- 917
- Athens
- AIexKidd
Ahhh....i see we kinda all meet again. So this is the thread of yours for the tickets. Yup, i'll definately see to it that we do some ticket swap at some point
I'll be getting more over the next week or so,
I'll keep you both posted if I get one you're missing.
If you're still in need of a 1962 ticket, sign me up for the Back Vision & Blizzard helmets, you pick a good date.
Yes I do.
Carbon, blaze, storm line, intersection, divider, downforce, wonderland, trickster.
Edit - add 1992 for fast rain and wrap.
You've got a deal again!
Thank you a bunch, I will edit all your info in the OP.
It will take me a bit of time to send all the gear out but we'll get there.
You've got yourself a deal!
I sent you some random Citroen museum cards that you didn't already have until I hit my limit for today. I'll see what else I can fill in as I send the next four tickets over the next four days.
1962 B-Day ticket sent!
Thank you both. 👍
Cheap_Charley - I will send the first batch of gear tomorrow.👍
Great & thanks! I should be able to clear out the first batch around 1 PM Alaska Standard Time, if not, that means I got screwed and had to work over my break.
Have an 87 ticket to trade if you're interested?
teecroDefinitely interested. What 2 gear sets or 5 paint would you like?
A little update...
@Cheap_Charley - Blizzard have been sent out.👍
@Jay. - ALL of your gear has been sent out. It worked out nice being on at the same time.👍
@MustangRyan - All of Blaze and 1-15 of Carbon have been sent out.👍
I Can trade a 1973, 1975 & 1977 ticket for some matte and colour shift. I can send on Friday, Sat & Sun. It's up to you, depending on your schedule.
Gear received. Thanks for the additional, not necessary but thanks none the less. Easy quick trade. Highly recommended.
Do you have these? If you do, I'd like these:You have got yourself a deal sir!
I can send the days you said you can send as well.
I can 3 days of 5 paints per day for you.
Do you want just random Mattes and Colorshifts of do you have something you prefer?