WSCC - Corvette GT2 Le Mans Intercontinental Cup - Monday Evenings

  • Thread starter turbogeit
WSCC-Corvette GT2 Intercontinental Le Mans Cup


The Le Mans 2011 GTE Pro & Am Winner


Take a look at our races at the WSCC-youtube channel

Race 5: Monday July 4th:
Daytona Road


Race starts at the end of the infield, when cars come back on the oval (after point 6)

Car : Corvette C6 ZR1 ’09 RM in a LM GT2 –
in its real World Le Mans Racing 2010 configuration ;

that means

- 502 HP (real world : 500 hp)
- 1150 kg (real world : 1145 kg)
- hard racing tyres.

So, if you like the real driving experience…. join us!


Race Calendar

Race 1: June 6th: Fuji F : 36 laps (completed)
Race 2: June 13th: Laguna Seca : 41 laps (completed)
Race 3: June 20th: Suzuka(completed)
Race 4: June 27th: Nurburgring 24h
Race 5: July 4th: Daytona Road
Race 6: July 11th: Big Final – 90 minutes :
Le Mans 2005 with chicanes (double points)


Regulations for championship:

- race length: close to 1 hour – except race 6 : 90 minutes
- all assists off, except driving line, ABS and TCS
- penalty: Weak
- mechanical damage: Low
- grid order: fastest first
- no boost
- race finish delay: max allowed
- Track edge/wet track traction: Real
- tyres: hard race tyres (except wet race)
- rolling start after 1 warm-up lap in reverse championship order
read procedure below
- 1 mandatory pit stop (don’t forget!)

Points System:

1st 10 p, 2nd 6 p, 3rd 4 p, 4th 3 p, 5th 2 p – All other drivers will receive 1 point provided they finish the race.

Time schedule :

Room open : 8:15pm GMT/ 10:15pm CET/4:15 EST – Race start: 9pm GMT/11pm CET / 5pm EST
(don't forget: daylight savings : London = GMT+1)

In order to be there at the right moment, check your timezone


Each race:
A 500,000 Cr Premium Car to be choosen by the winner

Championship winner: No Cr. Limit premium car, provided it can be gifted
N°2: 500.000 Cr Car
N°3: 250.000 Cr Car



To participate in the championship, post your GTP-name and PSN-username on this thread.
Please specify the number you want for your car and the color.

If you are not yet a WSCC-member, you will get an invitation to join our WSCC-Social club space.

Racing rules and treatment of race incidents

We apply the general OLR-rules that you can find here. To put it simply: behave in the races as if you were in a real world car race.
Car contact incidents are part of racing and will always happen. Nobody is perfect.
Everybody makes involuntary driving errors. The important thing is to stay fair.

Here is the procedure to follow in case of an important incident:
-In case of an incident, always first look at the replay
- If after seeing the replay, you still think another driver has disadvantaged you, first contact him by PM.
- If that does not permit to resolve the incident, send a PM to the race steward (host).
- Steward will review the replay and if necessary take a race-decision.
- Never accuse another driver publicly, it is forbidden by WSCC and GTP-policy and can lead to definitive exclusion.

Need a car for a race?

Don’t worry if you don’t have the cars for WSCC-races: our members help each other to get the cars needed by a WSCC car exchange thread on our private social club space.

Members signed-up

Turbogeit: #12 - Mars Red with yellow wheels
Badger-X- : #55 - gaudy gold crome (does not continue)
oRKRz: #6 - matte light blue(does not continue)
gippone - PSN gprili: #80 Rosso Monza
MindlessRiff : #56 - cherry red - white rims
Scanny_Flick: #23 - yellow
Joao71: #71 - blue with black rims
Zentex - PSN Sientex : #42 - orange
Fishhunters - PSN FLSurffisher : #99 -silver
G8R_MaD3 - #81 - yellow
Circuit*Star - PSN XavierFWD: #77 - purple w/red wheels
boshuter : #13 - yellow
harmonium - PSN Dansemaskine: #7 - black - green wheels
Josua1994 : #24 - sublime/sublimegreen
smalldave : #27 - Monza Rosso - white rims
mechyboy27 - PSN mechyboy27: #39 - red with white rims
TWOGIRLS1JOE - #51 - black
sephy - #74 - yellow
RayRoocroft - PSN squeekimus - # imperial blue & white
Dragonistic - #46 Competizione Red w/ Black wheels
jonnyjm - #22 orange

Races take place in Turbogeit's lounge. You'll receive a friend request once signed-up.

Starting order: reverse championship standings grid using following principles.

Front of grid:
Drivers who finished the previous race within the 180 seconds limit, in reverse championship standings order.
In case of ex-aequo, the last race result counts (first the driver with the best result).

Drivers who took part in previous race but did not finish within the 180 seconds limit, in reverse championship order.
Followed by:
Drivers with points in the championship who did not take part in the previous race, in reverse championship standings order.
In case of ex-aequo the best result counts.

All other drivers in random order.

Race 1:
inversed result of preseason, completed with the new drivers in random order.

Link to starting grid race 5

New start procedure – one row rolling start

1. Start button will be pushed when everybody has left the track and is in the pits (not in the lounge!)
2. When start button is pushed everybody waits until host takes place in corner 1.
3. From there, host calls participants 1 by 1 (start order will be posted on forum before the race).
4. Pole position driver waits at Intermediate 1. All other drivers line up on one row behind him.
5. The driver who has to take place behind the host leaves enough space for him.
6. When all others have taken place, host takes his place and gives signal for take off.
7. EDIT: Pole position leads in a regular pace and can accelerate once he is on start-finish straight.
8. Space to leave: (check at finish line) at least 1 second between cars. Will be checked on replay.
If you get too close, you get a 15 seconds time penalty after the race.
9. Overtaking allowed after the exit of turn 1.

In order to keep informed of all changes and practical information,
please follow on the forum the information updates and recent news of the races you signed-up for,
using the the thread tools (subscription).

More information about WSCC? Go to our Main Page-thread



Race 1: Fuji Speedway F

1. Mindlessriff +18.796 (10 points)
2. Gprili + 18.864 (6 p.)
3. Joshua1994 (first at finish + 30.000 penalty) (4p.)
4. Scanny_Flick + 43.436 (3p.)
5. Turbogeit + 45.898 (2p.)
6. Boshuter + 58.789 (1p.)
7. oRKRz + 1:42.405 (1p.)
8. danskemaskine + 1:48.375 (1p.)
9. Joao : out of 180 sec. delay. (1p)

Surffishers: DNF - disconnected

Race 2: Laguna Seca

1. Gprili (10)
2. Twogirls1joe (6) - 1:08
3. Boshuter (4) - 1:21
4. Sientex (3) - 1:54
5. turbogeit (2) - 1:57
6. Scanny_Flick (1) - 2:22
7. Smalldave (1) - 2:58
8. G8R_Mad3 (1) - out of 180 sec. delay.
9. Surffisher (1) - out of 180 sec. delay.
10. Danskemachine (1) - out of 180 sec. delay.
11. Joao71 (1) - out of 180 sec. delay.

DNF: MindlessRiff (connection issues)

Results of Race 3: Suzuka

1. Joshua1994 (10)
2. Dragonistic - 9.4 sec (6)
3. gprili - 36.6 sec (4)
4. smalldave - 55.5 sec (3)
5. Sientex - 1:07 (2)
6. turbogeit - 1:11 (1)
7. G8R_Mad3 - 1:36 (1)
8. Scanny_Flick - 1:39 (1)
9. Surffishers - out of 180 sec (1)
10. RayRoocroft - out of 180 sec (1)

DNF: boshuter and Twogirls1joe

Result of race 4 - Nurburgring 24h

1. Gprili (10)
2. boshuter (6) at 1:09
3. turbogeit (4) at 1:44
4. Sientex (3) at 2:07
5. FlSurffishier (2) at 1:55 + 30 sec penalty
6. G8R_Mad3 (1) at 2:30
7. Scanny_Flick (1) at 2:50

DNF (disconnected): Dragonistic - MindlessRiff

Result round 5: Daytona Road

1. MindlessRiff (10)
2. Gprili (6) - 16.5 sec
3. G8_Mad3 (4) - 16.6 sec
4. Scanny_Flick (3) - 17.8 sec
5. Twogirls1Joe (2) - 51.5 sec
6. boshuter (1) - 1:05
7. turbogeit (1) - 1:09
8. Smalldave (1) - 2:29 - out of fuel
9. Joao - out of 180 sec

DNF: Joshua1994 - Rayroocroft - FLSurffishers

Result Round 6: Le Mans 2005 - double points

1. Twogirls1joe (20)
2. gprili (12)
3. Mindlessriff (8)
4. Sientex (6)
5. smalldave (4)
6. Turbogeit (2)

Final Championship standings

In case of ex-aequo, the best result if the final race makes the difference

1. Gprili (48p)
2. Twogirls1Joe (28p)
3. MindlessRiff (28p)
4. Sientex (14p)
5. Joshua1994 (14p)
6. Turbogeit (12p)
7. boshuter (12p)
8. smalldave (9p)
9. Scanny_Flick (9p)
10. G8R_Mad3 (7p)
11. Dragonistic (6p)
12. Surffisher (3p)
13. danskemachine (2p)
13. joao71 (2p)
15. OrkrZ (1p)
15. Rayroocroft (1p)
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I don't know if I'll be able to make it for 4:45 EST (I might be able to make it home by 5:00pm) but I'd really like to race the corvette LeMans by night so I'm going to try.
Sign me up!
I would like to join this as well, just need to buy the car first ;).

PSN Joao71
I'm IN !!!!!!!! 👍


PSN gprili

car number 80
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I added everybody to the sign-up list.

@Joao71, Scanny_Flick, MindlessRiff: don't forget to choose a car number (color is less important, but it helps for replays)

@Joao71: if you don't have the credits, I can "clone" my car for you.

@MindlessRiff, oRKRz: Friend request will follow later this evening.

@MindlessRiff: club invitation sent.
I'll add you, because my friends list is full at the minute and I'm in the middle of an endurance race on B-Spec. I Can't risk trying to delete people incase my PS3 freezes.
In order to permit Badger-X- and our testdriver Zentex to participate in the race, start will be delayed to 11pm CET (9pm GMT - 5pm EST)
sign me up!
number: #42
color: orange

Done. Thanks for the testing.

Online I have problems, my car lacks grip. I am at about 5-6 seconds behind your time, while offline, I was at less than a second. Will have to do some more testing.

By the way, I can't wait for the real 24h. Working not far from the ferryport of Calais, I see each year all the British fans go to Le Mans in their sports cars and oldtimers.

Off topic: Yesterday, I had an unexpected "close encounter" with a formule 1 car on the highway. In Calais, an open trailer stood on the emergency lane. On it: a F1 Copersucar-Fittipaldi "Wing car" from the end 70's or early 80's.
Strange to see on the highway a car I saw many times on televison in my youth.
Ok I have bought my car and I'm going to start practising, can my colour be matte light blue please.
Updated sign-up list.

10 drivers for the moment. Still 6 spots open.

@FishHunters: FR will follow later this evening, television is not free because family is looking at Soccer Champions League final now.
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hey turbo how many laps will be the race?

also, the room quality? Normal?
chat quality?

thanks :)
One hour = 15 laps. On tests, lap records of 3:58-59 were possible.
For the room settings, I use my usual setting. I believe they are on normal.