Doug is trying to start a ruckus.
I see it from both sides. But tend to not think or care about it much. I used to live close to "Boys Town" in Chicago and gay couples were commonplace and I worked with a lot of gay men. They lived together in domestic bliss and the ones that weren't annoying idiots never offended me. They may as well had been married. And a bunch of politicians in suits writing it down on paper won't piss god off any more than he already must be.
But around the time I was getting married it was in the news a lot and I thought more about what some of the right wing christian organizations were saying about how it destroys the institution of marriage and bla bla bla. That made sense for like a day. Then I realized that I don't care and if gays being married bothers you that much and diminishes "the institution" of marriage for you, your marriage must suck.
Imagine a gay couple who lived together for 30 years. One day one of them dies. He had a lot of money. He was disowned by his family for being gay. Because he wasn't married to his partner the family that disowned him would get all his assets. His grieving partner would get nothing.
The issue boils down to financial considerations. The morality of it is irrelevant. Any society that deprives a group of the benefits of that society based solely on moral grounds is arrogant, patronizing, and oppressive. It's called coersion and and is un-American. These presumptuous, pinch-faced church-goers who think they know what's good for everybody, everywhere, are without question the single most stunting and destructive force in our country today. But then there are different ideas of what "American" means. In this case, for me, it means Canadian.
Maybe one day the gays will revolt. They could take over the cities, swinging from flagpoles in wedding dresses and no underwear, driving up and down the streets with Evian bottles dragging behind their Hummer Limos, siezing state legislatures and ultimately the nations capital. Shirtless guards in chaps and sunglasses will stand at the doors of the white house and keep Dubya confined to a room perpetually playing gay porn and rave music. Church will be outlawed; southern accents, overalls, flannel shirts, drinking tap water or beer from a can, and being from Nebraska or Wyoming will all be punishable by death. And they'll all get married and rub your nose in it.
Yeah. That's what'll happen. We better keep'em down.