Guys, this thread is about beverages again. Hep A updates as they arrive!

  • Thread starter Omnis
Until I pour the next perfect coke...

By the way, my mom said it tasted like arsenic (it, being the coke from the same bottle I poured from originally).
It just might be. Now wait for the professional instructions. Run around with your hands in the air and screem, "We are all going to die". Do not stay calm. If someone gets in your way, call him a nOOb and ram past him.
Oh, I forgot to tell you all that my mom is in the arsenic sommelier hall of fame. :rolleyes:
She must be quite the human being to survive arsenic poisoning. Now that's the kind of person we should clone.

ANywho, I get the idea that you pissed a lot (or was it mondo liquid diarrhea?), but I have no clue why it smelled of burnt rubber/plastic. Please elaborate...
Hello? Salmonella food poisoning...

Let's just say the bottom one is my Wii, and the top one is my large intestine spewing the type 7. I think that what has happened is my colon has stopped absorbing water in order to keep the salmonella out. It smells seriously horrible, like burnt plastic and stuff.

I think I'm better. 👍

Now time for some coke.
Pour that coke great, it better be perfect, or the evil coke sip stealers (aka the crappy coke cravers) will be mad at you.
I am so glad Omnis lives near me.

I shall discard out the shirt and tie, and don the saffron robes as Young_Grasshopper.
Good idea: mix Vanilla Coke with Lime Coke and Diet Pepsi, alogn with Mountain Dew and Sprite.
That sounds disgusting.

Here's a better idea: mix Coke with Smirnoff Vanilla Twist. Now that's Vanilla Coke (actually more tasty than Vanilla Coke proper :))
Mix diabetes and sugarcane.

Tastes like Black Cherry Vanilla Coke.
Here's a better idea: mix Coke with Smirnoff Vanilla Twist. Now that's Vanilla Coke (actually more tasty than Vanilla Coke proper :))

True dat. For some reason you can use a lot more vodka than if it were with any other drink. Gotta be careful though..
Diary? :confused:

Did you grow a set of ovaries or something? :lol:


Unless your trying to tell us something? :odd:
SRV- Stop making me sig everything you say.


EDIT: I had something vaguely similar over winter break. My... er... waste looked like pea soup. Being sprayed out of a blender. All. Over. The. Place.

Diary? :confused:

Did you grow a set of ovaries or something? :lol:


Unless your trying to tell us something? :odd:

Relax, my friend. It's a pun on my episode of food poisoning as documented in this thread.

Plus, you must be hella-insecure.
Omnis: I get the feeling he's kidding.

Silence! There shall be no threatening Ten's exclusivity as GTP's most masculinely effeminate poster in this thread of mine; not even in joke form.

Unless, you know, like, you're gay or something.

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