Looking for good drifters to make a fresh crew

United Kingdom
Hi I'm looking for skilful drifters to start a fresh and stylish drift crew if your interested comment bellow.
Whatsup, Im interested in helping you start this team and we can get it going in the right direction if done correctly so ad me my psn is Big_DEEzIi <__ thats two ii's and Ive got some buddies that may also be interested hope to hear from yuh peace.
hey guy .. my buddy and i are trying to start a team or group of drifters ...ya know get together share set-up tricks and techniques .. stuff like that mabye some vids if its worth it.. we arent pro but compared to all the others that have come through our drifting rooms we surpass on all levels.. im not trying to come off as arogant ... it is what it is .. anyway .. it would be refreshing to possibly play with someone we may be able to learn from ...we dont mind teaching a bit if we see a light at the end of the tunnel with the individual..we have been practicing tandem and are getting the hang of it .. as well as learning each others driving styles .. we have low hp cars as well as higher hp cars .. we like to play all feilds ... we cant stand the random that joins the room with the mentality that putting max hp in a car must be good and then talking like he's the best and my 180 hp corrolla burns his 900 hp viper kinda deal .. we like the method behind the madness ... and for all who are interested send me a msg and we will definatly set somthing up .. we are on everyday pretty much ..my addy is flow4barrel
I'm definately interested in starting/joining a new team, add me, my PSN is number-J and we'll see if we work well together

wait...wern't you just trying out for team ID earlier this morning? I apologize if i'm thinking of someone else.
Im not really looking for a team, but would like to have a few more people to drift with. I will be adding some of you soon. See ya on the track. 👍