1983 Ticket, My final birthday Ticket!

  • Thread starter teecro
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United States

I am looking for the FINAL birthday ticket.
I had originally had a deal worked out, but there was a mix up.
I was wondering if there were any kind souls that would like to donate me a 1983 Birthday Ticket so my trades don't get screwed up.


Please read the ENTIRE post before making any offers.


As the title states, I am searching for birthday tickets.
All of them to be exact.
I will be updating this post as this moves along.

I am seeking the following birthday tickets...
  • I have finally received all tickets, no longer looking for any.:D
I will offer the following...
  • 1 car = Your ticket.
  • 1 ticket = Your ticket.
  • 2 full sets of gear [your choice.] = Your ticket.
  • 5 paint chips. = Your ticket.

I do have 100% gear. That is 690 helmets and 660 suits.
You do not need to ask if I have a certain style.

I have all Chrome, Colorshift, Matte, Midnight Purple, Chrome Orange [not really chrome] paint chips as well as over 1,000 other chips.

Please keep all communication or offers about trading within this thread. No PM's.

Do not make me an offer requesting something that I didn't say I would send.
If you do, your post will be ignored and I will go on to the next person.
It just shows you clearly did not read this entire post.

Once we have come to an agreement, that is when a PM will be sent to you by me.
That PM will contain the following...
  • The PSN ID that you will send to and receive from.
At this point I do have a 100% successful trade record, I intend to keep it that way.
With that being said, I may require you to send your ticket first.
If that is the case, I will send your gear immediately after I received your ticket.
My decision will be based upon the following...
  • Whether or not we have traded before.
  • Your trade reputation.
  • If I recognize you from being a frequent person in The Marketplace.
  • Your post count.
  • How you act. I.E. if you are polite, understanding, demanding, rude, etc.


I will also gladly accept any donations of museum cards that I don't have. Link is in my sig.
That is, only if you would like to help a fellow GTP collector out.;)


Thank you for taking the time to read my thread.👍

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I will also maintain this post with the following...
  • Pending trades.
  • Completed trades.
  • Good traders.
  • Bad traders.

Blue = Sent/Received
[If only half is highlighted that means I sent half.]
Silver = Completed.
  • SEND - Swell, Thunder, Wonderland, Wrap. ||| RECEIVE - 1980 ticket, 1989 ticket. [caninehostile]
  • SEND - Scorpion, Waver. ||| RECEIVE - 2008 ticket. [illy865]
  • SEND - Spiral, Swell, Thunder, Titan. ||| RECEIVE - 1998 ticket, 1968 ticket. [CrackedTrigger]
  • SEND - Blaze, Scorpion, Thunder, Wrap. ||| RECEIVE - 2003 ticket, 2005 ticket. [napster4]
  • SEND - Back Vision, Downforce, Intersection, Mistral, Ripple, Scorpion, Swell, Double Stripe Pro. ||| RECEIVE - 1965 ticket, 1974 ticket, 1984 ticket, 1985 ticket. [Jay.]
  • SEND - Back Vision, Blizzard. ||| RECEIVE - 1962 ticket. [Cheap_Charley]
  • SEND - Blaze, Carbon, Divider, Downforce, Fast Rain, Intersection, Storm Line, Trickster, Wonderland, Wrap. ||| RECEIVE - 1992 ticket, 1997 ticket, 1999 ticket, 2001 ticket, 2002 ticket. [MustangRyan]
  • SEND - Wonderland. ||| RECEIVE - 1987 ticket. [G1lly]
  • SEND - 15 paints. ||| RECEIVE - 1973 ticket, 1976 ticket, 1977 ticket. [WeShallNverStop]
  • SEND - Blaze, Chicane, Small Jaw, Spiral. ||| RECEIVE - 1942 ticket, 1958 ticket. [leandro_BR]
  • SEND - 2 random sets. ||| RECEIVE - 1988 ticket [Ferrari_1996]
  • SEND - 2 random suit sets. ||| RECEIVE - 1979 ticket. [Mugo]
  • SEND - 1977 ticket, 1980 ticket.||| RECEIVE - 2006 ticket, 2007 ticket. [GReeK_W1ZaRd]
  • SEND - 15 paints. ||| RECEIVE - 1963 ticket, 1964 ticket, 1982 ticket. [WeShallNverStop]
  • Aug 7 - SEND - 1954 ticket. ||| RECEIVE - 1944 ticket. [chieh6412]
  • Aug 8 - SEND - 1958 ticket. ||| RECEIVE - 1978 ticket. [chieh6412]
  • Aug 9 - SEND - 1965 ticket. ||| RECEIVE - 1991 ticket. [chieh6412]
  • Aug 10 - SEND - 1968 ticket. ||| RECEIVE - 1996 ticket. [chieh6412]
  • Aug 11 - Unavailable
  • Aug 12 - SEND - 2006 ticket. ||| RECEIVE - 1981 ticket. [iCyCo]
  • Aug 13 - SEND - 1983 ticket. ||| RECEIVE - 1949 ticket. [cryptomanic]
  • Aug 14 - SEND - 1987 ticket. ||| RECEIVE - 1961 ticket. [cryptomanic]

The good...
  • caninehostile
  • Cheap_Charley
  • chieh6412
  • CrackedTrigger
  • cryptomanic
  • Ferrari_1996
  • G1lly
  • GReeK_W1ZaRd
  • iCyCo
  • Jay.
  • illy865
  • leandro_BR
  • Mugo
  • MustangRyan
  • napster4
  • thugdevotion
  • WeShallNverStop
The bad...
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The alleged Stig suit? Is that a hoax if not i'd like those to helmet and suits set.

If not i'll take the Swell Suit set & Wrap Helmet set :)
Ticket is sent btw :) Cheers and thanks
stig suit... if you havent got that... anything.

il send it in about 30 minutes ?
.. im not on my ps3 now.
The alleged Stig suit? Is that a hoax if not i'd like those to helmet and suits set.

If not i'll take the Swell Suit set & Wrap Helmet set :)
Ticket is sent btw :) Cheers and thanks

Stig suit is not in the game as of yet.

I did receive your ticket!👍 Swell and Wrap will be on their way shortly.
Pending NO more :D
1989 ticket sent, Horn 217, 206, 194, 193, 190 sent, + 5 various matte's in your giftbox. :)
I have a 2008 ticket available. Would trade for full sets of Scorpion and Waver suits.

Can trade after I get out of work (after 5:30PM ET).
Pending NO more :D
1989 ticket sent, Horn 217, 206, 194, 193, 190 sent, + 5 various matte's in your giftbox. :)
Thank you!:cheers: You are awesome.👍

I have a 2008 ticket available. Would trade for full sets of Scorpion and Waver suits.

Can trade after I get out of work (after 5:30PM ET).

You've got yourself a deal!
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:@:illy865 - I sent out all of Scorpion and the first 15 of Waver. I will send the last 15 of Waver when your gift box is empty.👍

Any new takers?
Doesn't anybody want this great looking gear?:lol:
Amazing products I've got here people.:sly:
I'm letting it go for lower than wholesale value.:lol:
I'l take some.
You can put me down for the 1985 and I can send it 1am tuesday.
I'll get back to you with the gear I'd like.
I will be getting a few more tickets soon too, so I'll keep you posted.
I just got confirmation of 1965 & 1984, guaranteed.
I can get them to you too over the next 4-5 days.
Hopefully you can help me finish my gear collection. :)
So your...
- 1965
- 1984
- 1985

For my...
- 6 sets of gear.

I will put you down in the OP. Just let me know what sets you want!👍
So your...
- 1965
- 1984
- 1985

For my...
- 6 sets of gear.

I will put you down in the OP. Just let me know what sets you want!👍

Perfect. I'm sending the same tickets to GReeK_W1ZaRd over the next few days too, I'll update with a schedule and the gear I'd like later today.

I just read through your first few posts properly.
The rules section and 'The Good, The Bad...' in post#2 is brilliant. :lol:
Perfect. I'm sending the same tickets to GReeK_W1ZaRd over the next few days too, I'll update with a schedule and the gear I'd like later today.

I just read through your first few posts properly.
The rules section and 'The Good, The Bad...' in post#2 is brilliant. :lol:

Haha, thank you.👍
No rush, take your time deciding. Whenever you decide I'll update the OP and send the PM out.
Got my schedule sorted for tickets I'm sending over the next week.
Tickets will be sent between 1am - 2am GMT on the days listed.

Monday 11/7...GReeK_W1ZaRd.....1985 Ticket

Tues 12/7.......Teecro................1985

Weds 13/7.......Reserved

Thurs 14/7......GReeK_W1ZaRd.....1965

Fri 15/7..........GReeK_W1ZaRd......1984

Sat 16/7.........Teecro.................1965

Sun 17/7.........Teecro................1984

Hope this is OK for you.
Gear I'd like in return...

Back-Vision and Downforce helmets,
Intersection, Mistral, Ripple and Scorpion suits please
No rush, any order and whenever you get chance.
I'l try to keep my gift box empty.

Thanks again. 👍
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