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Is there actually any legitimate, legal reasons or complexities that keeps gay marriage illegal?
On Tuesday, a far-right historian shot himself dead in Notre Dame cathedral, leaving messages in which he denounced gay marriage.
That's interesting. Historical arguments all tend to diverge to the religious aspects of the issue.
And neither the Bible, Qu'ran et al are too fond of suicide.
Being gay goes against morals
Would you care to go into more detail?
Would you care to go into more detail?
Just read this today. It happened in Paris, so it's the cathedral.
OK, lets say that you want to have children. You can't reproduce with two of the same *BEEP!*. Something just...feels wrong about it that I can't really put into words.
This has nothing to do with morals at all.
So in your argument, people who cannot bare children are immoral and should not marry. I can make a argument that you indeed are immoral because you show hatred for a group of people who haven't done anything for it.
Being gay goes against morals
Can't say I'm feeling sad.
Is there a source to this story? Hard to tell what the deal is, did he kill himself because gay marriage was legalized there? I find that hard to believe.
Bruno Gollnisch, another National Front member, said Mr Venner's "dramatic act was a protest against the decay of our society".
It just feels wrong. I'm sorry for expressing my feelings.
I can't see how being gay is immoral.
Who you choose to sleep with shouldn't limit your rights and freedoms in a democracy.
If you believe premarital sex is immoral...of course the people who think that are the same ones that won't let them get married.
Morality might not be the right word, some things make sense such as family values, at least to me.
Not sure family values works in that context either. A reason behind the whole gay marriage debate is that homosexuals want to be able to have a legally-recognized family, yet they are opposed by people who are more likely than not to claim family values as their reasoning.
The riots were spontaneous actions in response to unjust police raids. No, I don't believe that people fighting against being arrested and/or beaten in the street simply for being openly homosexual or transgendered were thinking about marriage or children. That doesn't make it an illegitimate point more than 30 years later.When they rioted in Stonewall the first thing the lawyers said was they didn't want anything to do with marriage or children, just wanted to be left alone.
The same slippery slope black people put us on when they demanded voting rights, equality, interracial marriage, etc when we already ended slavery.Now of course it is different, you know, because there is no slippery slope or anything lol.
Everyone wants to be socially recognized. No one wants to be ridiculed for being themselves. It's at the heart of the anti-bullying movement. Despite things like bullying laws, social recognition can't be forced. People won't be friends with others who are different from them because we say they should. No one has a guarantee of more than acceptance. That is where it ends and should end. No one has to call a gay couple married, no matter how legal it is.Legally recognized as well as socially recognized.