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This is just a discussion on prize cars and which prize car systems you prefer.
IMO GT4's prize car system was the best, since it's one car per event, so there are very few purchasable prize cars or prize cars that are one in more than one place. GT1 and 2's are close seconds. GT3 and GT5's are complete disasters, GT3 because most prize cars are one in more than one event, and that stupid carousel, GT5 because most of them are purchasable and many don't fit the event.
IMO GT4's prize car system was the best, since it's one car per event, so there are very few purchasable prize cars or prize cars that are one in more than one place. GT1 and 2's are close seconds. GT3 and GT5's are complete disasters, GT3 because most prize cars are one in more than one event, and that stupid carousel, GT5 because most of them are purchasable and many don't fit the event.