VCRC: Ginetta G4 ‘64 Custom Track Tour - Congrats ID_Racing!

United States
Vintage Car Race Club
Ginetta G4 ‘64 Custom Track Tour
Sprint Championship Race Event


The G4 in a 3 sprint-race championship on custom tracks (eifel circuit, toscana tarmac, mt. aso tarmac)
Tracks specifically designed and chosen for the Ginetta G4 '64!



Official Event:
Tuesday March 13th @ 12pm PST / 3pm EST / 8pm GMT / 9pm CET
Approximately 2 hours duration.
Including warm-up, qualifying for 1st race, 3 races of approx. 15-25min. each, with short 5min. breaks in between.

Unscheduled practicing may be advertised in this thread.

Car Regulations:
Ginetta G4 ‘64
Sports Hard Tires
Tuning: Prohibited

Race Regulations:
All aids prohibited, except ABS (driver's choice)
Driving Line OFF for event, but allowed during testing & practices
Tire Wear & Fuel: ON
Grip: Real
Damage: off
Penalty: off
Slipstream: Weak
Boost: off
Reverse Grid Order after 1st race

Race will be hosted in the VCRC Lounge, add PSN: VCRC
Note: The VCRC account is just the club lounge account. It will rarely be signed on.
Get the FR in a.s.a.p. to assure acceptance in advance of racing.
In order to check the league lounge, you must click on the coffee cup,
and wait for the room content list to present.
No yellow people icon will show, even when the room is full.

Race #1:
5 laps @ SCC Lindenmier
(eifel circuit by cc570)

track available shared on PSN: cc570

Race #2:
10 laps @ Manja Bene
(toscana by cc570)

track available shared on PSN: VCRC

Race #3:
15 laps @ Aso Dijon Short
(mt. aso by turbogeit)

track available shared on PSN: wat3rm370n

Note: If for any reason, you can't locate the shared tracks to grab them,
post here, and someone will get it shared.

1st: 16, 2nd: 15, 3rd: 14, 4th: 13, 5th: 12, 6th: 11, 7th: 10, 8th: 9
9th: 8, 10th: 7, 11th: 6, 12th: 5, 13th: 4, 14th: 3, 15th: 2, 16th: 1

Race Procedure:
Mics are disallowed during races, in an attempt to prevent any connection problems.
Scheduled time is expected arrival time, in order to smoothly & promptly progress to the fun part.
Racers may arrive early to practice/warm-up.
Track will be reset at approximately 10-15 minutes after the hour, for informal qualifying for Race #1.
Race countdown timer will be set to start the race approximately 15-20 minutes after that.
Race #1 should start no later than half past the hour.
Once qualifying, drivers should stay on track to preserve position.
Race #2 & #3 will follow Reverse Grid Order in lieu of qualifying to save time and make things interesting.

Organized in the VCRC -> Vintage Car Race Club.
Join us if you like racing the vintage cars.

You know you want to drive this car! :embarrassed:)

wat3rm370n @ Manja Bene, toscana tarmac by cc570

The G4 is wonderful on Manja Bene, and cc570 designed SCC Lindenmier specifically for the G4!
Now that's entertainment!
If you're looking for an exciting & fun change! This is the event for you!
Amateurs & old pros - all welcome!
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Sign-up Registry:
GTP name / PSN name / car colour & wheel colour

  1. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n / Go Mango & gold
  2. cc570 / cc570 / yellow
  3. turbogeit / turbogeit / tbd
  4. jackargent / jackargent / Matte Black & orange
  5. anotherdike / anotherdike / tbd
  6. Cote Dazur / cotedazur06 / red
  7. mike 5927 / mike_5927 / tbd
  8. ID_racing / ID_racing / tbd
  9. m8h3r / m8h3r / matte purple & yellow
  10. Apmaddock / Apmaddock / Green Go & Yellow
Last edited: off to the paint shop for a browse;)

My ginetta is now matte black with Orange wheels(can't remember right name for the wheels so Orange will have to do.
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You're welcome to join us for testing!!
We'll be doing some short test races @ submitted Mt. Aso tracks. :)
I think IMZIZ might pop in for a peek as well!
Ah Awesome! :) I would love to join this but dont sign me up straight away as I need to check if I can get the car and if I'm free
I think I have a spare G4, if anyone needs.
I'm betting jackargent probably has spares too.

Ah Awesome! :) I would love to join this but dont sign me up straight away as I need to check if I can get the car and if I'm free

FYI: It's a ways off, so I don't expect anyone to chisel their sign-up in stone, as schedules sometimes interfere with GT5! (The humanity! :sly:) It's understandable. We can pencil you in. ;)
I only have 3 ginettas & one of them has been on a diet & is ineligible but am more than happy to gift my spare one to anyone who needs it.
Just an alert reminder:

G4 Mt. Aso test racing
Monday February 27th
@ 11:30am PST / 2:30pm EST / 7:30pm GMT / 8:30pm CET

In the VCRC lounge, we will be test driving the Mt. Aso tracks that are up for consideration for Race #3, in some short races.
Should be some fun. 👍 :D
I'll hr along ... may be a little late depending on things
Just an alert reminder:

G4 Mt. Aso test racing
Monday February 27th
@ 11:30am PST / 2:30pm EST / 7:30pm GMT / 8:30pm CET

In the VCRC lounge, we will be test driving the Mt. Aso tracks that are up for consideration for Race #3, in some short races.
Should be some fun. 👍 :D
Lots of fun testing the tracks with everyone who cropped up for test races!! :)

I'm going to test tracks a bit more:
Tuesday February 28th @ 11am PST / 2pm EST / 7pm GMT / 8pm CET
Welcome to join me in the VCRC lounge!

By Wednesday or so, we should be settled on which Mt. Aso track will be Race #3.

Wednesday February 29th @ 12pm PST / 3pm EST / 8pm GMT / 9pm CET
Perhaps I'll be in the VCRC lounge a bit earlier.
I'm hoping Wednesday to start getting some ballpark idea about lap times in order to do the math to set the laps.

I've put down 2 hours for this event... but I did that mainly to give us some leeway about my setting the laps before any of us get in some real practice, and then perhaps the races will be a tad shorter than average 25 minutes a piece... but that should be offset by the fact that it may rain during Race #1, and add a tiny bit of time.
Wednesday February 29th @ 12pm PST / 3pm EST / 8pm GMT / 9pm CET

May be in the lounge before this...
By this time, the Mt. Aso track will be chosen.
Will be running 3 lap test practice races on all 3 tracks.
Lap times testing for setting the laps for the races.

All welcome. :)
I am interested in this race. I have a Ginetta but I need to verify that it is not tuned. Luckily, I have time!

I will report back with color scheme.
I like the sound of this. I can't guarantee that I can make it as i don't plan that far in advance.

I might make it for some of the practice sessions though. (Only the weekday ones though as i can't do weekends)

P.S. I am booked up for this week but anyone needing a G4, I have a few spare.
Nothing's chiseled in stone. Not even for me. :ouch:
The reason it's scheduled this far in advance (unusual for me), is to give people a chance to get involved, and get some practice. :)

All welcome to participate in the event and/or the practices.
I would love to race this car but I will be at work during this event. Have fun and good luck to everyone!
I tried a couple of laps at the Manja Bene track; 2:49.871, but theres a lot of seconds lying around here and there. Would be interesting to know if anyone has pulled a sub 2:45?
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I would love to race this car but I will be at work during this event. Have fun and good luck to everyone!

I would totally add another to the schedule, as I could do this event twice joyfully!!! :D
If anyone else is interested in another schedule that could accommodate, let me know!!!
I know IMZIZ is interested in this race, but can't make the time either, as it runs more than 1hr.
I know Saturdays are a no go for cc570... but I'm down with Saturdays in general. :D

I can't find the piece of paper I wrote the Manja Bene times on from the practice... Hrm. I'm sure I haven't beaten your time ID!!! But yes, there's lots of room on Manja Bene to find seconds... and to lose many!!
I am planning on practice:
Sunday March 4th @ 10:30am PST / 1:30pm EST / 6:30pm GMT / 7:30pm CET

The maintenance is not scheduled until 12pm PST / 3pm EST / 8pm GMT / 9pm CET
where are the tracks?

Each of them are shared on a different account.

Race #1:
5 laps @ SCC Lindenmier
(eifel circuit by cc570)

track available shared on PSN: cc570

Race #2:
10 laps @ Manja Bene
(toscana by cc570)

track available shared on PSN: VCRC

Race #3:
15 laps @ Aso Dijon Short
(mt. aso by turbogeit)

track available shared on PSN: wat3rm370n

Note: If for any reason, you can't locate the shared tracks to grab them,
post here, and someone will get it shared.

I should probably make that big on the OP. 👍
I will be doing this practice session tomorrow for those interested:

Tuesday March 6th @ 12pm PST / 3pm EST / 8pm GMT / 9pm CET

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