crop circles


I believe some crop circles are real . My theory on them is if the extra terestials can get here they can travel through a country and study it in a very short period of time. Since i beleive this...... i have thaught about them and i beleive crop circles are purly temerary maps.
if anyone has any bashing against me keep your opinions to your self and dont act like a jerk trying to protest what i have said. some people may think my ideas are childish :dopey: but i expressed my thaught with my dad and he said he is suprised someone my age is thinking of things like this. please tell me any theories you have an UFO sighting od et's........thanks.
I think they are giant Lawn Bowls...

Seriously, I have no theory on this. Maybe there are creative hungry gofers or something. :lol: But I don't have an explanation or a side to this story. It's quite strange, and it seems like there should be a simple explanation for such a simple thing, but there isn't...
Crop circles ARE real. This is readily apparent by going and looking at them.

But they aren't produced by aliens.

A bloke in the UK, who was fined after admitting criminal damage (making a crop circle) produced evidence to show he was responsible for up to 90% of the crop circles appearing in the UK in a 3 year period.

Necessary equipment:
Paper, ruler, compasses, pencil (for the theoretical creation of your masterpiece).
Welly boots.
Long rope and a piece of 3'x2'
An hour of your time.
A couple of mates.

And before anyone comes in with the "ah, but the stalks are all broken at "x" point on the stem", so what? All of the plants are practically clones of each other anyway, what's so surprising about them all breaking in roughly the same weak spot? Dry spaghetti, if you bend it from both ends, always breaks into three pieces. Is that alien influence or just material science?
Crop circles ARE real. This is readily apparent by going and looking at them.
You know what I mean smart-ass.

Also, I don't necessarily believe in them as such, but they're fairly well done. Country people have too much time on their hands I tells ya.
Crop circles are real. They really happen I think, but Extra Terrestrials don't create them. Dumb people who want to ruin farmers crops create them at night.
Crop circles ARE real. This is readily apparent by going and looking at them.

But they aren't produced by aliens.

A bloke in the UK, who was fined after admitting criminal damage (making a crop circle) produced evidence to show he was responsible for up to 90% of the crop circles appearing in the UK in a 3 year period.

Necessary equipment:
Paper, ruler, compasses, pencil (for the theoretical creation of your masterpiece).
Welly boots.
Long rope and a piece of 3'x2'
An hour of your time.
A couple of mates.

That's what I was going to say!

I think they originated in Hampshire, where I'm from. The original guy was a old bloke who made loads, and had it down to a fine art. He and his mates could set up and have one knocked up in a couple of hours, and leave no trace. They used to walk down existing tractor tracks and jump off from them so it looked like no one had walked in the field. If you look at crop circle pictures, I bet you will always see a tractor track right next to it :) The original guy didn't use a compass, he had a piece of wire on his hat that had a loop. He would line this loop up with a distant light and use that to navigate a straight line. He did invent the rope and plank of wood technique. But despite him admitting to creating most of the circles that pop up, some people still believe they are from UFO landing sites or something...why do UFO's always fly over farms and land in corn fields...very...strange!?

i have thaught about them and i beleive crop circles are purly temerary maps.

Temporary maps, thats a good one, I haven't heard that before...don't aliens have

and dude..get a spellchecker! Four spelling mistakes and two dropped capitals in one sentence, is not going to get your theory taken very seriously :)

Edit: Ahh Famine...I see now you mean "pair of compasses" for the drawing with not compass for the navigating with...
Isn't there this 'lightning' theory at the moment? I heared it somewhere, I think it was a TV program a while ago.
I rememebr watching this program where some uni students tried to recreat a crop circle. But they had to do it in a special way. Like there is supposedly supposed to be increases in iron in teh ground when there are crop circles. So they sprayed iron filings everywhere. They also went around with a home made flame thrower because the water inside the stem is supposed to boil.

They used to walk down existing tractor tracks and jump off from them so it looked like no one had walked in the field. If you look at crop circle pictures, I bet you will always see a tractor track right next to it
There is always loads of tractor lines going through fields, so you will always see a few going through a crop circle.
You see...even after the creator of 90% of the crop circles produced video evidence of himself creating said circles, that are still people coming up with theories on how they were created, even after they have seen his videos :lol:

There is naturally occuring iron deposits in all fields...but believe what you like ;)

There is always loads of tractor lines going through fields, so you will always see a few going through a crop circle

Just a coincidence then...ok

Edit: just a note on the iron being detected. The instuments they are using to detect iron, are actually looking for magnetic fields, as iron is a magnetic element. The problem is that a piece of scorched earth, from a past camp fire or bonfire will produce the same results. The funiest method of measuring fields in a crop circle are the guys with the dowsing rods...they can "prove" the existence of magnetic fields by waving sticks around...
Edit: just a note on the iron being detected. The instuments they are using to detect iron, are actually looking for magnetic fields, as iron is a magnetic element.
That's what they were trying to do! They were trying to mimic a change in the magnetic field that some people claim happens in crop circles.

You see...even after the creator of 90% of the crop circles produced video evidence of himself creating said circles, that are still people coming up with theories on how they were created, even after they have seen his videos
I don't particualry believe it, but find it interesting to see how extreme people will go in 'mysteries' like this.
That's what they were trying to do! They were trying to mimic a change in the magnetic field that some people claim happens in crop circles. say change in the magnetic field, but since nobody had measured it before the crop circle was there it is hard to say what has changed.

Usually I think they mean fluctuations in the magnetic field, i.e.. that it is not constant throughout the crop circle, but the instruments they are using are so sensitive, if they were to walk the rest of the corn field and measure the field there, they would see the same fluctuations.
They can be caused by many things, naturally occurring iron, blackened earth from fire, medieval hammer scale, unexploded bombs, coins you name it...but most investigators in this area only see what they want to see. They are not objective scientists, but merely parapsychologists, druids! etc and choose what evidence they want to believe.
for those who feel they need to make fun of my spelling, get a life, you counted everything that was wrong, who cares. I spell properly at school not when im searching the net im not worried about grades. i beleive some of them are real a small percent though, a lot are just from morons with no job so they get out in a feild in the middle of the night, and for those who dont beleive in aliens, explain the pyramids.
Ya but you see it says right on the AUP and TOS that appropriate spelling should be used........

*but what I think crop circles are...they're 90% hoaxes in my opinon. It was on the discover channel, they show how easy it is to make these things, and they've already caught people on tape, purposely making them.
Yea they just use some planks of wood with some rope, and a little geometry. See, if they didn't stay in school they couldn't do it...;)
Ya but you see it says right on the AUP and TOS that appropriate spelling should be used........

*but what I think crop circles are...they're 90% hoaxes in my opinon. It was on the discover channel, they show how easy it is to make these things, and they've already caught people on tape, purposely making them.

What about the other 10%?
Well its 90% IMO, so I'm strongly biased towards it having a logical explanation, but the other 10% makes me wonder if it really is humans only doing this.
and for those who dont beleive in aliens, explain the pyramids.

I do believe in aliens...there are just too many planets in the universe for there not to be other life forms. I just don't believe they have ever been to earth during our brief history.
Seriously do you think they would come all this way just to mess up a few fields, what are they going to do in the winter when there are no crops, and after the harvest they must be gutted :lol: Have you ever read "Rendezvous with Rama"..fantastic book 👍

The pyramids...dude have you not heard of the Pyramid texts discovered recently, which describe in detail how the Great Pyramid of Giza was built. There is even graffiti on the inside of the pyramids from the workmen :) You can see the red lines still on some of stones where they were lined up using "state of the art" (for the time) techniques.

I will accept that there are a very small number of crop circles that are "odd" (no where near 10%...more like 4 out of the hundreds) These are not the great big pretty ones, but the small irregular ones that may have been formed by localised weather phenomena. There is video footage of a tiny twister touching down, but the circle it makes is very crude...

for those who feel they need to make fun of my spelling, get a life
..get a dictionary :lol:

I've got a life thanx...its 3:20am here, I've just got in from watching Dreem Teams Timmi Magik at my mates club, then we introduced him to the pole dancers ;) And for a gratuitous plug...anyone in Portsmouth fancy coming to a decent pole dancing bar click here
What about the other 10%?
Took the words right out of my mouth.

I'm starting to believe they are hoaxes. I don't believe in outer space life visting Earth or anything, but by not having any explanation, I meant I have no idea what created them, but I don't believe aliens are using Earth as their notepad to draw circles on.

I once thought they could've been something to do with science, but now I just believe it is a hoax.
I actually saw a show the other day about the Pyramids of Giza. They were trying to figure out if th people used a kite to lift these large rocks because the wind is so powerful. They used a big piece of fabric as a kite. They made the rock out of cement. The rock was what the stones of the pyramid weighed. All supplies used were available, they think, at the time the pyramids were built. The kite was actually able to lift the rock.
I believe in aliens. I don't however believe in them coming here and making stupid circles on crop fields. I believe they have better things to do.
I believe some crop circles are real . My theory on them is if the extra terestials can get here they can travel through a country and study it in a very short period of time. Since i beleive this...... i have thaught about them and i beleive crop circles are purly temerary maps.
if anyone has any bashing against me keep your opinions to your self and dont act like a jerk trying to protest what i have said. some people may think my ideas are childish :dopey: but i expressed my thaught with my dad and he said he is suprised someone my age is thinking of things like this. please tell me any theories you have an UFO sighting od et's........thanks.

Or maybe not?

Also, Signs is a horrible movie.

I don't know aobut Signs being a horrible movie, it was original anyway. But the only reason i thought it was great was because there were 3 people in front of me on acid who totally wigged out when they saw the green dude walk across the screen...2 of them ran out of the theatre screaming and the other guy just sat there crying, we all just about wet ourselves laughing at these mofos. good times. another point regarding drugs vs. movies: NEVER EVER do ANY drugs of ANY kind before watching The Exorcist, my mom's friend did acid before watching it and now hes one of those guys who r always downtown saying hi to people being all twitchy and weird. true story. he gave me a dollar once.

ps. jeff likes tight pants
jeff, please stop sending me porn. and no, i dont want to see you model your new leather pants.

How mature, how old were you again? 3....4? Maybe 5?

*You do know that not a lot of people here know my first name is Jeff.
and for those who dont beleive in aliens, explain the pyramids.

Possibly the most esoteric thing ever said on this site.

The pyramids were built by thousands of slaves, thanks to hundreds of blokes with whips and dogs, in order to provide burial grounds for their Pharoahs - who were effectively man-gods - that would not be forgotten over time and shifting sands.

What makes YOU think that "aliens" turned up, in the middle of the desert, built large geometric shapes out of the predominant rock of the region, hung around for a few thousand years to fill them up with dead leaders, then buggered off again, only to return to Somerset every now and then to make holes in a field?

Incidentally, I "believe" in the theoretical existence of extra-terrestrial life, but I don't for one second think they build stone mountains, kill plants and shove instruments up farmer's jacksies.

The fundamental question which forms the basis of the universe is "Why?". Why would they do any of this? If we went to another world, what would we do first? I bet you £10 it wouldn't be an anal probing.