WSCC - Corvette GT2 Le Mans Intercontinental Cup - Monday Evenings

  • Thread starter turbogeit
I'm fairly certain I can make this race tomorrow. Put me down for #13 (my number from the Wed. series is taken), and color yellow.
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sign me in please

PSN: XavierFWD #77 Color: Purple w/ red wheels

thank you, I will send you a friend request invite shortly.
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News flash

- 13 sign-ups.
- @Joao: don' forget to communicate your car number and color.
- @Circuit*star: I've sent you a club member invitation and accepted your FR.

- I did a 10 laps solo testing race yesterday. I got of 3 times, each time it costed me about 10 to 15 seconds. Finally, the last lap on fresh tyres was the fasted: 4:01.6. I'm not sure which will be the fastest strategy for this evening: 1 or 2 stops. But I'm sure that on that tricky track it will be more important to avoid errors than to go superfast. But that's the way it should be in an endurance race. By the way, darkness is not really a problem (at least when you're alone on the track).
Can I sign up? GTP name: well, this :D Harmonium
Black hood, green rims. I'd like #7 :)
PSN name: Dansemaskine
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Edited sign-up list. We are 14 now.

Important message

I remember to everyone, especially to the new members, that the tonight race and the series to come if you are interested, are endurance races, so let's try to avoid lap 1 cold tyres incidents.

In order to avoid racing incidents on this track that real world drivers consider as tricky and dangerous, I will ask everyone to be careful by overtaking. There is no need to take big risks in the corners. Thanks to the huge aspiration phenomenon (better than the mobile rear wing in F1, if you pass a car in the corner just before a straight, that car will pass you again on the straight. That means the race might be rather tactical.

WSCC-rules are here

Let's have fun and a clean race tonight!
Lounge open for practice

Close racing here in practice already. I'm really looking forward to this event, it's my first actual online racing event, besides random lobby-stuff, so I'm really excited. Going for a cigarette now :)
Just to confirm, the race starts at 10pm UK time right? (GMT + 1) I have read the front page, but I'd just like a confirmation because I've messed up on timezones before and missed races by 1 hr! Cheers!
Just to confirm, the race starts at 10pm UK time right? (GMT + 1) I have read the front page, but I'd just like a confirmation because I've messed up on timezones before and missed races by 1 hr! Cheers!

Confirmed - Lounge is open
Important: Track limits

It is not always very clear were the track limits are on Le Mans, and as usual, the penalty system is not very consequent.

Please respect the following rules:

- Always two wheels on track, that means (in the chicanes) at least two wheels at the inside track part of the curbstones.
- Going wide on corner exit is tolerated.
- Pay especially attention on two corners, which should not been cut: the left-right before the Dunlop bridge and the last chicane before the finish line.
OK Guys, that was a great race. It was hard, I think I got off 4 or 5 times. Sometimes it was my own fault, in other cases I couldn't avoid other cars in difficulty. But that's part of the game. Just like when you are stuck behind slower cars (by moments I felt like Hamilton in Monaco yesterday).

Anyway, after this race I have even more admiration then before for the guys who drive these cars in the real world.
One amazing thing some of us remarked was that the balance of the car changed when the car was getting lighter by fuel consumption. We came pretty close to "the real driving experience".

Thanks everybody


1. MindlessRiff
2. Gprili/Gippone
3. Scanny_Flick
4. G8R_Mad3
5. Turbogeit
6. Cobrius
7. Sientex
8. BadgerX
9. Boshuter
10. Dansemaskine
11. XavierFWD (under investigation)
12. oRKRz
DNF. FishHunters (disconnected?)

An investigation is running against XavierFWD for driving into the wrong direction.


After the race, we discussed the championship. Everybody seemed to be in favor of it. So, I will update page 1 tomorrow evening.

Please confirm your sign-up for the championship or let us now if you are not interested.

@MindlessRiff: please let me know which 500.000 Cr premium prize-car you want to have.


As usual, GT5 messed up completely the starting grid. I suggest, that for the following races in this series, we organize a rolling start, in the reverse order of the championship standing (and for race 1, in the reverse order of the preseason race)
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Lol I've never done endurance races online, my tires were gone by lap 4. xD I want to do the championship but I clearly need practice at endurance races.
Sorry guys. Never been disconnected before. I was thoroughly enjoying it! Put me down please for the Championship!
Definitely sign me up :) even though I was alone for much of the race it was still good fun, enjoyed it!

Just a comment on the grid order, it doesn't mess up, it just looks like it. When you leave track it removes you from the list on the left but your times are still recorded, it's pretty stupid really, you'd think they'd do one or the other instead of the mix they have lol. Oh well, I like reverse grids anyway, spices it up a bit :)
Ive sent you message tubogeit, about my incident, I also explained my self at the race, when the race was ending and lobby.
Definitely sign me up :) even though I was alone for much of the race it was still good fun, enjoyed it!

Just a comment on the grid order, it doesn't mess up, it just looks like it. When you leave track it removes you from the list on the left but your times are still recorded, it's pretty stupid really, you'd think they'd do one or the other instead of the mix they have lol. Oh well, I like reverse grids anyway, spices it up a bit :)

My experience is different: In a way or another GT5 does not always take into account the real lap times, even when you do not leave the track. In many WSCC-races, we saw that the fastest guy on track finally was not on pole position. We tried everything and could still not resolve that problem.
I found myself on place 11/13 and while I was sure I was not one of the 3 or 4 fastest guys on the track, I'm also quite sure that I was not number 11. On the other hand, it is not logical that Sientex, who did not take part in qualification stood in front of me on the grid. Logically, if you don't qualify, you should be in last position.
My experience is different: In a way or another GT5 does not always take into account the real lap times, even when you do not leave the track. In many WSCC-races, we saw that the fastest guy on track finally was not on pole position. We tried everything and could still not resolve that problem.
I found myself on place 11/13 and while I was sure I was not one of the 3 or 4 fastest guys on the track, I'm also quite sure that I was not number 11. On the other hand, it is not logical that Sientex, who did not take part in qualification stood in front of me on the grid. Logically, if you don't qualify, you should be in last position.

I think a good way to resolve this problem would be to re-arrange our selves once race started or even go for a warm up lap after race has started with everyone under its corresponding position. I have seen this done many times before with or with out warm up lap and it works very good.
Yeah, sign me up too! :) Definitely enjoyed the race. I had a few times were I was definitely subject to contact, but that's just impossible to avoid in such fast cars, on a track that gets you from 300 to 70 kph so fast, so often. Still enjoyed it very much, and looking forward to the series :D
Hi folks, hello turbo,

I was a member of WSCC, before we had that "unfortunate" PSN issue. As prawny has disappeared, so did the WSCC homepage. Glad to see that you turbo and seemingly the other hosts are continuing what has started.
@turbo, could you shoot me an invite for the club, since I did not find any WSCC related site, outside of GTP.

Thanks, looking forward to race you guys. I was off GT5, just to get a creative pause and doing some renovations.
But I hope I'll find some time to join.

Same car for all the races?

Yes, it is the "Corvette GT2 Intercontinental Le Mans Cup".

First post and Thread name will be updated later this evening.
There are so many new post on all the pages that I will probable be busy the whole evening with that.