My new toy. (quad, ATV, ORV) Bought another one 3/14/07


United States
I have always wanted a quad and finally bought a brand new 2004 25EX right from the showroom floor. This one is mainly for my girfriend. Next year I will get a 400. :)
I also bought chains for the tires and a plow to attach to the front for snow.

UPDATE 3/14/07
I just bought another quad and gave Heather my yellow one. We have have been having soo much fun!!
My new quad is a 2006 TRX250EX. It has some new shifter called a sportclutch. You can shift with or without using the clutch. We will be going to silver lake a lot this year. We bought and built a trailer but it still needs a deck so the dealer let us borrow this aluminum one for a couple days. Well here are a couple pics from yesterday. The 3rd quad is a friends from work.
Mine 2006-Heathers 2004-Friends 1987

Nice ryde dude, haven't had a quad in years...I used to have one when I lived out in the country...Honda Foreman 350...used my cousins Yamaha Raptor this summer...god that thing was fast, almost hit a deer doing 50 much fun !



I didn't know that you could get a plow for a racing style quad ! cool.
I'm sure it'll go to good use with all that snow.

I thought Michigan got a lot more snow than that though...
Once, in Del City, Ok., we got a lot more snow.
Thanks for the compliments everyone. This is the first quad I have ever owned and the first brand new thing I have ever bought like this. Ive been riding it around the little yard that I have just waiting for the snow to melt so I can hit some trails. :)
I didn't know that you could get a plow for a racing style quad ! cool.
I was going to make my own until I found out they had a direct bolt on plow kit so I figured for once I would go the easy route and just buy everything.
I thought Michigan got a lot more snow than that though...
We do. This is only the beginning of the year. There is about a foot on the ground right now and this is only January. We still have February, March and sometimes snow in April.
Hey, do you guys have the 'licenced trails' in Michigan for snowmobiles ? My buddy used to use his quad on the trails to ride with me on my sled....we had a good time, and the quad did pretty well on the groomed trails...
Yes we have licenced or designated trails for quads, snowmobiles, and dirtbikes. My quad is a sports quad so its only 2wd because its more for racing so it doesnt go as good in snow as a 4x4 quad would. Thats ok though since we usually have about 3 months of snow and 9 months without. 👍
I still have a lot to learn about where I can bring my quad since this is the first one I have ever owned. I know I need and ORV sticker and thats $16.25 for the year.
When I was in Canada a few years ago a family friend gave me there quad to use, boy did I have sooo much fun on it.

It was 2wd and I went in these dirt roads back and fourth powersliding the corners from morning to night it was so fun. (few tanks of fuel later)
how do i post a link please?
i want to replace the pink text in my sig with a proper link.

step by step please someone?

sorry for being naive.
how do i post a link please?
i want to replace the pink text in my sig with a proper link.

step by step please someone?

sorry for being naive.

Not the best thread to ask this question but oh well.

Check pic below, just click on that button in edit sig section

Fantastic, and thanx for quick response!

My apologies for cluttering up the thread.
nice, but small. I prefer quads with 350cubic inches, and tires of
at least 36inches tall :lol:
I have that too. :) Been there done that. Time for something cheaper on gas. :)
The one I got rid of had 350 and 44" tires.
I still have the other one 350 35" tires.
You can see those over here
True dat.. True dat...
But the Polaris 700 Sportman with 34"s is alot of fun for alot less money...
RIght I agree. Monster quads are impossible to stop. Ive never seen any with 34" tires but even just a regular 4x4 quad is unstopable.
My plow and chains for the quad came in Tuesday and I will be picking them up tomorrow. I will bolt on all the goodies and get some pics some time over the weekend.
My wife got a job offer up north of Sudbury, Ontario ( used to live up there ) well, they get about an extra month -1/2 more of winter than I do here is Southern ontario...and about 3 more feet of snow too...might have to look into a quad for the 'driveway' if it works out !
It sure makes things weird. Now I want the snow to melt so I can go play in the trails and sand but on the other hand I want it to snow so I can plow. :lol:
I will let you know how well this quad plows so mabey it will help your decision. I guess it has a quick disconnect for the plow that way I can instantly go offroad and play after I plow.
Thats what I was like when I lived up north...winter was great, trail riding with the sled...but then spring / summer came, it was 'grass-drags' time for my ol'baby...


this was my baby ( exact same anyway ! )




that engine cover in front of the seat was missing on mine, so whenever i went out for a boot, I stunk like gas, the carb was almost between my legs..
Ut oh I have a feeling we are going to be getting another quad really soon. It just isnt going to work out having only 1. We really need to have 2 quads since its illegal for us to ride on the same one. I think instead of getting a 400 I might get a used 250 to save us some money.
I used to have an old Artic Cat that looked just like your sled. Mine was very old. 80ish. It was very slow too but fun to jump and break. It had a 330 or 360 in it. Weak.
Yep, i did some sand-pit-ledge jumping with that was a 340 engine, had it clocked on ice at 61 mph...when I used a squirt of ether right into the carb between my legs ( not recommended btw ) i clocked her at 73 mph..crap did the little motor ever scream when I did that !

**edit** it was a 1973 SkiDoo TNT 340 'silverbullet' edition..
I watched the vids. Those are just insane!!!! I could drive over my truck with that! :dopey:
They make some similar for trucks too.