1983 Ticket, My final birthday Ticket!

  • Thread starter teecro
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Do you have these? If you do, I'd like these:

One; Matte Black, Matte Dark Blue, Matte Orange, Matte White, Matte Dark Green.
Two; Chrome Orange, Chameleon Blue, Chameleon Orange, AMG Monza Grau Magno, Gold Chrome.
Three; Matte red, Matte Dark Red, Matte Yellow, Silver Chrome, Midnight Purple II

The order doesn't matter at all for me.

I've got them all.
They will be on there way on Friday!👍
Thank you for helping me out.:)
Received the rest of the helmets, thanks teecro, hopefully we'll do more! 👍

Thank you as well.:cheers:
Hope to do business again.👍

i have 1942 and 1958 tickets

for blaze, spiral and chicane suits and small jaw helmet

You've got yourself a deal.👍
I will edit you in the OP as soon as I am at a computer, as I am on my phone right now.
Sent the third of five tickets, and more Citroen museum cards.

Another little update from me:

@MustangRyan - All of Downforce and 1-15 of Fast Rain sent out.👍

@leandro_BR - All of Blaze and 1-15 of Chicane have been sent out.:tup
Checked my gears page.

Chequered and Double Stripe Pro suits for the 1984 please bud.


I'm not sure how, but I somehow got my numbers mixed up. I don't have a 2002 ticket, though I'm going to try my hardest to get one before the reset tomorrow night so we can carry out our trade as planned. Sorry for the mixup.

EDIT - I've got a lead on a 2002 ticket now, but I might need to push our trade back 1 day to get the 2002 ticket first. I'll keep you updated.
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Another update:

@ Jay. - I tried to send some more gear to you. But it said you were full up.

@ MustangRyan - Fast Rain 16-30 and All of Intersection suits sent.👍

@ leandro_BR - I tried to send some more gear to you. But it said you were full up.

@ Ferrari_1996 - All of Carbon and 1-15 of Blaze sent.👍
Gift box will be empty in 10 minutes, and 1965 ticket will be sent to you in 40.
Sent some Ford cards, and should have a 2002 ticket to send you at tomorrow's reset.
Gift box will be empty in 10 minutes, and 1965 ticket will be sent to you in 40.

I will send some gear when I'm home from work in about 9 hours. Hopefully it will still be empty then.

Sent some Ford cards, and should have a 2002 ticket to send you at tomorrow's reset.

Thank you.👍
If you don't manage to get it, that's alright.
You've helped me out a bunch so far.👍
I just wanted to let you guys know that things have come up and I don't have the time to send out any gears today.
Tomorrow I will be back on schedule and resume sending.
I apologize for any inconvenience.
I just wanted to let you guys know that things have come up and I don't have the time to send out any gears today.
Tomorrow I will be back on schedule and resume sending.
I apologize for any inconvenience.

Fine by me bud.

SEND - Back Vision, Downforce, Intersection, Mistral, Ripple, Scorpion, Chequered, Double Stripe Pro. ||| RECEIVE - 1965 ticket, 1974 ticket, 1984 ticket, 1985 ticket. [Jay.]

Someone sent me Chequered already, could you change to Swell suits please mate. 1984 will be sent in about 5 hours. 👍

@ WeShallNverStop - First 5 paints have been sent out.👍

@ Jay. - Swell 1-6 sent and then I got the full up message. :(

@ MustangRyan - All of Storm Line and 1-15 Trickster have been sent out.👍

@ leandro_BR - 16-30 of Chicane and All of Small Jaw have been sent out.👍

@ Ferrari_1996 - 16-30 of Blaze have been sent out.👍

@ Mugo - All of Spiral and Thunder 1-15 have been sent out.👍


Again, I apologize for not being able to send stuff out yesterday.


@ leandro_BR - The last set was sent out.
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The sending of today cosisted of...

@ WeShallNverStop - The second batch of 5 paints has been sent out.👍

@ Mugo - Thunder 16-30 have been sent out.👍

@ MustangRyan - 16-30 of Trickster and all of Wonderland have been sent out.👍

@ Jay. - 7-30 of Swell and 1-20 of Double Stripe Pro have been sent out.👍
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