car really helps with the oversteer and as a side benefit it really gets off the line nicely at the start 👍
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