WSCC - Corvette GT2 Le Mans Intercontinental Cup - Monday Evenings

  • Thread starter turbogeit
With our Vette's, do we:
x Fully tune them, then limit them with ECU and ballast
x Or do we get it, RM it, add the ECU and then take off power and add ballast without adding air filters and engine tuning etc?
For the track, I have to do a test and unless it is negative, it will be Fuji GP, with the extra chicane. I just will first check whether the penalty system functions correctly and does prevent going too wide and corner cuttings.
With our Vette's, do we:
x Fully tune them, then limit them with ECU and ballast
x Or do we get it, RM it, add the ECU and then take off power and add ballast without adding air filters and engine tuning etc?

You do whatever you want, provided you respect the 502 HP - 1150 kg limits.

I add you to the sign-up list.
You do whatever you want, provided you respect the 502 HP - 1150 kg limits.

I add you to the sign-up list.

Righty ho :)

And thanks. I won't make the 13th June race because I have an exam near to that. The Nurburgring race is on my birthday though :D

Also, with all this GMT stuff, I live in England, so the room will open at 8:15 right? or is it 9:15?
Righty ho :)

And thanks. I won't make the 13th June race because I have an exam near to that. The Nurburgring race is on my birthday though :D

Also, with all this GMT stuff, I live in England, so the room will open at 8:15 right? or is it 9:15?

In summer, UK Time is GMT+1. So room opens at 9:15 UK, 10:15 CET, 4:15 EST
Important information: Start order - Rolling Start procedure

In order to avoid lag problems, correct qualifying time problems and lap 1 incidents, we decided to use this procedure for the Corvette Championship.

Starting order: reverse championship standings grid using following principles.

Front of grid: Drivers who finished the previous race within the 180 seconds limit take place on the grid in reverse championship standings order. In case of ex-aequo, the last race result counts (first the driver with the best result).
Middle: Drivers with points in the championship who did not take part in the previous race, in reverse championship standings order. In case of ex-aequo the best result counts.
Back: All other drivers in random order.

Race 1: inversed result of preseason, completed with the new drivers in random order.
Case of Circuit*Star who drove in opposite direction in last lap when running out of fuel: in order not to make him benefit of this infraction, his third place before the incident will be taken into account for the starting grid constitution.

New start procedure – one row rolling start

1. Start button will be pushed when everybody has left the track and is in the pits (not in the lounge!) – according to several GTP-posts that prevents starting lag.
2. When start button is pushed everybody waits until host takes place in corner 1.
3. From there, host calls participants 1 by 1 (start order will be posted on forum before the race – so everybody should know when he has to take off.
4. Pole position driver waits at Intermediate 1. All other drivers line up on one row behind him.
5. The driver who has to take place behind the host leaves enough space for him.
6. When all others have taken place, host takes his place and gives signal for take off.
7. Pole position gives the pace and decides when he accelerates.
8. Space to leave: at least 1 second between cars. Will be checked on replay. If you get too close, you get a 15 seconds time penalty after the race.
9. Overtaking allowed after the exit of turn 1.
I did some testing with the Vette on Fuji F (with the extra chicane).

Good news:

- It feels rather realistic and you need to have good throttle control in order to keep the car on the track with the hard tyres. The feeling I had is close to what I saw in the Blancpain Endurance series some weeks ago on television. Corner speed is rather realistic (much more than on soft or medium tyres).

- Penalty system is not perfect, but prevents most corner cuttings. If you get wide, in order to prevent a penalty, in most cases, it helps to slow down before coming back on track.

Number of laps: 36. I did a 1:40.1, but fastest drivers will probably get close to or under 1:38.

"Bad" news: Probably two or three stops needed, because the car eats tyres.
I did some testing with the Vette on Fuji F (with the extra chicane).

Good news:

- It feels rather realistic and you need to have good throttle control in order to keep the car on the track with the hard tyres. The feeling I had is close to what I saw in the Blancpain Endurance series some weeks ago on television. Corner speed is rather realistic (much more than on soft or medium tyres).

- Penalty system is not perfect, but prevents most corner cuttings. If you get wide, in order to prevent a penalty, in most cases, it helps to slow down before coming back on track.

Number of laps: 36. I did a 1:40.1, but fastest drivers will probably get close to or under 1:38.

"Bad" news: Probably two or three stops needed, because the car eats tyres.

Sounds brilliant to me really! Liking the fact that pit strategy might become a deciding factor :)
It is an endurance cup, so clean racing, tyrewear, fuel consumption and strategy should play a role.

I just did a pitstop test: look out not to miss the pit entry or to hit the wall by going too fast into it. A pitstop costs around 33-35 seconds.
Also, the thought of a 1 hour race with several pit stops may stop silly moves at the start of races - especially Fuji with it's mahoosive slipstreaming straight!
That's what I hope. On a track like that, no need to take risks in the corners to gain places: you have all the time on the straight. But look out for the braking errors! If you miss your braking point while slipstreaming you go off like a rocket!
The only question I have is WHEN? Mon or Tues?

There was some confusion on the private club space, where I first posted a message with the wrong day.

To be clear:

Monday: Corvette Le Mans Intercontinental Cup
Next Tuesday: single event Mercedes 300 SL on Le Mans 2005 without chicane. And we still need more drivers for Tuesday.
News flash

- Grid is complete.

@Joao71 & Joshua1994: please confirm your car number and color (that's for the replays and photoshoots)

@mechyboy27 and smalldavid: Friend Request and invitation for private club space have been sent.

- @everyone: Please carefully read the new start procedure and grid constitution rules added to post 1.

Grid for race 1:

(taking into account Circuit*Star's 3d place before he returned in the opposite way to the pits - rule is that he should not benefit from this infraction on the next grid)

Positions 12-16 selected by the innocent hand of my son.

1. oRKRz
2. Danskemachine
3. Boshuter
4. BadgerX
5. Sientex
6. Turbogeit
7. G8R_Mad3 (remember: leave space for host Turbogeit on grid at intermediate 1)
8. Scanny_Flick
9. XavierFWD
10. Gprili
11. MindlessRiff
12. GTP_Mechyboy27
13. Smalldave
14. Joao71
15. FLSurffisher
16. Joshua1994
Im running online (my lounge), with the hard tyres, tyrewear on. Doing most of the time 1:41's (with some 1:40's. Tirewear is gonna be important.
Yeah I think my times will drop off substantially with tyre wear - coming out of the corner after the long right, coming out of the chicane, and most of the last sector I had a few traction issues :/ First corner has loads of grip though
The other thing is there's so many lines you can take through the last 2 corners ... that I never know which ones right!
Indeed, grip in the "labyrinth" at the end is a problem.

Much better in sector one and two.

Haha, labyrinth, perfect description of that section! Not had chance to practice yet, most likely will do a little bit tomorrow. Oh, and I've changed my car colour to cherry red with white rims, number is still the same.
7. Pole position gives the pace and decides when he accelerates.
8. Space to leave: (check at finish line) at least 1 second between cars. Will be checked on replay.
If you get too close, you get a 15 seconds time penalty after the race.
9. Overtaking allowed after the exit of turn 1.

I'd just like a little clarification on some of this, just to make sure I don't screw up! :guilty:

1. Does the pole sitter at least have to wait until he crosses starting line to accelerate?

2. When the car in front of you accelerates, then you may accelerate but you may not pass any cars until exit of turn 1?

3. Pole position driver has to maintain steady pace until accelerating for start? (If he is slowing and speeding up, it will make it impossible to maintain correct gap.)

Sorry for the questions.... just want to get it right. :)
I'd just like a little clarification on some of this, just to make sure I don't screw up! :guilty:

1. Does the pole sitter at least have to wait until he crosses starting line to accelerate?

2. When the car in front of you accelerates, then you may accelerate but you may not pass any cars until exit of turn 1?

3. Pole position driver has to maintain steady pace until accelerating for start? (If he is slowing and speeding up, it will make it impossible to maintain correct gap.)

Sorry for the questions.... just want to get it right. :)

It's always best to state things explictly, so here some clarifications:

QU 2: Indeed, because of the huge draft on the straight, which would give turn 1 incidents. Remember: this is an endurance race.

About the pace of the pole car:

Pole car should try to keep a regular pace, no sudden accelerations or braking, in order to avoid warming-up incidents, but nevertheless a good pace, passing everywhere a bit slower than in the race.

Acceleration to race pace: Once on the start-finish straight, pole car can accelerate to race speed when he wants.

Important : Start procedure demonstration

In order to make things clear, we will do a start test-demonstration monday at 8:30pm GMT - 10:30pm CET - 4:30pm EST (30 minutes before the real start), with me (turbogeit) as the pole driver.
It's always best to state things explictly, so here some clarifications:

Acceleration to race pace: Once on the start-finish straight, pole car can accelerate to race speed when he wants.

Should ALL cars or just pole car be on start-finish straight?