Gay Marriage

  • Thread starter 1X83Z


United States
Is there any actual reason why it should be banned in a 'free' society?

This coming from somebody who'd be first to ban Gay Pride day.
Then maybe we should start banning right wing parties as well ?.... As long as they don't hurt other people, IMHO people can do whatever the hell they feel like....

This coming from someone who wouldn't ban Gay Pride Day !
Well - as far as I see things, you have to bigger than trying to limit ppl who likes things in other ways than we do. Otherwise it's nothing more than Washington state banning computergames again. And do we like that ?.......
I've nothing wrong with gay marriage. Gay Parades on the other hand...

What if I decided to have a Straight Pride Parade; would that be acceptable? Probably not.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
I've nothing wrong with gay marriage. Gay Parades on the other hand...

What if I decided to have a Straight Pride Parade; would that be acceptable? Probably not.

Yeah - get the public crap off the street. I don't actually care if you're gay, believe it or not. You don't need to dress up like a woman and go to a large park to try and get me to.
No, gay marriages should not be banned.

This coming from someone who thinks all gay's should be shot. Oh, ****, did I just say that out loud?!:rolleyes: Kidding.
This becomes an issue due to things like insurance coverage, inheritance, etc. I personally don't condone gay marriage.
I have biblical references to back me up. Not just the Sodom and Gommorah stuff.
God considers it an "abomination". When God considers stuff and "abomination, you have things like the destruction of Sodom and Gommorah in a rain of fire from heaven, you get floods that cover the earth. Thanks, but I don't swim that well and am already dark enough.
Plus, God said "Be fruitful, and multiply." I don't think he was talking about going into the orchard with your trusty Texas Instruments TI-30 and doing your math homework.
I've got no beef with gay marriage. Or gay adoption either, which is the issue that tends to separate a few more people.
No probs. here

"I don't think he was talking about going into the orchard with your trusty Texas Instruments TI-30 and doing your math homework." - ROFL! :cheers:
Doug is trying to start a ruckus.

I see it from both sides. But tend to not think or care about it much. I used to live close to "Boys Town" in Chicago and gay couples were commonplace and I worked with a lot of gay men. They lived together in domestic bliss and the ones that weren't annoying idiots never offended me. They may as well had been married. And a bunch of politicians in suits writing it down on paper won't piss god off any more than he already must be.

But around the time I was getting married it was in the news a lot and I thought more about what some of the right wing christian organizations were saying about how it destroys the institution of marriage and bla bla bla. That made sense for like a day. Then I realized that I don't care and if gays being married bothers you that much and diminishes "the institution" of marriage for you, your marriage must suck.

Imagine a gay couple who lived together for 30 years. One day one of them dies. He had a lot of money. He was disowned by his family for being gay. Because he wasn't married to his partner the family that disowned him would get all his assets. His grieving partner would get nothing.

The issue boils down to financial considerations. The morality of it is irrelevant. Any society that deprives a group of the benefits of that society based solely on moral grounds is arrogant, patronizing, and oppressive. It's called coersion and and is un-American. These presumptuous, pinch-faced church-goers who think they know what's good for everybody, everywhere, are without question the single most stunting and destructive force in our country today. But then there are different ideas of what "American" means. In this case, for me, it means Canadian.

Maybe one day the gays will revolt. They could take over the cities, swinging from flagpoles in wedding dresses and no underwear, driving up and down the streets with Evian bottles dragging behind their Hummer Limos, siezing state legislatures and ultimately the nations capital. Shirtless guards in chaps and sunglasses will stand at the doors of the white house and keep Dubya confined to a room perpetually playing gay porn and rave music. Church will be outlawed; southern accents, overalls, flannel shirts, drinking tap water or beer from a can, and being from Nebraska or Wyoming will all be punishable by death. And they'll all get married and rub your nose in it.

Yeah. That's what'll happen. We better keep'em down.
I'm straight. I don't have a problem with it. Got lots of straight friends who don't have problems with it. I've got straight parents who don't have a problem with it. There must be something else....

Didn't you mean religious straight men? but then... religious straight women have a problem with it too don't they?

So that would be religious people then.
Originally posted by DGB454
Straight men.
I'm straight, but I have no problem with gays getting married.

Let them live their lives as they please. I don't see the point in discriminating against something that doesn't hurt people and that happens between two consenting adults.
Milefile and Danoff and Sage :D

I think we should pull out of this... Somebody is obviously looking to clock up GTplanet and we should know better ...

I'm out..

Originally posted by DGB454
I have friends who are straight and not religous and more against gays than any religous person I know.

I'm out too. Some people are so closed minded towards anything that may appear to be Chritstian related that it seems to make them hate them. But of course they aren't worth such a strong emotion.( Right?)

Ask them to justify why they are "against gays". The answer is inevitable.

I'm as closed minded toward certain kinds of christians as they are about gays.

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