Guys, this thread is about beverages again. Hep A updates as they arrive!

  • Thread starter Omnis
So high tech :lol:
Anyway, fish dont eat birds. And flying fish can fly for pretty long times. And why are we talking about this?
On topic, Coke tastes good.
However small, you are taking chances with Diet Cokes, I agree. I've drunk Coke Classic for so long, but it's just got too much sugar for me. Still tastes great with ice, but in can or bottle, I grab a Diet.

P.S. Even Pepsi tastes alright with ice for me.
I think that you all have better things to do, like, congratulating your moms and spending some time with her instead of staring the screen blankly like this. it's mothers day you know..:P ;)
Fish and bird hybrids?

Well I did a quick sketch and I came up with this...

I call it, Flish.
I hate coke.

Water will always be my favourite drink. 👍


Same here

Dont drink, coffee, tea, soda, softdrink.

Water/milk/juice, but 90% water.
I figured it out.

I got some Hibachi, and I thought the steak and chicken were suprisingly tender. Anyway, it was so good. So, I ate a few pieces before rethinking things and getting all paranoid and crap. I guess that's all it took.

I feel like I want to puke all the time, and I can't take a crap. This SUCKS.
That's disgusting. Every night? I'm sure your pancreas loved that.

In the same light, my friend and I decided to have a belching contest one night in the dorms. We bought a 2-liter bottle of Cherry Coke, and we each drank half of it as quickly as we could. I won, but the winning burp was so big, it popped my back, sternum, and jaw all at the same time. I'm not doing that again. Good times, though...

... :dunce::crazy::ouch:
I don't believe New Jersey is a body of water, there, Omnis. I've heard reports of sightings in Loch Ness.

I like to call it by it's latin name, Flyingus Birdfi****is. Or is itis a...ahhh, screw it. But Flishird also works.

EDIT: What the hell did it bleep out -sh and it-? Ohhhh, that's why. What a *****! So it was supposed to be Flyingus Birdfish-itis. There we go.
Black Cherry Vanilla coke is something that could make an ADHD kid's head explode.

It's diabetes in a bottle.
I'm drooling now...

I don't even get any Coke Light other than the regular kind... :indiff:

How I miss the good ol' gluco-drip and caffeine shot in a bottle... diabetes sucks!

And you guys are all heathens... Coke should be drunk straight from the bottle or can... if you let it froth, it doesn't quite have that zing.


This resembled my morning. My bathroom smells like burnt plastic and rubber, though. It's absolutely horrible! HORRIBLE!