How about ballast up to and not exceeding 10KG? I have
my reasons...
Ok they only use ballast in Nascar racing to get up to the weight restrictions.
There is no need for ballast unless you have weight restrictions,that is why they put this in the game well as HP reduction,please get this through your head, we have beaten this like a dead dog.It's dead!.If anything we should restrict the Aero as all Nascars have the same. Aero in this game acts as a boost and is not as realistic as Nascar 2003 or iRacing.If I can run 30 laps with my set up at 892 HP why in the blue moon would you want ballast in a 562 HP car? Ballast is a waste of tires and fuel and that is the most important thing in Nascar racing.There is no sane,reasonable, or evaluative reason to use ballast in a Nascar.I have raced many forms of Super Modified,Late Model Stock Cars and Drag racing so please do not give me any tips on ballast and your reasoning.I believe myself and another gentleman went through this with you in another forum so please go back to that one.
Here let me give you some cheating tips for Nascar which are not allowed.
What does it take to win in Nascar (CHEAT)
Use a thin piece of metal to artificially lengthen the shocks. When the car hits its first big bump, the spacer flattens out and the car sits lower than the mandated minimum, which means less resistance—and more speed.
A paradox: The technology is both state-of-the-art and obsolete. NASCAR engines use carburetors and distributors instead of fuel injectors and computers, but teams spend millions refining these archaic components. The lighter the better, but that means sacrificing sturdiness. In the words of one engineer, "The ideal engine will run 500 miles, cross the finish line and blow up."
Similar to a standard car's but with much softer pads—they have to last only one race. Drivers are so hard on brakes that the brakes have to be cooled, by either removing tape that normally covers the front grille (increasing air flow but losing valuable downforce) or installing an air pump.
Wider than those on a standard car and without treads. Goodyear makes a specific tire for each track and different tires for the left and right sides since they bear different weight loads in a turn.
The same material used in bulletproof glass and fighter jet canopies. Shatterproof but scratches easily; crews cover it with sheets of hard, clear film that can be peeled off during pit stops to enhance visibility.
[cheating]Roll Cage
Drill holes in the roll cage. The weight saved can then be added as ballast.
[cheating]Frame Rails
Pour 25 pounds of BBs into the frame rails. Once the race starts, open up a trapdoor and dump the BBs—and all that weight—onto the track. Or put BBs or mercury in the rails; when the car turns, this weight shifts to the left side, making it easier to turn. On a straightaway the weight shifts back to the center.
[cheating]Steering Wheel
Use a wheel made of metal lighter than what NASCAR requires, such as aluminum. The weight saved can be used as ballast.
[legal]Frame Rails
Teams build cars as light as possible so they can use as much ballast (lead bars) as possible to get them up to their required weight (3,400 pounds) while lowering the car's center of gravity.
[legal]Roof Flaps and Shark Fins
A car takes on the aerodynamic properties of an airplane wing when it spins out and turns sideways. At that point roof flaps pop up to prevent lift, while shark fins on the rear window upset the airflow over the roof to make the car less prone to liftoff.
Do you get my point now.