Playstation 3 vs. Xbox 360 Discussion Thread

Jamal is Legend
Ok, I know that there has been a thread or two about this, but the ones that i have found were dated back before the launch of the Xbox360. So, now that both systems are released and many people own the different systems, I want to start a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of both systems. Im a little worried though that it will be slightly biased in favor of the Playstation side of things(Seeing as how this is a forum dedicated to a game exclusive to Playstation). Anyway, i would still like to hear everyones thoughts.

Personally, i own a Playstation 3. I dont personally know anyone who owns one, and everyone around here or at my school doesnt even want one as they are content with the 360. But, i think that the PS3 is a little better suited for the future of gaming.
I have two decisions to make.

Do I get an XBOX360 or hold out for a PS3?

If I hold out for a PS3, do I buy a cheaper imported 20gb or pay extra for the 60gb?
One interesting issue is that of the comparitive cost of each system. Alot of people are put off by the £125 price difference between the Xbox and the PS3 Premium version... But if you add it all up, the PS3 60Gb version works out as probably the best value out of the lot, not least because of the bigger hard-drive, Blu-Ray technology (and disc capacity) as well as the superior processing power... Also, the Xbox 360 doesn't come with built-in wireless (you will need to fork out up to £60 (£55 even on Amazon!) for that little luxury as well... The PS3 20Gb also doesn't have wireless I believe, nor does it have the same vast array of ports (such as flashcard reader etc.)..., i.e. the hard drive capacity is not the only difference between the two machines. I don't believe you'll need to import a 20Gb PS3, however, since they will be available in the UK, just not at launch... (Amazon say October, btw)...

Despite this, however, the Xbox still has 'track position' over the PS3... will be interesting to see just how many Xbox owners feel the need to also invest in a PS3... I personally wouldn't, and the only reason I didn't buy an Xbox (despite being very tempted) is simply because of loyalty to certain PS game titles such as GT, GTA and FF series...

:edit: Actually, I've just noticed that the Xbox is now going for £270, making the difference in price a hefty £155
Recently I was thinking about selling the PS2 and buy an XBox360. Not because I prefer it over the PS3, but because it's being sold for half the price of the PlayStation3 over here and also because I don't have an HDTV.

But I still don't know if I'll do it, the XBox360 costs a lot of money too.
Im very impressed that this thread hasnt already started a flamewar, +rep to the whole forum for being mature.

while my opnion is that at the moment the Xbox 360 is a better "games" console at a competitive price, with most genres i like covered.

I feel that the PS3 does offer better value overall but for me there arnt any games that seperate it from the xbox apart from of course GT which i hope will come out as long into the future, so that hopefully the "too expensive" ps3 comes down to a lower price and also hopefully the format war (hd-dvd vs bluray) will be over
I have two decisions to make.

Do I get an XBOX360 or hold out for a PS3?

If I hold out for a PS3, do I buy a cheaper imported 20gb or pay extra for the 60gb?

Really, i think its up to you. Things that you should think about are the different games that you are more inclined to want and issues like that.

One interesting issue is that of the comparitive cost of each system. Alot of people are put off by the £125 price difference between the Xbox and the PS3 Premium version... But if you add it all up, the PS3 60Gb version works out as probably the best value out of the lot, not least because of the bigger hard-drive, Blu-Ray technology (and disc capacity) as well as the superior processing power... Also, the Xbox 360 doesn't come with built-in wireless (you will need to fork out up to £60 (£55 even on Amazon!) for that little luxury as well... The PS3 20Gb also doesn't have wireless I believe, nor does it have the same vast array of ports (such as flashcard reader etc.)..., i.e. the hard drive capacity is not the only difference between the two machines. I don't believe you'll need to import a 20Gb PS3, however, since they will be available in the UK, just not at launch... (Amazon say October, btw)...

You are right about most of this. But to be honest, from what i know, the PS3's processing power isnt much, if at all, greater than the 360 (correct me if im wrong).

Despite this, however, the Xbox still has 'track position' over the PS3... will be interesting to see just how many Xbox owners feel the need to also invest in a PS3... I personally wouldn't, and the only reason I didn't buy an Xbox (despite being very tempted) is simply because of loyalty to certain PS game titles such as GT, GTA and FF series...

Well, the 360 is also considered the better console because if you compare the games that are out on both systems, the 360 versions always look much better. That is mainly due to the fact that the ps3 is new and developers need more time to fully learn how to use the ps3's power. Also, i was at target the other day, and they had GTA: San andreas for xbox. that was soemthing new to me.

Recently I was thinking about selling the PS2 and buy an XBox360. Not because I prefer it over the PS3, but because it's being sold for half the price of the PlayStation3 over here and also because I don't have an HDTV.

But I still don't know if I'll do it, the XBox360 costs a lot of money too.

Well, you should know that to get the xbox360 to look good graphically, it is still necessary to have an hdtv. It is the same as a ps3 in that respect. Also, i dont have an hdtv yet, but i have a ps3, and it still looks very good. So i wouldnt let that throw you off.

Im very impressed that this thread hasnt already started a flamewar, +rep to the whole forum for being mature.

while my opnion is that at the moment the Xbox 360 is a better "games" console at a competitive price, with most genres i like covered.

I feel that the PS3 does offer better value overall but for me there arnt any games that seperate it from the xbox apart from of course GT which i hope will come out as long into the future, so that hopefully the "too expensive" ps3 comes down to a lower price and also hopefully the format war (hd-dvd vs bluray) will be over

Well, as of now, i would probably say that the 360 is a little better. BUT i think that the ps3 is better equipped for the future. i think that once the ps3 stops getting so much flack for being so expensive and using blu-ray, and once developers learn how to properly harness the power of the ps3, i think that more people are going to want one. I definitely think that the 360 will lose some of its appeal then.

On a side note, Im glad that there is some interest in this thread. This is the kind of discussion that i wanted to take place. Mature, Logical, and Factual opinions are the ones that i want to be expressed. Please keep up the conversation!
I think that the debate about which console has better games is one which will become less and less significant in the future, since games getting much bigger and much better means they also take far longer and far more money to make... in other words, game developers can ill-afford to make games for a single platform nowadays. That said, there will always be a few exclusives, but just like Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport, any exclusive title will almost certainly have an equivalent on the rival system...

I think it's crucially important that there is atleast a rival system (or two!), however, since rivarly and competition to be "better than the other" is what drives creativity. Just as was the case between John Lennon and Paul McCartney, The Beatles and The Stones, Celtic and Rangers, Scotland and Brazil (ok, so that last one is taking it a bit far :P ) one would be the lesser without the other...
I completely agree with TM. I think you hit the nail on the head. But i too hope that there will be many rivals, because, that is what keeps developers on the edge of things. It is what inspires them to create something better than previous games. So i hope that rivaly will always exist.
I personally do not like the PS3, I think it's overpriced for a console and honestly I could care less about BluRay, I think that is overrated, my parents have an HDTV and a digital DVD player with HDMI or whatever it is looks good enough. I don't have an HDTV but I would like to get one in the future so I can watch college football in HD, I don't really care about gaming in HD. Graphics should be of little concern in a game, I want something that plays well.

I have a 360 mainly because I liked the game list for it (PGR, Forza being two of them) and the fact it came out a year earlier. Oh ya and it doesn't look like a George Forman Grille :lol:.

I'm sure the PS3 is fine for some people, but I've played the thing again and again and it's just like the 360 in almost every way but 200 bucks more expensive. Graphically they look real close, there online systems are similar, and they share many of the same games. I know people will say that the PS3 software is more superior or whatever, but for me I just don't care, if I want to play a game that looks awesome and does everything I will just buy it for the PC because my PC will out perform both the 360 and PS3.
if I want to play a game that looks awesome and does everything I will just buy it for the PC because my PC will out perform both the 360 and PS3.

Whats ya PC specs?

On paper the PS3 is superior, but so was the xbox over PS2. this time its the other way around.

No matter how much arguing we do, in the end we just have to wait. give it another 1year and we will then have a glimpse as to who will win.

I back the PS3.
Since I own a Wii and only a Wii, does that make me a more objective judge in all of this? :lol:

The Xbox 360 is the better system, IMO, and the public seem to be voting in agreement with their wallets. In fact, in several months' time the question posed by this thread may become moot -- many would-be PS3 owners have been sitting on their hands waiting for their favorite exclusive to come out (including GTP members waiting for GT5), and if Ace Combat and Devil May Cry are any indication, Sony may lose enough exclusives to lose much of its fanbase, as those would-be owners decide to buy the 360 with its easier-to-swallow price.

Even if that doesn't turn out to be true, those would-be owners are still putting Sony between a rock and a hard place. Game developers look at console sales when deciding whether or not to release for a system, but consumers look at game releases when deciding whether or not to buy a console. If consumers don't buy enough consoles (and the PS3 isn't doing particularly well), game developers will avoid the platform (or at least exclusivity deals), which will in turn cause consumers to avoid the console, causing more game developers to avoid the platform.

I'm afraid the PS3's situation may already be snowballing into this, and it won't have the low price that helped the GameCube maintain a faint pulse throughout its similarly-plagued run.

But enough about sales and public opinion. Here's my own:

From what I understand, the PS3's Cell processor, despite its multiple cores, collectively runs at 3.2Ghz (as listed at Wikipedia). If this is true, the hardware capabilities of both systems are roughly the same, and the whole "superior hardware" argument can be thrown out as far as I'm concerned. This is certainly supported by the games that have appeared for each system thus far, which all look about the same. PS3 developers have yet to pull the rabbit out of the hat and produce anything that indicates a huge reserve of power.

If I think the hardware is comparable, why do I think the 360 is better? Good question. Well, first of all, although the 360 had its own hiccups early on, I've never seen a game console bog down and freeze as often as the PS3 does at my local EB. It isn't even turned on half the time, because there's almost no point in bothering -- playing MotorStorm at a slow-motion 10 frames per second or less isn't fun for anyone. I know the problem is being caused by overheating, but the 360 (apart from the first few weeks) and Wii don't seem to be having any problems in their enclosed cases, and the old PS2 they used to have never failed, to my knowledge, despite living in a case that was even worse-ventilated than the PS3's.

Then there's the quality gap between the excellent Xbox Live and the PS3's online system, which from what I've heard is goofy, at best. Speaking of quality, although I love my PS2 and a friend of my loved his PSP, they're not what I'd call "well-built," particularly the controllers and the PSP's buttons/stick/d-pad. Even beyond the cheap controllers, my PS2 reminds me of something like an old Alfa Romeo -- absolutely wonderful, when it's working. Sometimes it'll DRE a basic PS2 CD. Sometimes it'll load GT4's dual-layer DVD instantly. I don't understand it. This uncertainty combined with the brand-new technologies in the PS3 have me worried.

Maybe it's just because of their daunting size, but the Xboxes have seemed much more durable than any Sony product, and the only Xbox/360 controllers my friends have ever had problems with were third-party ones, which always fail the same night that you buy them.

But most important (as it seems to be with everyone's opinion of the PS3) is value. I don't even need to say anything other than "$600 USD." I didn't even want to spend the dough a 360 commands. I just use my friends' whenever I'm hanging out with them.

So, to sum up, I think the 360 is superior because the PS3...
- is overpriced,
- doesn't have much more potential (if any more) than the 360,
- appears to be too prone to overheat and screw up,
- is overpriced,
- has a yet-unproven and reportedly goofy online system,
- uses relatively untested technologies, including a revolutionary processor and new-format disc drive, yet was built by Sony, and
- is overpriced.

...and the 360...
- is decently priced,
- doesn't have much less potential (if any less) than the PS3,
- appears to be about as prone to screw up as any Microsoft product (which, if I'm honest, really isn't THAT often)
- has a proven and well-fleshed-out online system,
- uses more-dependable technologies and has proven to be acceptably durable, but most importantly,
- has a great game library that interests me more than the PS3's, and it's only getting better.

Honestly, if the 60GB PS3 retailed at, say, $300, I think the public would be going wild over it like they did on launch day, but because they want it, and not because they want to turn around and make a huge profit on eBay. Its price is its biggest flaw. It just happens to have other, smaller flaws that make the price seem that much worse.
Whats ya PC specs?

On paper the PS3 is superior, but so was the xbox over PS2. this time its the other way around.

No matter how much arguing we do, in the end we just have to wait. give it another 1year and we will then have a glimpse as to who will win.

I back the PS3.

3.2 GHz Pentium IV overclocked to 3.4 GHz
2 GB of Ram
GeForce 6600 512 MB graphics card
Xi-Fi sound blaster sound card
300 MB hard drive.

But that is not the only thing, I can also browse the internet with no problems, I can write papers in Word Documents, I can photoshop pictures, read and write e-mail, run my animation programs, download anything and just do many superior things then both video game consoles. I will always rather have a PC over a video game systems because I can do more then just play a few games.

If you look at the sales numbers the PS3 is slipping, there was even an article in both the USA Today and NY Times about it. People just aren't buying it as much as they are buying the 360 or the Wii, and I really like price is the biggest issue. Most people have a hard time spending $600 on a video game system, especially when you can buy a PC for the same price. Sure that PC won't be as good but you will be able to do more then just sit around and play games.

Like I said though, for some people they just the 360 and others the PS3, you are entitled to buy whatever you like. I personally am a PC guy.
I personally wouldn't, and the only reason I didn't buy an Xbox (despite being very tempted) is simply because of loyalty to certain PS game titles such as GT, GTA and FF series...

I thought a GTAIV was coming out for Xbox 360?
Yes GTA IV is to be released for both PS3 and Xbox360 on the same day.
I think the fact that the 360 had a year head start will start to work against it once tittles begine exploiting the ps3s potential and devs get the hang of it. The 360 has been out longer and it's reasonable to expect that it will begin to go out of date sooner, however when I was trying to decide what next gen console to buy this was the only time I actually had to think about which one I wanted for more than 5 minutes. the 360 has a better price, established (although not free) online services, and a years worth of good tittles to choose from. Since I would consider any of these expensive and purely entertainment devices to be an investment I chose to go with the PS3 which will probably only get better with age. I doubt sony is going to be releasing updated versions of the system with features they didn't forsee a need for any time soon as MS is with the 360. While the fear that slow sales of sony's system may cause them to loose exlusives is worth noting, game developers want to make money and they will make games for any system that will sell (there may not be many PS3s out there right now but I wouldnt say thats because of demand), and therefore while the PS3 may loose many of it's exclusives I don't think even all mighty MS can dole out enough $$ to draw those same tittles into their "exclusive" camp. The fact that I can and do play my old ps and ps2 games on the ps3 further sealed the deal when I walked into Best Buy with that large stack of cash... 👍 👍 to people being mature in this thread and lets hope it stays that way.
So many decent or good games for the 360... that's what got me vs. the PS3.

Only for reason to get a PS3 still for me is GT5 even then that's wearing thin.
So, to sum up, I think the 360 is superior because the PS3...
- is overpriced,
- doesn't have much more potential (if any more) than the 360,
- appears to be too prone to overheat and screw up,
- is overpriced,
- has a yet-unproven and reportedly goofy online system,
- uses relatively untested technologies, including a revolutionary processor and new-format disc drive, yet was built by Sony, and
- is overpriced.

So basically you thing the PS3 is overpriced, unless you want a blue ray disc player for 400$ less then retail, and it's got online issues.

I can't argue with the online issues, but the overpriced thing, as TM pointed out really isn't the case. Dollar for dollar the systems are about even when you get all the same features on both.

...and the 360...
- is decently priced,
- doesn't have much less potential (if any less) than the PS3,
- appears to be about as prone to screw up as any Microsoft product (which, if I'm honest, really isn't THAT often)
- has a proven and well-fleshed-out online system,
- uses more-dependable technologies and has proven to be acceptably durable, but most importantly,
- has a great game library that interests me more than the PS3's, and it's only getting better.

Funny how you don't mention any of the possible drawbacks of the Xbox in that list, multiple times. Like the 200$ HD-DVD addon and such. But that's OK. :D But going by pure stats, the PS3 has the edge on a technological basis. It may appear slight now, but who knows what developers will be able to do with it in a year or two.

Your opinion is perfectly fine. I just think that since the Xbox had almost a full year of exposure over the PS3 that the current game library comparisons aren't fair. The PS3 hasn't even been out for 6 months yet.

My opinion is that for either system there are not enough games to justify a $400+ purchase of any kind. The PS2 is still carrying many of the next gen titles. Sure they don't look quite as good. But with games like God of War 2, Fight Night Round 3, Marvel Ultimate Alliance(man I want that new addon with the Hulk! :grumpy: ) and others, I can wait until the end of 2007 if not later, to get into the next gen world.

Now the Wii...that's the smartest thing nintendo has done since the gameboy was released. But of course, that's for another thread.
It's actually kinda sad how many people ignore the one fact no one can deny about these two next gen systems, the 360 has been out much longer than the PS3. I went into GAME CRAZY (hollywood video) to buy a 2nd sixaxis and right after handing me a controller, the sales clerk went on to explain to another customer how they call it the pos3 there and there arent any games out yet and how the online store is crap and there are no friends lists and on and on... Now besides the fact that its bad bussiness to talk trash about something a customer owns while they are standing there, he sounded just a little biased and was pretty much ignoring the 360s head start and the fact that not only is playstation store free, but it along with the entire interface of the ps3 (probably including friend list issues) will only get better with free updates. The 360 is a damn good system and there are a hell of a lot of good tittles I would want, many of which will probably never come out for the ps3, but it doesn't justify a system that needs to be physically updated to keep up.
Many people still ignore the fact that BluRay is pointless unless you own an HDTV, which many people do not own. I don't own one and I have no intentions of buying one until my TV finally craps out on me. TV's are expensive, our living room HDTV was just over 2500 bucks. Granted it is a 60" one, but a normal TV was less than half that price.
Many people still ignore the fact that BluRay is pointless unless you own an HDTV, which many people do not own. I don't own one and I have no intentions of buying one until my TV finally craps out on me. TV's are expensive, our living room HDTV was just over 2500 bucks. Granted it is a 60" one, but a normal TV was less than half that price.

HDTV sales are going up. Especially over this last holiday season. And with broadcast going digital(I know it's not all HD signal just digital tuning) there will be more people that want to get and HDTVs.

But how is blue ray pointless? I'm missing your argument.
Right now in the market regular TV's by far outweigh the HDTV's, BluRay does nothing when played through a normal TV (or so I'm told), which a greater percentage of people more then likely own as of now. Not everyone can afford a $1000+ TV when theirs dies. I know I can't. My little 25" TV was a couple hundred bucks and I thought that was a lot.

In fact here is our TV...

BluRay looks cool sure, but we have a digital DVD player hooked up to our HDTV and it looks fine. I can't even really tell that much of a difference and neither can a lot of people I ask that have a BluRay player.
I can't argue with the online issues, but the overpriced thing, as TM pointed out really isn't the case. Dollar for dollar the systems are about even when you get all the same features on both.

Certainly is not overpriced. Looking at UK prices for the two the PS3 is £425, however to spec a 360 to get close we would need

  • Premium Xbox 360 £280
  • Wireless adapter £60
  • HD DVD Drive £135

A list that totals £455, which is £30 more than the PS3, oh and would still leave the 360 short by 40gig in the hard-drive area.

Sorry Wolfe but here in the UK, spec for spec its actually the older 360 that is more expensive. Yes you can get a 360 Core here for £200, but with no hard-drive, wired controllers, no high def DVD capability of any kind and no wireless net access is far from a comparable machine.

In regard to reliability issues, yes the PS3 can overheat, something that is not exactly uncommon for a lot of AV equipment in this day and age, hell a friend of mine runs a set of high end valve amps and they are far more temperature sensitive that the PS3 (and a damn site dearer). The UK PS3 manual quite clearly explains that good ventilation is needed for the system.

Now on the subject of 360 reliability, are you not aware of the number of people would have had 360's fail on them? Enough threads exist here about the issue to clearly show its far from isolated (I know someone who has been through two 360's since the UK launch for this issue).

Personally I think the two machines are closely matched, and a lot will be decided by the software and how much of the machines capability can be exploited. Don't however dismiss the advantage the PS3 has in terms of disc storage space through Blu-ray; something that the 360 may well struggle with in the future unless they want to release games that can only be read with the additional HD-DVD drive, a move that would not go down well with most consumers "want to play this game, them cough up an extra £135 for a new drive".


Many people still ignore the fact that BluRay is pointless unless you own an HDTV, which many people do not own. I don't own one and I have no intentions of buying one until my TV finally craps out on me. TV's are expensive, our living room HDTV was just over 2500 bucks. Granted it is a 60" one, but a normal TV was less than half that price.

bluray is pointless without HDTV for movies yes, but I think developers will make good use of all that space for games in the future, also IIRC HD will become the standard for broadcasts in 2009. bluray isnt just about HD, its about having the space with which to do whatever the developer pleases
The way most of the PS3 people I talk to say that the PS3 is worth it just for the cheap BluRay player, meaning they are going to use it for movies. To me both systems are really close and it comes down to what has the games you, personally, like more. For me, the 360 had a better selection of games that I liked better and therefore I went with it. I will get a PS3 eventually but I don't have $600 to spend on a video game system, when I could easily take the same amount of money and buy a top of the line graphics card for my computer or you know, use it for something more important than school :lol:.
The way most of the PS3 people I talk to say that the PS3 is worth it just for the cheap BluRay player, meaning they are going to use it for movies. To me both systems are really close and it comes down to what has the games you, personally, like more.
The way most of the PS3 people I talk to say that the PS3 is worth it just for the cheap BluRay player, meaning they are going to use it for movies. To me both systems are really close and it comes down to what has the games you, personally, like more. For me, the 360 had a better selection of games that I liked better and therefore I went with it. I will get a PS3 eventually but I don't have $600 to spend on a video game system, when I could easily take the same amount of money and buy a top of the line graphics card for my computer or you know, use it for something more important than school :lol:.

very true, and I would guess that most people that have a ps3 either own an HDTV already, or plan on owning one soon. I think once the developers get the hang of it, we will see games that take advantage of bluray and the games that are out for both systems will begin to look better and/or have better features on the ps3
I don't think you will see the PS3 pull ahead of the 360 for a very long time. Both systems are still pretty new and developers haven't had a long time to make their games better. The 360 has grown for sure, I have some of the launch titles like PGR3 and when I compare it to newer racing games it doesn't look as good. But really graphics do not make a game, if the game looks pretty but the gameplay sucks, it's nothing more than a high definition turd...and really you do not want to see a turd in HD.

I still think developers like PC's better since there really isn't a limitation on what you can do.
People are just so short sited everybody is saying I don't need a BR drive, Sony looking at this for teh mong run , this system will be here atleast I would think 6 years maybe can , in 2 years time I'm sure HDTV sales would have boomed , and lets not forget the game devlopment , remember GT3 Vs GT4 with the disk capicty ? and with GT4 they needed more space to fit more option and couldn't imagine at the end of the PS3's life and how Devs will need allot more space , and use maybe a Dual layer BR disk.

I've got both , and I don't want to buy WiFi for teh Xbox beacuse its so damn expinsive , I also had to buy a rechargable battery and a charging wire for teh controller (this come standard with the PS3 60GB not sure about 20) , you also have bluetooth for wireless headsets and Keyboard and mouse which means when I buy my HDTV in teh summer , I can use the PS3 to browes the internet from bed with a wirless keybord and mouse (Xbox doesn't have this) , also the PS3 got 3 card slots (SD, CF, and Sony card thing) Xbox doesn't ...
I think its a bit silly to say the xbox will remain competitive for a long time to come with just DVD9 to hold it up, at the very least they would need to start using the HDDVD drive that costs $200

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