My fight with the US government

  • Thread starter Caz
Quite shocking to read what's going on. Have joined the facebook group and I hope you and your family succeed.

Will be rooting for you.
Thanks everyone, sorry I haven't posted anything here in a while. Not much has gone on.
Last week, the judge heard our motion to dismiss, and she said it will take 30-60 days for her to make a decision.
If she decides to allow the case to go to trial we have been granted a jury trial. Originally we were denied the opportunity of having the case heard by a jury, not sure when that ruling was reversed but it is great news in a worst case scenario.

Again, myself and my family greatly appreciate all the support.
To quote you. "innocent owners like the Caswells are presumed guilty until they can prove that they and their property have done no wrong"

It is mostly accepted that it is logically imposible to prove you did not do something only that the evidence against you is false. That should be your first argument.

Second argument I would use is solicitors like to twist things and question them. In the words of Wittgenstein if you take the argument out of context the question is meaningless and a missuse of language. For example the argument of whether I have two hands is not meaningful if I am trying to doubt my perception of the world only if I actually beilieve my hands may have been blown off.

Everything else I don't know as I am not there.

Good luck though.

(Hope the second point made sense. If it doesn't or its not relivent it's most likely due to me raging a bit about it. If so ignore it and focus on point 1.)
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How does it exactly play out? What's at stake for both parties?
My family stands to lose a business that was built by my great grandfather back in the fifties.
We stand to gain the right to continue to own property which has been family owned and paid for also since the 50s.
The government, if they win, will outright own our property without compensation to us.
The local police dept will get between 50 and 80 of the property value (1.4-1.2 million) if the government wins.

This entire case is based upon 6 convictions from 1994-2007. Local police are also using the number 100 for narcotics investigations during that same time frame. But what my town considers an investigation is a police report. Say 2 police officers pull you over and each write a report on the incident. That would be considered 2 investigations.
Out of those "100" they came away with 6 convictions. One of which I know was started due to us reporting suspicious activity. So us helping them is also hurting ourselves.
What if some of these "investigations" were ongoing prior to the person in question checking into our motel.
Damn dude I really wish you well in that one. The system is really messed up. Best wishes and best of luck.
Thank you.

Btw: did you April fools us about your friend? How is that going ...

I chose not to post and bring that thread back up about what went down. The deed happened. There was literally nothing I could do. After it happened I felt I best leave the thread alone so that I would not be reminded. It happened a few weeks ago. She is no longer with us, but she will never be forgotten. May her God-blessed soul rest in peace :(:(:(:(:(
Best of luck to you Caz.
Do NOT lose the case, or else I will hate you forever. I will miss our midnight BF3 sessions. :lol:
People can be ridiculous sometimes.
Have you attempted to handle the situation directly with the police department?
I chose not to post and bring that thread back up about what went down. The deed happened. There was literally nothing I could do. After it happened I felt I best leave the thread alone so that I would not be reminded. It happened a few weeks ago. She is no longer with us, but she will never be forgotten. May her God-blessed soul rest in peace :(:(:(:(:(

My God I'm sorry for you and also for bringing it up.

Best of luck to you Caz.
Do NOT lose the case, or else I will hate you forever. I will miss our midnight BF3 sessions. :lol:
People can be ridiculous sometimes.
Have you attempted to handle the situation directly with the police department?

We didn't get first notice until it was already in the federal courts.
My God I'm sorry for you and also for bringing it up.

We didn't get first notice until it was already in the federal courts.

It's ok dude, things happen in life and there is no controlling what other people decide to do. What's done is done, you can't change it now. Don't worry bud. I'm more concerned about your issue here rather than try to morn over something I can't control.
Well that should be good news for you.
9 or more cases being thrown out means less evidence on your family.
For sure grayfox. That brings them down to under 1 drug related arrest per year over a twenty year period.
Seems to be a decent percwntage for any motel/hotel.
That's a good piece of news Caz - what is the next step for you in terms of getting finality to this?