Guys, this thread is about beverages again. Hep A updates as they arrive!

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Not Even A Real Mod
Staff Emeritus
United States
Application hell

Okay, check it out. That's like 10 minutes since I poured it. The froth never went away.

Now, here is the question: Is this a freak occurence, or, besides my uber-pouring skills, has Coca-Cola actually altered their formula for guiness-like frothage that owns?

I should further investigate this, as drinking coke in this manner was a good experience. The sweet froth was like a lip-cushion for the insertion of the black-elixir. Godlike.
They were perfectly rinsed and dried. Are you guys jealous? :sly:
I would now down to you, but I just achieved the exact same feat myself. I believe it has to do with how high you poor from. Also, was your canned or bottled?
Bottled. That froth is over 10 minutes old, though. It was amazing.

And it was instantaneously frothless. I am a failure, and unworhty of your tutelage. Comitting seppuku now...
Like, you can't buy beer at all after 11PM? Where do you live? This sounds too ridiculous to be true.

But It is.

I'd have to go to a bar to buy some overpriced beer - before 3AM. I'm just not that thirsty. It's even worse in Ontario, we make fun of them for that.

Still, when someone's got both arms in a cast, he doens't want to watch...


Small_fryz, that is one huge scary pic. :scared:
3-Wheel Drive
Looks like Guiness.
But RC pwns Coke, IMHO. Except for Cherry Coke, that stuff friggin' rocks.

Man I gotta agree with that. Royal Cola is the best **** ever created. Man I remember the time RC used to be 99 cents the 2 liters and drinking an entire one every night... Oh god... RC pwns the **** !!!
Man I remember the time RC used to be 99 cents the 2 liters and drinking an entire one every night...
That's disgusting. Every night? I'm sure your pancreas loved that.

In the same light, my friend and I decided to have a belching contest one night in the dorms. We bought a 2-liter bottle of Cherry Coke, and we each drank half of it as quickly as we could. I won, but the winning burp was so big, it popped my back, sternum, and jaw all at the same time. I'm not doing that again. Good times, though...
That's disgusting. Every night? I'm sure your pancreas loved that.

In the same light, my friend and I decided to have a belching contest one night in the dorms. We bought a 2-liter bottle of Cherry Coke, and we each drank half of it as quickly as we could. I won, but the winning burp was so big, it popped my back, sternum, and jaw all at the same time. I'm not doing that again. Good times, though...

thats one hell of a burp - did it register on the richter scale?
It's even worse in Ontario, we make fun of them for that.

It does suck here. The beer store closes at 10pm, and the bars aren't allowed to sell alchohol past 2am. :grumpy:

Then they wonder why theres so much drug use. Well duh, the drug dealer is the only thing open at 2:30am, thats why! 💡

Okay, check it out. That's like 10 minutes since I poured it. The froth never went away.

Now, here is the question: Is this a freak occurence, or, besides my uber-pouring skills, has Coca-Cola actually altered their formula for guiness-like frothage that owns?

I should further investigate this, as drinking coke in this manner was a good experience. The sweet froth was like a lip-cushion for the insertion of the black-elixir. Godlike.

:eek: Sw33t!
I love coke, but I still have my life. you obviously need new life, since you are neglecting this one.