it sounds a bit crazy to me, but then again so does dying and that happens to everyone. you think people would lose their 21 grams when they come back

That 21 grams story is a fairy tale. It comes from an experiment in 1910.
A bed was constructed on a large beam balancing scale (which was not even accurate to 21 grams!)
Obviously the experimenter was not allowed to euthanise his patients and was only given about 6 terminally ill volunteers. Not much of a sample, the results were terrible.
Due to the nature of death, most people struggled as they died, and the beam would shake making a reading impossible.
Some patients actually put on weight, and just one lost the now mythical 21 grams.
No one has repeated the experiment, and its results have been universally denounced.
Incidentally he also tried it with dogs, as he was allowed to gas them. This meant they died without struggling so the beam was stable...the dogs showed no loss or gain...but this fit in with his theory as dogs don't have convenient
I dont see how it can work. As it is if the human brain is dead for 6 minutes and are still brought back to life there is always some brain damage.
Brain damage occurs when oxygen stops going to the brain and the brain starts to go off, like food left out on a hot day. In this case the saline solution is chilled to just above zero and the dogs core temp is around 7 degrees. This is a bit like putting fresh meat in a fridge

It will stay good for up to five days, so there will be very little cellular decay, if any, in the brain after a few hours.
The problem before with cryogenics, was that when the body is frozen, ice crystals form. On thawing, these crystals puncture cell walls and cause massive damage. Brain damage occurs during this process.
This new technique avoids this by not freezing, but instead chilling.
This could be invaluable to get someone to treatment from a remote location, but as for interstellar travel...five days just isn't long enough..cellular decay will have started by then.