My fight with the US government

  • Thread starter Caz


Judges 59 page decision

Victory achieved!!!! 1/24/13

Trial starts 11/5/12

Ok sorry enough backstory.
Here is an article released today ( oct 4 2011) from our defense team. ( )

Arlington, Va.—
For two years, Massachusetts small business owner Russ Caswell has suffered through an American nightmare. Russ and his family have owned and operated the Motel Caswell in Tewksbury, Mass., for two generations. The motel, which Russ’ father built and the Caswells own free and clear, was supposed to provide for Russ and his wife’s retirement. But now, the Caswells may have their million-dollar property taken from them by local and federal law enforcement officials through a process known as “civil forfeiture.” If law enforcement officials succeed, the Caswells would end up with nothing and the law enforcement agencies would split the bounty through a process called “equitable sharing” in which the local agency would get 80 percent of the proceeds and the federal government would keep the rest. This money could be used to pad the budgets of police and prosecutors’ offices, thus giving it a direct financial incentive not to pursue justice, but rather to “police for profit,” which is exactly was is going on in the Caswell case. Seeking to circumvent state law and cash in on the profits, the Tewksbury Police Department is working with the U.S. Department of Justice to take and sell the Caswells’ property because a tiny fraction of people who have stayed at the Motel Caswell during the past 20 years have been arrested for crimes. This is taking place even though the Caswells themselves have worked closely with law enforcement officials to prevent and report crime on their property. And the arrests the government complains of represent less than .0005 percent of the 125,000 rooms the Caswells have rented over that period of time. Worse yet, while criminals in America are presumed innocent until being proven guilty, under civil forfeiture, innocent owners like the Caswells are presumed guilty until they can prove that they and their property have done no wrong. The Institute for Justice, a public interest law firm that fights for property rights nationwide, announced today it would represent the Caswells in the defense of their constitutional rights. “Civil forfeiture creates a perverse incentive for police to target innocent owners and their assets rather than seek justice and public safety,” said IJ Senior Attorney Scott Bullock. “No one in the United States should lose his or her property without being convicted of a crime, let alone never even being charged with a crime. Yet that is exactly what is happening with the Caswells. This case shows that fair and impartial law enforcement cannot exist as long as we allow policing for profit.” How widespread is the problem of civil forfeiture abuse nationwide? In 1986, the year after the U.S. Department of Justice’s Asset Forfeiture Fund was created—the fund that holds the forfeiture proceeds from properties forfeited under federal law and available to be paid out to law enforcement agencies—took in just $93.7 million. Today, it holds more than $1.6 billion. A new Institute for Justice report released today titled, Inequitable Justice: How Federal “Equitable Sharing” Encourages Local Police and Prosecutors to Evade State Civil Forfeiture Law for Financial Gain, documents how the problem is growing worse. Between 2000 and 2008, equitable sharing payments from the U.S. Department of Justice to state and local law enforcement doubled from about $200 million to $400 million per year. “Equitable sharing enables law enforcement agencies to sidestep protections in state law for property owners such as the Caswells,” said Larry Salzman, an attorney with the Institute for Justice and a co-author of the Inequitable Justice report. “It essentially makes bad situations worse by allowing local police and prosecutors to take property from citizens under federal forfeiture law when such seizures are banned by their own state laws.” “My father built the hotel when I was a boy in 1955,” said Russ Caswell. “For decades, it has been a clean and safe place for travelers and locals who need an affordable home away from home. It is un-American that I am being treated like a criminal when my family has always worked with the police to quickly report and resolve any crime that has occurred on our property. Rather than work with us, the federal government and our local police department have blindsided us and are working to take everything we’ve worked so hard to earn.” “Civil forfeiture creates inevitable abuses,” said IJ President and General Counsel Chip Mellor. “The Institute for Justice has documented time and again that it invites a lack of accountability, a lack of due process and a lack of constitutionally enshrined restraints on government authority. Civil forfeiture needs to end. If the government wants to take someone’s property, it should first be required to convict someone of a crime. Short of that, you will end up with what we have today in Tewksbury and elsewhere.” For the past year, the Caswells have been defended ably by Michael O’Neil, George Skogstrom, and Tiffany Pawson, from the law firm of Schlossberg, LLC, in Braintree, Mass., who remain on the team as local counsel.


The govt is basing the forfeiture case on 6 arrests that resulted in drug arrests over a 15 year peroid and the fact that my family resides next to the motel. From my house you can see 2 back windows and nothing else of the motel. But they think we should be able to keep track of people once they are in the rooms, I wonder if they can tell me what their neighbors are doing at any given time.
We have been banned by the US from selling or closing the property.
We own the property outright. 8 acres commercial, 5 minutes from 2 major freeways, on the towns main drag.
There is a major chain motel 1 mile away with alot more issues than we have, but are on a 99 year lease and it is an "accour" (spell) branded motel with major corporate backing.
No gains by civil forfeiture there. The gov would have nothing to show if they went after those guys and won.

To me, this is legal extortion. Maybe I am biased, and rightfully so. If the town officials or police ever asked anything of us we would always be in compliance. Same with the various town inspectors.

When police would come in, they would never give us info on the person in question. Not even wether we should allow them back or not. And if we were to get info it was usually BS.
How does one fight an enemy when one doesnt know the enemy?

Anyway, getting long winded here and lost track of my thoughts.

The first video has been released by the IJ and i will put it in the next post.
If it is ok i would like to placemark a third post for future use.

Thanks for reading
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The us gov and the way they have been attacking my family and I for over two years now.

Please spread this out on whatever social networks you frequent. It wont really help my cause as the case is ongoing but the organization we are working with will take our case to the supreme court if need be after appeals if we lose at trial, which by the way our request for jury trial was denied.
Please spread the word about government extortion!
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Some info on the Institute for Justice

Institute Profile: Who We Are

Founded in 1991, the Institute for Justice is what a civil liberties law firm should be. As our nation's only libertarian public interest law firm, we engage in cutting-edge litigation and advocacy both in the courts of law and in the court of public opinion on behalf of individuals whose most basic rights are denied by the government--like the right to earn an honest living, private property rights, and the right to free speech, especially in the areas of commercial and Internet speech. As Wired magazine said, the Institute for Justice “helps individuals subject to wacky government regulations.” Simply put, we challenge the government when it stands in the way of people trying to earn an honest living, when it unconstitutionally takes away individuals' property, when bureaucrats instead of parents dictate the education of children, and when government stifles speech. We seek a rule of law under which individuals can control their destinies as free and responsible members of society. We have accomplished a great deal since our founding in 1991. You may have seen our clients, cases and attorneys featured frequently in the national media, such as ABC News 20/20 or the CBS News program 60 Minutes. As Investor's Business Daily observed, "The Institute for Justice's influence is being felt across the nation." The Institute for Justice is a 501(c)(3) organization; contributions are tax-deductible. Institute Mission: Through strategic litigation, training, communication, activism and research, the Institute for Justice advances a rule of law under which individuals can control their destinies as free and responsible members of society. IJ litigates to secure economic liberty, school choice, private property rights, freedom of speech and other vital individual liberties, and to restore constitutional limits on the power of government. In addition, IJ trains law students, lawyers and policy activists in the tactics of public interest litigation.

Through these activities, IJ challenges the ideology of the welfare state and illustrates and extends the benefits of freedom to those whose full enjoyment of liberty is denied by government. More About IJ: Litigating for Liberty: The Institute for Justice's Chip Mellor on campaign-finance reform, eminent-domain abuse, and licensing laws gone wild - an Interview with Chip Mellor by Reason Magazine's Nick Gillespie. The Quest For Justice - the Inaugural Speech Launching the Institute for Justice The IJ Way - While so many factors contribute to our success—the talents of the people involved, the commitment of our donors, and the pursuit of a strategic litigation plan—nothing is more central to our success than the culture of IJ, which determines the way we do business. We change the world, and have fun doing it! One of the qualities that makes the Institute for Justice unique is our sense of humor. Although we deal with very serious constitutional issues, we try to infuse into our work and our workplace a great joy for what it is we do. Our motto is, "We change the world, and have fun doing it." Here are some videos we hope convey that spirit. Economic Liberty Video: Free the Monks & Free Enterprise Free Speech Video: City of Dallas Bans Signs for Small Business Property Rights Video: The Sweeping Backlash Against the Kelo Decision School Choice Video: Andrea Weck & School Choice
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Lawyers... The answer and the cause for almost all problems. In this case I hope you get one, fight for what is yours and hopefully that lawyer will be the answer to your problems. Id also look into legal options in the area... Here in MS we havethe "center for justice" amongst other organizations to help people, with a little luck you might get some help from a group like that as well.
Good luck!
Lawyers... The answer and the cause for almost all problems. In this case I hope you get one, fight for what is yours and hopefully that lawyer will be the answer to your problems. Id also look into legal options in the area... Here in MS we havethe "center for justice" amongst other organizations to help people, with a little luck you might get some help from a group like that as well.
Good luck!

Thank you kent. We have the Institute for Justice working the case as well as a local team of lawyers.
I wish the best for you too. I imagine a serious case like this is fairly life-consuming...

I've heard about stuff like this happening before but I never was quite sure. I don't know of any examples personally. I figured governments were going out of their way to circumvent procedure but I didn't realize this crooked system was actually on the books!
Thanks keef.

It is and its scary! And this example really only a piece of a much larger thing going on nation wide. Ive learned (read) alot of scary things doing research on this type of case. Which leads to others...which leads to..... well you get it.

Anyway, thanks again. After two years of having to be silent, its nice to be able to finally talk about it. Friends can be consoling and agreeing unintentionally, but from total internet strangers and too have the general consesus behind us, its good to know.

So thanks, and thats to any who show support, opinion, or if you think we should lose everything.(jerks) :)
Good luck, Caz. It does seem to smell of small town corruption and opportunism with budgets being what they are. The upside, if you can call it that, is it's a perfect underdog story, so I hope the IJ's publicity makes waves.
Good luck with your fight. I would give you some words of comfort by telling you my own opinions about how I feel about our government, but I don't think that would go over to well. Keep us posted on this injustice.
Not surprised when we have scumbags like Deval running this state into the ground. Punish business owners and reward free loading worthless sacks of crap is what this state does best!
Ohh wow the government always tries to 🤬 every person over, good lucky I hope you can eventually get access to a powerful legal team.
Already watched it. Has this only become a national issue within the last few days?
Yeah our side is just allowed to go public and start speaking out. The ball is rollin. Please keep forwarding any relevent info i post.
This is a discrace.... being english i obviously don't know the US legal system but this is plain wrong :(
I agree with what amf7 says. It's a discrace, especially since the police is there to protect the people and not use them to fill their pockets. Corruption at it's worst. Maybe we should let the occupy movement know about this. It's not like they can do much about it, but the more they know about this kind of behaviour of the ones in power, the stronger the movement for real change gets.

And about the police that they should protect the people, this US Army sergeant says it best in my opinion.

Thanks logiforce.

For anyone interested i have started a page on facebook entitled Friends of Russ Caswell. There has been alot of press recently and i have been updating that page with about everything i can find
Best of luck on this. It's sad to see how they try to screw people out of their hard earned dollar and redistribute that to a faceless organization. Even processing the idea that your property has committed (or is even capable of committing) a crime offends my common sense. I hope you are able to get punitive damages from this harassment.
Still going. Nothing new as of now. Just waiting for thenext court date. Been keeping my mind very occupied with a couple of projects.
Thank you for checking back in.
If your on facebook lime the page Friends of Russ Caswell. There has been some news coverage, papers radio that tye of thing. We have been posting links up through there.
:eek: Only just noticed this page.

The whole situation totally sucks for you and your family Russ. Good luck with the court case, moral justice must surely be on your side. 👍

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