Why so many underage users?

  • Thread starter Pyle_PMG
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A Real Homer
The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act
Purpose of the law
Designed to protect minors who use the Internet, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) governs how websites and online services may interact with children under 13 years of age. COPPA restricts the online collection of personal information from these young Internet users and creates certain statutory rights for their parents. Effective April 21, 2000, the law grants regulatory and enforcement authority to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Who Must Comply
Businesses, groups, and individuals that collect information from children must comply with COPPA. Two broad categories exist:

Operators of commercial websites and online services "directed to children" that collect personal information from children
Operators of general audience websites that have actual knowledge that the site collects personal information from children
The FTC weighs several factors in determining whether a site is directed to children:

Subject matter
Visual or audio content
The age of models on the site
Whether advertising on the site is directed to children
Information regarding the age of the actual or intended audience
Whether a site uses animated characters or other child-oriented features
The FTC determines whether someone is a website operator by considering the following:

Ownership and control of the information.
Payment for the collection and maintenance of information
Pre-existing contractual relationships
What role the website plays in collecting or maintaining information
Basic Compliance Provisions
Under COPPA, website and online service operators must meet three main forms of compliance:

Post their privacy policy
Send a direct notice to parents and obtain parental consent before collecting information from children
Obtain new consent when the site's information practices change in a material way
Privacy Policy
Operators must post a link to their privacy policy on the home page of the website or online service, as well as at each point where the site collects personal information from children. The policy must be clear and prominent and must specify the following:

Types of personal information collected, such as name, home address, email address, or hobbies
How the site will use the information
Whether the information is given to advertisers or third parties
A person who may be contacted at the site
Obtaining Parental Consent
In many cases, a special notice seeking parental consent must be sent to the child's parents. The operator must notify a parent:

That it wishes to collect personal information from the child
That the parent's consent is required for the collection, use, and disclosure of the personal information
How the parent can provide consent
The notice may be sent by e-mail or regular postal mail. Replies via e-mail are acceptable when the operator merely wishes to collect personal information from the child. When answers are delayed, operators may seek confirmation of consent by letter or telephone call.

Consent requirements are more strict when the operator wants to disclose a child's personal information to a third party or make the information publicly available. In such cases, the FTC requires a more reliable form of consent. Forms of consent include:

A signed form from the parent via postal mail or fax
Acceptance and verification of a credit card number
Acceptance of calls from parents through a toll-free number
E-mail accompanied by a so-called digital signature
Whenever operators make material changes to their information policies, they must send a new notice and request for consent to parents.

Exceptions Not Requiring Consent
Consent is not required when obtaining a child's e-mail address for several limited purposes:

Responding to a one-time request from the child
Providing notice to the parent
Ensuring the safety of the child or the site
Sending a newsletter of other information regularly provided parents are notified and allowed to refuse the arrangement
Parental Rights
COPPA creates two kinds of statutory rights for parents:

Parents may compel a site to disclose both general and specific kinds of personal information they collect online from children
Parents may revoke their consent at any time, refuse to allow further use of the child's information, and direct the operator to delete the information
Verifying Parental Identity
In order to protect children, operators must take reasonable steps to verify the parent's identity before divulging personal information:

A signed form from the parent via postal mail or fax
Acceptance and verification of a credit card number
Acceptance of calls from parents through a toll-free number
E-mail accompanied by a so-called digital signature or a PIN number or password
The law provides protection from liability under federal and state law for inadvertent disclosures of a child's information to someone who purports to be a parent.

Safe Harbors
Under COPPA, industry groups and others can create self-regulatory programs to meet compliance with the law. These so-called safe harbors require approval from the FTC.

Violations FTC rules for COPPA are treated as unfair or deceptive trade practices, punishable under the Federal Trade Commission Act.
This Act prohibits users under the age of 13 from joining websites that require personal information.
I don't know if this applies to the world too but I am sick and tired of seeing underage users, because quite frankly they expose themselves to unneeded risk and they have generally a low level of maturity and barely can contribute to a civil conversation.
Now, I am not just adding to the list of complaints with this thread. All I want is a reassuring answer on why so many underage users? Isn't this supposedly illegal to join this site if under the age of 13?
Thank you.
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Can you actually point out any of those underage users?

Anyway if you discover someone underage is using the site then just report them to a moderator, they will be banned immediately.
GTP has a rule that all users must be above 13...
Uh oh, I joined when I was 12 :ouch:

Well how old are you now? This thread got me thinking, I should hide my personal information. So that's what I did. Don't reveal such information if you don't wanna face the consequences. So I won't.
It's quite easy to lie about your age on the internet. Loads of 10 year olds on Youtube will claim that they're 30 so they can watch the 'dirty videos' that don't actually exist.
I also point out at the falling maturity level in GTPlanet.net since November 2010. It might be due to GT5.
What the crud is going on in the GT5 section?
There is like a zoo in there. There is zero respect, and the maturity level is equal to a 3 year old on that section.
Only about 5% of the users there are mature and respectful... the rest is trash! I despise the users who do not follow the AUP.
Someone tell me why there is so much trash in there?
Well how old are you now? This thread got me thinking, I should hide my personal information. So that's what I did. Don't reveal such information if you don't wanna face the consequences. So I won't.

I'm 13 now. I joined about two months before my birthday.
There is a huge influx of new members, since a new game of the GT franchise was released 5 years after the previous one. This obviously drew a lot of traffic into this site.

I agree with what you're saying, but it's inevitable. The maturity level is indeed falling but only in the GT5 section. Other sections are still bearable.
The next time an Admin quote me the AUP I will quote him the that! thanks.

Seriously. Not much GTP staff can do, as it is very easy to lie when signing up.
It's quite easy to lie about your age on the internet. Loads of 10 year olds on Youtube will claim that they're 30 so they can watch the 'dirty videos' that don't actually exist.

Yeah. I'm not into that kind of stuff. I only watch the pony videos mostly.
I joined exactly one month before my 13th birthday. Whoops. If the mods have no proof from this site of a persons age, but on another site explicitly mentions that he is under 13 would that be a violation?
I got into some crap with the COPPA on another site.. I joined here when I was 12, but started posting at 13, which will be 14 in a few days.
Lol age has nothing to do with being a jack ass. I promise 99% of the stupid people are in high school. It's more up to the person signing up to be responsible because it's literally impossible to tell who signs up.
I joined when I was 12, and my b-day was a couple of months after my join date. I'm not sure how I was still allowed to post, though. And it's quite easy to lie about your age in the internet.
If you want drama and immaturity, you should've been on gran-turismo.com back in the very late 90's/early 00's.

At any rate, I don't so much see this as an age issue but as a maturity issue. There are people under 13 that are capable of holding a civil conversation but they're few and far between. However there are many people over 13 (and many who are over 18) who don't know their head from their... well. Since there is no way to determine someone's age truthfully, this rule (and law) can only be enforced by the staff policing behavior.
I also point out at the falling maturity level in GTPlanet.net since November 2010. It might be due to GT5.
What the crud is going on in the GT5 section?
There is like a zoo in there. There is zero respect, and the maturity level is equal to a 3 year old on that section.
Only about 5% of the users there are mature and respectful... the rest is trash! I despise the users who do not follow the AUP.
Someone tell me why there is so much trash in there?

There is a report button under each post. If you see someone violating the AUP, don't hesitate to report them. We can't be everywhere at once and rely on the help of the community to let us know if there is untoward activity occurring.

The next time an Admin quote me the AUP I will quote him the that! thanks.

Seriously. Not much GTP staff can do, as it is very easy to lie when signing up.

Here you go. :P

I joined exactly one month before my 13th birthday. Whoops. If the mods have no proof from this site of a persons age, but on another site explicitly mentions that he is under 13 would that be a violation?

Yes it is a violation. It is also in violation of this little rule in the AUP:

You will not knowingly post any material that is false, misleading, or inaccurate.

Lol age has nothing to do with being a jack ass. I promise 99% of the stupid people are in high school. It's more up to the person signing up to be responsible because it's literally impossible to tell who signs up.

Exactly. There are no age requirements for stupidity. Since everyone visiting this site should be over the age of 13, it stands to reason that all AUP violations for inappropriate behavior are from members above the minimum age requirement.
If you want drama and immaturity, you should've been on gran-turismo.com back in the very late 90's/early 00's.

Ah, the great Accutane meltdown...

Eerily enough, I happened upon Kenji's site when I was 12 ('98). I joined when I was 13, however. As for here; as others have mentioned, it's easy to lie about age, however, we do ban users who are found to be under the age limit.
Ah, the great Accutane meltdown...

Eerily enough, I happened upon Kenji's site when I was 12 ('98). I joined when I was 13, however. As for here; as others have mentioned, it's easy to lie about age, however, we do ban users who are found to be under the age limit.

Good times. :)

I have been a GT fan since the demo disc of the first game on PS1. It was shortly after GT2 was released that I joined up at Kenji's site. I was aware of GTPlanet since it launched in March (IIRC) 2001 but didn't join until some point in early 2003. I'm quite the lurker here as you can see from my post count.
I also point out at the falling maturity level in GTPlanet.net since November 2010. It might be due to GT5.
What the crud is going on in the GT5 section?
There is like a zoo in there. There is zero respect, and the maturity level is equal to a 3 year old on that section.
Only about 5% of the users there are mature and respectful... the rest is trash! I despise the users who do not follow the AUP.
Someone tell me why there is so much trash in there?
So according to you the maturity has dropped only one month after you joined?


Seriously its always been like this, before it was GT4, before that it was Dr1f70rZ, before that it was GT3. Yep. its always been the case.

My advice?
Just get out of the GT5 section.

Oddly enough.. I joined here at 14.
I browsed for a while here before I had the nerve to sign up.

Sorry, that makes all the difference.
I guess you really are qualified to make the above statement then.
Joined 4 months before my birthday @ 12. 13 now, however.
I wish I could say age was the maturity issue with the GT5 section...yet it is all too easy to not do so.
I browsed for a while here before I had the nerve to sign up.

Is it just coincidence then that your PSN name isn't dissimilar with a user that used to frequent these forums and eventually got banned for immaturity?
^ Interesting point. I think these guys have been around at the same time though so unless VANDENAL is playing good cop / bad cop I think it's just a coincidence. But well spotted. :)
The next time an Admin quote me the AUP I will quote him the that! thanks.

Please do. I mean, if you think that other users ignoring the AUP and being warned, infracted and banned is a defence against ignoring the AUP.

Seriously. Not much GTP staff can do, as it is very easy to lie when signing up.

There's two declarations you make when you first go to sign up on GTPlanet. The first is that you have read and agreed to the AUP. The second is that you are 13 or over. After that, anyone who puts a date of birth in their profile while signing up that would make them under 13 cannot join. They can of course lie about all three of these things, but then:

You will not knowingly post any material that is false, misleading, or inaccurate.

By requiring people to be over 13, GTP commits no offense* under COPPA regulations. Anyone who tries to join GTP who is under 13 and lies to join the site is themselves committing an offense under COPPA regulations if they do not provide us with signed parental consent and is breaking the AUP. We will ban - and have banned - such members.

*It's a US federal law, so the (wrong) US spelling applies.
:lol: I bet you most of the "immature" members are actually older than 13. ;)
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