Gay Marriage

  • Thread starter 1X83Z
I'm all for gay marriage. Gay people have just as much right to be miserable as the rest of us. ;-)

Not sure where I heard that, but it made me laugh.

That line came from one of Chris Rock's stand-up specials. I remember it, since I used to own that special he shot in the early 00s on DVD, which I stupidly gave it away to someone...

However, he did liberally sprinkle in some f-bombs in his delivery, so it may not be 100% accurate to what you've heard. :lol:
Wait, age of consent isn't the same regardless of the sex of the parties involved?

In the UK there was a disparity in the age of consent until 2000. It has been 16 for heterosexuals since the 1910s whereas for homosexuals it was 21 when homosexuality was decriminalised in 1967, lowered to 18 in 1994 and finally brought in line with heterosexuality in 2000.
Following Lawrence v. Texas, there are no laws prohibiting non-procreative sexual intercourse between consenting adults in the United States. SCOTUS' deeming such laws unconstitutional and establishing a non-interference policy means that state consent laws apply regardless of participants' sexual orientation.
You know, I'm not sold on this as essentially the supreme court's ruling in Lawrence V Texas only identified (specifically) adult/adult sex; and it very specifically states that it must also be in private, and non commercial. In a few states the age of consent is not strictly higher for same sex (but narrower). Usually it will state that "an actor is exempt from 2.0235 if all of the following circumstance occur together: The actor is less than 36 mo older than the victim, the act was consensual, the act was non commercial, the act occurred in private, and the both parties are members of the opposite sex."

Also, I would reconsider your statement that there are no more laws prohibiting non-procreative sex, there very much are and only a few have actually been repealed since the SCOTUS ruling on the matter.

Now in Texas, it is illegal for a 17 year old male to be sexually intimate with a 16 year old male as the age of consent is 17. However, it is legal for a 17 year old to be intimate with a 15 year old member of the opposite sex. Now under Texas mandatory reporter's requirements, as a mandatory reporter I must report homosexual adolescents to Texas law enforcement whom I know have engaged in sexual activity, but I do not have to report heterosexual participants whom fall into the legal category.
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Now in Texas, it is illegal for a 17 year old male to be sexually intimate with a 16 year old male as the age of consent is 17. However, it is legal for a 17 year old to be intimate with a 15 year old member of the opposite sex. Now under Texas mandatory reporter's requirements, as a mandatory reporter I must report homosexual adolescents to Texas law enforcement whom I know have engaged in sexual activity, but I do not have to report heterosexual participants whom fall into the legal category.

Procreation isn't the bent of that law, as it were. That's about age of consent rather than the odds of sudden fertilisation.
I just read the first few pages of this thread for the first time. We have come a long way since 2003.

Yep, I was surprised to see comments like "People are obviously people. Are you calling gays somehow sub-human? That is a totally weak argument." countered with "Why is it such a weak argument? Men are obviously men, and woman are obviously women". I think the general thinking around the topic has changed enormously since then. Thank goodness.
Yep, I was surprised to see comments like "People are obviously people. Are you calling gays somehow sub-human? That is a totally weak argument." countered with "Why is it such a weak argument? Men are obviously men, and woman are obviously women". I think the general thinking around the topic has changed enormously since then. Thank goodness.
Damn those wokeists. Why don't they listen to what we say God is telling them? Amen.

@Danoff's post aged well. Some of those guys have some pretty confused arguments but I think that once you look at it as a human rights issue things become pretty clear.
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Now under Texas mandatory reporter's requirements, as a mandatory reporter I must report homosexual adolescents to Texas law enforcement whom I know have engaged in sexual activity, but I do not have to report heterosexual participants whom fall into the legal category.

Out of interest, how does this actually play out? Does it ever actually play out? How is a case made one way or the other?
You know, I'm not sold on this as essentially the supreme court's ruling in Lawrence V Texas only identified (specifically) adult/adult sex;
To define it further would involve stepping in on individual states' age of consent definitions. It wasn't necessary to do so as definitions provided for individuals under the age of 18 are unlikely to be deemed unconstitutional. SCOTUS weighs in specifically on the constitutionality of law.

and it very specifically states that it must also be in private, and non commercial.
It does not, specifically or otherwise.

In a few states the age of consent is not strictly higher for same sex (but narrower).
Care to be more specific?

Also, I would reconsider your statement that there are no more laws prohibiting non-procreative sex, there very much are and only a few have actually been repealed since the SCOTUS ruling on the matter.
Such as...? If these supposed laws apply to anyone other than consenting adults, my statement needn't be reconsidered.

Now in Texas, it is illegal for a 17 year old male to be sexually intimate with a 16 year old male as the age of consent is 17. However, it is legal for a 17 year old to be intimate with a 15 year old member of the opposite sex.
Per the Texas Penal (heh...) Code, the state's "Romeo and Juliet" defense indeed applies to parties of the opposite sex and the statute is unlikely to change without being challenged following prosecution. The law may not actually be upheld.

Now under Texas mandatory reporter's requirements, as a mandatory reporter I must report homosexual adolescents to Texas law enforcement whom I know have engaged in sexual activity, but I do not have to report heterosexual participants whom fall into the legal category.
There is no such distinction in either Department of Family and Protective Services guidelines, the Texas Family Code or the Texas Penal (heh...) Code. Reporting is mandated in the event of suspected indecency with a child, full stop.
To define it further would involve stepping in on individual states' age of consent definitions. It wasn't necessary to do so as definitions provided for individuals under the age of 18 are unlikely to be deemed unconstitutional. SCOTUS weighs in specifically on the constitutionality of law.

Per the Texas Penal (heh...) Code, the state's "Romeo and Juliet" defense indeed applies to parties of the opposite sex and the statute is unlikely to change without being challenged following prosecution. The law may not actually be upheld.

There is no such distinction in either Department of Family and Protective Services guidelines, the Texas Family Code or the Texas Penal (heh...) Code. Reporting is mandated in the event of suspected indecency with a child, full stop.
Let me state a few facts here since this issue can get a little bit foggy:

State of Texas: Sec. 21.11. INDECENCY WITH A CHILD. (a) A person commits an offense if, with a child younger than 17 years of age, whether the child is of the same or opposite sex and regardless of whether the person knows the age of the child at the time of the offense, the person:
1) engages in sexual contact with the child or causes the child to engage in sexual contact

b) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that the actor:

(1) was not more than three years older than the victim and of the opposite sex;

(2) did not use duress, force, or a threat against the victim at the time of the offense; and

(3) at the time of the offense:

(A) was not required under Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure, to register for life as a sex offender; or

(B) was not a person who under Chapter 62 had a reportable conviction or adjudication for an offense under this section.

(b-1) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that the actor was the spouse of the child at the time of the offense.

>>>>>(d) An offense under Subsection (a)(1) is a felony of the second degree and an offense under Subsection (a)(2) is a felony of the third degree.

WOW So that says that sex between two members of the same sex is a 2nd degree felony, but between equally aged opposite sex individals its LEGAL, LEGAL as driving a car or riding a bike.

Following Lawrence v. Texas, there are no laws prohibiting non-procreative sexual intercourse between consenting adults in the United States. SCOTUS' deeming such laws unconstitutional and establishing a non-interference policy means that state consent laws apply regardless of participants' sexual orientation.

Let me ask you a very very simple question (all though I've already answered it). What IS the legal age of consent for same sex conduct in the state of Texas? I know based on the Texas Penal code it is 17 for members of the opposite sex, and I know that members of the opposite sex over 14 can also give consent. But it is very very very clear to me that homosexuals may not do the same unless you can come up with a magical court opinion that applies to Texas (and not another state) or applies on all 50 states.
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Let me state a few facts here since this issue can get a little bit foggy:

State of Texas: Sec. 21.11. INDECENCY WITH A CHILD. (a) A person commits an offense if, with a child younger than 17 years of age, whether the child is of the same or opposite sex and regardless of whether the person knows the age of the child at the time of the offense, the person:
1) engages in sexual contact with the child or causes the child to engage in sexual contact

b) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that the actor:

(1) was not more than three years older than the victim and of the opposite sex;

(2) did not use duress, force, or a threat against the victim at the time of the offense; and

(3) at the time of the offense:

(A) was not required under Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure, to register for life as a sex offender; or

(B) was not a person who under Chapter 62 had a reportable conviction or adjudication for an offense under this section.

(b-1) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that the actor was the spouse of the child at the time of the offense.

>>>>>(d) An offense under Subsection (a)(1) is a felony of the second degree and an offense under Subsection (a)(2) is a felony of the third degree.

WOW So that says that sex between two members of the same sex is a 2nd degree felony, but between equally aged opposite sex individals its LEGAL, LEGAL as driving a car or riding a bike.
I wouldn't have imagined anything about that is foggy, and yet you've managed to misinterpret it anyway.

The statute indicates that an offense under subsection (a)(1) is a second degree felony in the absence of affirmative defense (defined in subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2)). Affirmative defense as defined in subsection (b)(1) is commonly referred to as a "Romeo and Juliet" defense--it's a possible defense for charges of statutory rape (otherwise consensual sex where one participant is under an age defined by statute) if participants are of similar enough (subject to jurisdiction; Texas has codified a differential of three years)age--and, per Texas Penal (heh...) Code, may only be offered as affirmative defense if participants in the act are of the opposite sex.

Then there's the matter of prosecutorial discretion. Though the affirmative defense may only be offered if participants in the act are of the opposite sex, the state may choose not to prosecute if the affirmative defense otherwise applies where participants in the act are of the same sex. If the state does opt to prosecute on the basis that affirmative defense does not apply due to the participants being the same sex, a conviction is subject to appeal and may rise to SCOTUS if lower courts uphold the conviction. The Supreme Court has ruled conviction in this instance to be unconstitutional in another state and the result was amendment to the statute. This may apply to Texas if a case ever gets that far, and the statute is unlikely to be amended in the absence of such a Supreme Court ruling.

As an aside, I'm compelled to point out that you've cited the statute referring to itself but have failed to cite the part of the statute referred to.

Let me ask you a very very simple question (all though I've already answered it). What IS the legal age of consent for same sex conduct in the state of Texas? I know based on the Texas Penal code it is 17 for members of the opposite sex, and I know that members of the opposite sex over 14 can also give consent. But it is very very very clear to me that homosexuals may not do the same unless you can come up with a magical court opinion that applies to Texas (and not another state) or applies on all 50 states.
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Is there any actual reason why it should be banned in a 'free' society?

This coming from somebody who'd be first to ban Gay Pride day.
How about a. LGBTQ + mindsets promote sexism, b. LGBTQ + mindsets promote hate speech, c. LGBTQ + mindsets promote immaturity by promoting a mindset that is essentially a glorified version of the old chestnut that essentially says, "Ew, boys/girls have cooties", that many girls/boys have against each other as children and that they force unwilling people to bow to such stupid ideologies, d. the LGBTQ + mindsets promote forms of narcissism as normal behavior, e. the LGBTQ + mindsets promote arrogance as normal behavior, f. the people that promote LGBTQ+ mindsets literally have festivals that are dedicated to promoting pride, g. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote selfishness, h. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote shallowness in the behavior of its adherents, i. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote depression, and also in far higher amounts than the general population, j. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote suicide, and also in far higher amounts than the general population, k. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote other criminal activities, and in far higher amounts than the general population, l. the people that have LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more criminal activities on average with their adherents than the general population, m. those people that have LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more STDs than the general population, n. the people that have LGBTQ+ mindsets have more diseases, syndromes , disorders, and such as a whole than the general population, o. the people that promote LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more drug abuse and addictions than the general population, p. the people that promote LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more alcohol abuse and addictions than the general population, q. the people that promote LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more sexual crimes among their members than the general population, r. LGBTQ+ mindsets demand education from others when they are ironically uneducated about the consequences of normalizing said behaviors in society, s. the LGBTQ+ movement is essentially a more societally acceptable version of things like Islamic jihad, t. the LGBTQ+ movement is essentially anti-child at its core, u. should LGBTQ+ people decide to have children, they always do reprehensible things to said children (see the Zulock case that is conveniently being hidden by the mainstream media for one example of many that the LGBTQ+ movement is responsible for promoting in society, as well as older cases like Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, etc.), v. the children of LGBTQ+ deviants always promote LGBTQ+ behavior if they stay loyal to the LGBTQ+ movement, thus repeating the same societally destructive behaviors in another generation, just like other harmful and counterproductive behaviors and addictions that are passed down through the generations like they were family business enterprises, w. the children that do grow up in LGBTQ+ movement promoting places, and rebel against such behavior, are always hated, as well as are also fought against, by the LGBTQ+ movement promoting advocates, as such behavior that is in said LGBTQ+ movement is essentially a cult, as well as a cult of personality/cults of personalities, x. the LGBTQ+ mindsets always control the media to their advantage through people that are their members like Robin Roberts and Anderson Cooper, y. the LGBTQ+ mindsets are essentially "The Big Lie" that was talked about by Frederick Goebbels, z. the LGBTQ+ movement has ties to groups like the Nazis/neo-Nazis, other racist and sexist ideologies and organizations, Communism, Socialism, and other harmful mindsets that are in this world, regardless of what the people that are a part of any of those other movements, as well as the LGBTQ+ movement, all say otherwise on the matter, and, in fact, people literally cannot be bigwigs in such movements without being LGBTQ+ people themselves, as well as also having LGBTQ+ movement groups backing them up as well, aa. the LGBTQ+ movement loves to make counterfeit forms of Christianity and Judaism, as do those other movements that the LGBTQ+ movement promotes, as well as works for, in order to make it seem "acceptable to society", thus smearing the names of Christianity and Judaism, just like the Nazis, Communists, and others have all done in the past, as well as also continue to do now to this day, ab. the LGBTQ+ movement is simply a deadlier version of an email/telemarketing scam, along with it's allied movements, ac. the claims that have been said can be proven true with physical, financial, and electronic paper trails, and ad. the LGBTQ+ movement adherents love to lie to the general population about these things and they will also do literally whatever that it takes to hide the truth of the consequences of LGBTQ+ behaviors from society, including even committing cold-blooded murders and assassinations, and they will also love to lie to your face doing so, as well as will shame you into backing down from them, and ditto for their faux "enemies" when you expose the truth of them working together to literally destabilize, as well as destroy, society on a global scale. Finally, yes, I can say these things, as their members have tried to do at least one, if not more, of these things on multiple occasions on myself, even as a child, so please do not go to your old preprogrammed responses, as I know how cults and email/telemarketing scammers work, and I will also be ready with actual evidence from my legal team on such matters, and, if the need arises, I will also defend myself, as well as other innocent people, from your various forms of evil, no matter how powerful, as well as well connected, that you lot all think that you are in your lives, because I know each and every last one of your tricks, you narrow minded indoctrinated clods.
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How about a. LGBTQ + mindsets promote sexism, b. LGBTQ + mindsets promote hate speech, c. LGBTQ + mindsets promote immaturity by promoting a mindset that is essentially a glorified version of the old chestnut that essentially says, "Ew, boys/girls have cooties", that many girls/boys have against each other as children and that they force unwilling people to bow to such stupid ideologies, d. the LGBTQ + mindsets promote forms of narcissism as normal behavior, e. the LGBTQ + mindsets promote arrogance as normal behavior, f. the people that promote LGBTQ+ mindsets literally have festivals that are dedicated to promoting pride, g. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote selfishness, h. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote shallowness in the behavior of its adherents, i. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote depression, and also in far higher amounts than the general population, j. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote suicide, and also in far higher amounts than the general population, k. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote other criminal activities, and in far higher amounts than the general population, l. the people that have LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more criminal activities on average with their adherents than the general population, m. those people that have LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more STDs than the general population, n. the people that have LGBTQ+ mindsets have more diseases, syndromes , disorders, and such as a whole than the general population, o. the people that promote LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more drug abuse and addictions than the general population, p. the people that promote LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more alcohol abuse and addictions than the general population, q. the people that promote LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more sexual crimes among their members than the general population, r. LGBTQ+ mindsets demand education from others when they are ironically uneducated about the consequences of normalizing said behaviors in society, s. the LGBTQ+ movement is essentially a more societally acceptable version of things like Islamic jihad, t. the LGBTQ+ movement is essentially anti-child at its core, u. should LGBTQ+ people decide to have children, they always do reprehensible things to said children (see the Zulock case that is conveniently being hidden by the mainstream media for one example of many that the LGBTQ+ movement is responsible for promoting in society, as well as older cases like Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, etc.), v. the children of LGBTQ+ deviants always promote LGBTQ+ behavior if they stay loyal to the LGBTQ+ movement, thus repeating the same societally destructive behaviors in another generation, just like other harmful and counterproductive behaviors and addictions that are passed down through the generations like they were family business enterprises, w. the children that do grow up in LGBTQ+ movement promoting places, and rebel against such behavior, are always hated, as well as are also fought against, by the LGBTQ+ movement promoting advocates, as such behavior that is in said LGBTQ+ movement is essentially a cult, as well as a cult of personality/cults of personalities, x. the LGBTQ+ mindsets always control the media to their advantage through people that are their members like Robin Roberts and Anderson Cooper, y. the LGBTQ+ mindsets are essentially "The Big Lie" that was talked about by Frederick Goebbels, z. the LGBTQ+ movement has ties to groups like the Nazis/neo-Nazis, other racist and sexist ideologies and organizations, Communism, Socialism, and other harmful mindsets that are in this world, regardless of what the people that are a part of any of those other movements, as well as the LGBTQ+ movement, all say otherwise on the matter, and, in fact, people literally cannot be bigwigs in such movements without being LGBTQ+ people themselves, as well as also having LGBTQ+ movement groups backing them up as well, aa. the LGBTQ+ movement loves to make counterfeit forms of Christianity and Judaism, as do those other movements that the LGBTQ+ movement promotes, as well as works for, in order to make it seem "acceptable to society", thus smearing the names of Christianity and Judaism, just like the Nazis, Communists, and others have all done in the past, as well as also continue to do now to this day, ab. the LGBTQ+ movement is simply a deadlier version of an email/telemarketing scam, along with it's allied movements, ac. the claims that have been said can be proven true with physical, financial, and electronic paper trails, and ad. the LGBTQ+ movement adherents love to lie to the general population about these things and they will also do literally whatever that it takes to hide the truth of the consequences of LGBTQ+ behaviors from society, including even committing cold-blooded murders and assassinations, and they will also love to lie to your face doing so, as well as will shame you into backing down from them, and ditto for their faux "enemies" when you expose the truth of them working together to literally destabilize, as well as destroy, society on a global scale. Finally, yes, I can say these things, as their members have tried to do at least one, if not more, of these things on multiple occasions on myself, even as a child, so please do not go to your old preprogrammed responses, as I know how cults and email/telemarketing scammers work, and I will also be ready with actual evidence from my legal team on such matters, and, if the need arises, I will also defend myself, as well as other innocent people, from your various forms of evil, no matter how powerful, as well as well connected, that you lot all think that you are in your lives, because I know each and every last one of your tricks, you narrow minded indoctrinated clods.

I love how much of this list is actually perfectly legal activities. Why should we ban LGBTQ+ stuff? Because it promotes shallowness! Of course shallowness is legal, but promoting shallowness should not be! [/s] Hilarious read.

Most of this rant comes from sloppy grouping of people. I don't know what groups you belong to, it seems like maybe you belong to a few. Possibly "white" or maybe "christian" or maybe some others like "right wing". But whatever group you belong to, imagine being lumped in with a murderer in that group and people saying that your group promoted murder because one of its members was a murderer. Pretty dumb right? Let's move off of this kind of grouping and realize that you can take the ideas of the LGBTQ+ movement separately from the actions of individuals that might be affiliated with that group. Not all Catholics are pedophiles.
How about a. LGBTQ + mindsets promote sexism, b. LGBTQ + mindsets promote hate speech, c. LGBTQ + mindsets promote immaturity by promoting a mindset that is essentially a glorified version of the old chestnut that essentially says, "Ew, boys/girls have cooties", that many girls/boys have against each other as children and that they force unwilling people to bow to such stupid ideologies, d. the LGBTQ + mindsets promote forms of narcissism as normal behavior, e. the LGBTQ + mindsets promote arrogance as normal behavior, f. the people that promote LGBTQ+ mindsets literally have festivals that are dedicated to promoting pride, g. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote selfishness, h. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote shallowness in the behavior of its adherents, i. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote depression, and also in far higher amounts than the general population, j. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote suicide, and also in far higher amounts than the general population, k. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote other criminal activities, and in far higher amounts than the general population, l. the people that have LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more criminal activities on average with their adherents than the general population, m. those people that have LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more STDs than the general population, n. the people that have LGBTQ+ mindsets have more diseases, syndromes , disorders, and such as a whole than the general population, o. the people that promote LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more drug abuse and addictions than the general population, p. the people that promote LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more alcohol abuse and addictions than the general population, q. the people that promote LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more sexual crimes among their members than the general population, r. LGBTQ+ mindsets demand education from others when they are ironically uneducated about the consequences of normalizing said behaviors in society, s. the LGBTQ+ movement is essentially a more societally acceptable version of things like Islamic jihad, t. the LGBTQ+ movement is essentially anti-child at its core, u. should LGBTQ+ people decide to have children, they always do reprehensible things to said children (see the Zulock case that is conveniently being hidden by the mainstream media for one example of many that the LGBTQ+ movement is responsible for promoting in society, as well as older cases like Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, etc.), v. the children of LGBTQ+ deviants always promote LGBTQ+ behavior if they stay loyal to the LGBTQ+ movement, thus repeating the same societally destructive behaviors in another generation, just like other harmful and counterproductive behaviors and addictions that are passed down through the generations like they were family business enterprises, w. the children that do grow up in LGBTQ+ movement promoting places, and rebel against such behavior, are always hated, as well as are also fought against, by the LGBTQ+ movement promoting advocates, as such behavior that is in said LGBTQ+ movement is essentially a cult, as well as a cult of personality/cults of personalities, x. the LGBTQ+ mindsets always control the media to their advantage through people that are their members like Robin Roberts and Anderson Cooper, y. the LGBTQ+ mindsets are essentially "The Big Lie" that was talked about by Frederick Goebbels, z. the LGBTQ+ movement has ties to groups like the Nazis/neo-Nazis, other racist and sexist ideologies and organizations, Communism, Socialism, and other harmful mindsets that are in this world, regardless of what the people that are a part of any of those other movements, as well as the LGBTQ+ movement, all say otherwise on the matter, and, in fact, people literally cannot be bigwigs in such movements without being LGBTQ+ people themselves, as well as also having LGBTQ+ movement groups backing them up as well, aa. the LGBTQ+ movement loves to make counterfeit forms of Christianity and Judaism, as do those other movements that the LGBTQ+ movement promotes, as well as works for, in order to make it seem "acceptable to society", thus smearing the names of Christianity and Judaism, just like the Nazis, Communists, and others have all done in the past, as well as also continue to do now to this day, ab. the LGBTQ+ movement is simply a deadlier version of an email/telemarketing scam, along with it's allied movements, ac. the claims that have been said can be proven true with physical, financial, and electronic paper trails, and ad. the LGBTQ+ movement adherents love to lie to the general population about these things and they will also do literally whatever that it takes to hide the truth of the consequences of LGBTQ+ behaviors from society, including even committing cold-blooded murders and assassinations, and they will also love to lie to your face doing so, as well as will shame you into backing down from them, and ditto for their faux "enemies" when you expose the truth of them working together to literally destabilize, as well as destroy, society on a global scale. Finally, yes, I can say these things, as their members have tried to do at least one, if not more, of these things on multiple occasions on myself, even as a child, so please do not go to your old preprogrammed responses, as I know how cults and email/telemarketing scammers work, and I will also be ready with actual evidence from my legal team on such matters, and, if the need arises, I will also defend myself, as well as other innocent people, from your various forms of evil, no matter how powerful, as well as well connected, that you lot all think that you are in your lives, because I know each and every last one of your tricks, you narrow minded indoctrinated clods.
Lol. Someone's been guzzling the fear-mongering Kool-Aid.

How about the LGBTQ+ 'movement' just seeks to have it's community treated like the rest of society get treated. Maybe they just seek acceptance and equality.
LGBTQ+ movement adherents love to lie to the general population about these things and they will also do literally whatever that it takes to hide the truth of the consequences of LGBTQ+ behaviors from society, including even committing cold-blooded murders and assassinations...

Finally, yes, I can say these things, as their members have tried to do at least one, if not more, of these things on multiple occasions on myself
Well at least we know they're not very good at this now.

And on the off chance any of this is remotely serious, a handful of individuals can't represent an entire group. You said you've had bad experiences with people under the LGBT umbrella. What makes you think those experiences are because of LGBT and not something else?
I will also be ready with actual evidence from my legal team on such matters, and, if the need arises, I will also defend myself, as well as other innocent people, from your various forms of evil, no matter how powerful, as well as well connected, that you lot all think that you are in your lives, because I know each and every last one of your tricks, you narrow minded indoctrinated clods.
Sue Me Season 4 GIF by The Office
Wow 3 messages since 2019 and two in this thread. Hmmm!

That tells me all I need to know.
How about a. LGBTQ + mindsets promote sexism, b. LGBTQ + mindsets promote hate speech, c. LGBTQ + mindsets promote immaturity by promoting a mindset that is essentially a glorified version of the old chestnut that essentially says, "Ew, boys/girls have cooties", that many girls/boys have against each other as children and that they force unwilling people to bow to such stupid ideologies, d. the LGBTQ + mindsets promote forms of narcissism as normal behavior, e. the LGBTQ + mindsets promote arrogance as normal behavior, f. the people that promote LGBTQ+ mindsets literally have festivals that are dedicated to promoting pride, g. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote selfishness, h. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote shallowness in the behavior of its adherents, i. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote depression, and also in far higher amounts than the general population, j. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote suicide, and also in far higher amounts than the general population, k. the LGBTQ+ mindsets promote other criminal activities, and in far higher amounts than the general population, l. the people that have LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more criminal activities on average with their adherents than the general population, m. those people that have LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more STDs than the general population, n. the people that have LGBTQ+ mindsets have more diseases, syndromes , disorders, and such as a whole than the general population, o. the people that promote LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more drug abuse and addictions than the general population, p. the people that promote LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more alcohol abuse and addictions than the general population, q. the people that promote LGBTQ+ mindsets also have more sexual crimes among their members than the general population, r. LGBTQ+ mindsets demand education from others when they are ironically uneducated about the consequences of normalizing said behaviors in society, s. the LGBTQ+ movement is essentially a more societally acceptable version of things like Islamic jihad, t. the LGBTQ+ movement is essentially anti-child at its core, u. should LGBTQ+ people decide to have children, they always do reprehensible things to said children (see the Zulock case that is conveniently being hidden by the mainstream media for one example of many that the LGBTQ+ movement is responsible for promoting in society, as well as older cases like Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, etc.), v. the children of LGBTQ+ deviants always promote LGBTQ+ behavior if they stay loyal to the LGBTQ+ movement, thus repeating the same societally destructive behaviors in another generation, just like other harmful and counterproductive behaviors and addictions that are passed down through the generations like they were family business enterprises, w. the children that do grow up in LGBTQ+ movement promoting places, and rebel against such behavior, are always hated, as well as are also fought against, by the LGBTQ+ movement promoting advocates, as such behavior that is in said LGBTQ+ movement is essentially a cult, as well as a cult of personality/cults of personalities, x. the LGBTQ+ mindsets always control the media to their advantage through people that are their members like Robin Roberts and Anderson Cooper, y. the LGBTQ+ mindsets are essentially "The Big Lie" that was talked about by Frederick Goebbels, z. the LGBTQ+ movement has ties to groups like the Nazis/neo-Nazis, other racist and sexist ideologies and organizations, Communism, Socialism, and other harmful mindsets that are in this world, regardless of what the people that are a part of any of those other movements, as well as the LGBTQ+ movement, all say otherwise on the matter, and, in fact, people literally cannot be bigwigs in such movements without being LGBTQ+ people themselves, as well as also having LGBTQ+ movement groups backing them up as well, aa. the LGBTQ+ movement loves to make counterfeit forms of Christianity and Judaism, as do those other movements that the LGBTQ+ movement promotes, as well as works for, in order to make it seem "acceptable to society", thus smearing the names of Christianity and Judaism, just like the Nazis, Communists, and others have all done in the past, as well as also continue to do now to this day, ab. the LGBTQ+ movement is simply a deadlier version of an email/telemarketing scam, along with it's allied movements, ac. the claims that have been said can be proven true with physical, financial, and electronic paper trails, and ad. the LGBTQ+ movement adherents love to lie to the general population about these things and they will also do literally whatever that it takes to hide the truth of the consequences of LGBTQ+ behaviors from society, including even committing cold-blooded murders and assassinations, and they will also love to lie to your face doing so, as well as will shame you into backing down from them, and ditto for their faux "enemies" when you expose the truth of them working together to literally destabilize, as well as destroy, society on a global scale. Finally, yes, I can say these things, as their members have tried to do at least one, if not more, of these things on multiple occasions on myself, even as a child, so please do not go to your old preprogrammed responses, as I know how cults and email/telemarketing scammers work, and I will also be ready with actual evidence from my legal team on such matters, and, if the need arises, I will also defend myself, as well as other innocent people, from your various forms of evil, no matter how powerful, as well as well connected, that you lot all think that you are in your lives, because I know each and every last one of your tricks, you narrow minded indoctrinated clods.
This is like one of those text Magic-Eye stereograms that if you stare at it long enough, your eyes start to glaze over and a hidden message appears.

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