ZAMBUCA Photography - November 6th Update

  • Thread starter zambuca
April 21 2011

BMW M3 at Nürburgring
Early morning at the ring having some fun :)
(Click on any photo to enlargen)

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Absolutely amazing. They have to be edited though because I doubt you can get pictures looking that good with just the GT5 photomode.
Are those photoshopped? If not they're amazing, if so they're still amzing. :drool:

Thank you! Yes the photos have all been photoshopped :)

Absolutely amazing. They have to be edited though because I doubt you can get pictures looking that good with just the GT5 photomode.

Exactly. Even though photomode is nice it does have its limitations. I'm going to experiment a lot with Photoshop from now on. Thanks to you also :)
April 23 2011

Ferrari 512BB in Toscana
Oh boy would I like to own one of these in real life ;)
(Click on any photo to enlargen)

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Another great set. I hope you stay around for a while because these are awesome :drool:

Thank you so much! I'm really getting addicted to making pics from GT. First the composition and idea behind the photo, and then all the photoshopping. I'll probably also add some graphics to the process soon. A lot more to come :D
So where do I start?

1) Awesome shots
2) Ferrari 512BB is also the best and most beautiful Ferrari in the game and boy have you nailed it.
3) keep up the work.
April 24 2011

Fun with the TransCammer
A little bit of experimental work with light and paint
(Click on any photo to enlargen)

Thanks TVR, sems and ashes!

@ashes: The color is a Maziora something. One of those color shifters. Normally not my cup of tea, but I wanted something with an extra glow for these shots. I put the light setting at +4 and played with the contrast in photoshop.
Those are some stunning photos, one question, on the BMW at Nur. did you color the stock rims black using Photoshop?

Thanks man. Regarding the rims I didn't touch them. They just seem black because they are actually in the shadow with the sun in the back. But I have to admit they look painted.
I don't think I've been here before, but I have to say, preatty amazing gallery you have. I had to subscribe.

About this last set, it's amazing, mysterious and pretty detailed. I really like it and have to say, you have the potential to be one of the best around. :drool:
Thank you all!!! It really encourages me to do more! I'm happy you like my work - please come back any time!
