Playstation 3 vs. Xbox 360 Discussion Thread

I see and understand the points made by everyone. But, I'm judging as the consoles compare today. TODAY, the XBox360 is leaps and bounds above the PS3 in terms of satisfaction. Why? The freaking games people. The games. Yeah, PS3 doesn't have that many. The 360 does though.

If anyone would like to argue the opinion I've set forth you are welcome.

Although the PS3 has been out for far less than the XBox360 I don't see why anyone as of TODAY can dispute the fact that Microsoft is the undisputed king of console gaming.

You are absolutely right. The fact is that the 360 has more games, and more fun games. Another point is that probably half of Ps3's titles are just ports from the 360 which cause them to look better on the 360. But, the PS3 is starting to catch up. For instance, Oblivion's lighting is far far far superior on the ps3 compared to the 360.
I freely admit to not being fully aware of that, so thanks for the link. What I don't see is how this in anyway weakens the PS3's case?
It doesn't, but it weakens the case of the HD-DVD attachment being necessary to compare the two systems, thus strengthening the 360's price case.

So because you would not use it makes it un-important for everyone?
That's not what I said. What I'm saying is that I'm having a hard time believing that anyone -- or at the very least, most people -- will use that space.

I could turn your statement around, too -- because you think you're going to use it, does that make it important for everyone? It's certainly nice to have, but then again, so is a 50-car garage, and not everyone owns or wants 50 cars.

After all a number of complete games are available to download, so not being forced into removing something just to free up space I get the choice.
This is true.

To be totally honest what you seem to have actually outline is a series of reasons why you personally would not buy a PS3 (which is totally fine). Most of what appears to boil down to personal preferences, what I don't see is a fully formed argument about the reason why you believe the PS3 is not at the same level as the 360.
Sorry Scaff, but everything here boils down to personal preferences. If it didn't, there'd be a crystal-clear winner and the thread discussion would be over.

Unless we set down strict guidelines as to what makes a console good or bad and what is to be included or excluded from the discussion (which is just silly), everyone is going to express their opinion from a different viewpoint, with different needs, different ideas of what makes a console good or bad, and different observations and experiences with said consoles.

To me, "why I believe the PS3 is not at the same level as the 360" is almost synonymous with "why I personally would not buy a PS3," and you said yourself that you can clearly see the latter in my words. If you're looking for something more comprehensive, I'm afraid I can't give it to you without extending beyond my own knowledge, observations, and experiences with each. I'm at the limit as it is, considering how little time I've personally spent on a PS3.

If you're wondering "why did you bother to post, then?" the answer is that I knew the 360 would get reamed (lol gran turismo website), and, since it's my preferred choice between the two, I decided to give it as much of a fighting chance as I could.
for me when I compare the 2 consoles , I won't compare them based on games for a couple of reasons :

1)the PS3 is just out so its unfair to compare in this area
2)There are games that I would buy each console just to play (Forza 2 and GT5 they are the main reason I have both).

So what do I do I compare them according to spec, for example ( assuming the Xbox and PS have the same computing power) the PS3 is a car , and the Xbox360 is another car . These 2 cars have similar performance figuers , and diffrent price .... so I go to the dealer of the PS3 car I order it and its priced at 30k $ I get navigation ,leather seats , a big gas tank , telephone blutooth , a DVD chnager ....ect all is standard, so I go to check the other car dealer , teh XBox360 car is sold at 24k$ so I think its cheaper , but then I'm missing some options so I tick the boxes and the price goes up to 31k $ and I'm still missing a few options , and this car also has a smaller gas tank.

For me since allot of people stopped discussing performance of the 2 (maybe the PS3 devs will get the hang of programing the console and things will change?) because everybody says that they are similar ..... and games are not comparable for the reasons above ... the only thing left to decide is which has more featuers ? and since people are always playing the price card ... you cannot avoid the fact the the PS3 is has allot of more options and features to use over the Xbox360..... which for me makes it a better value for money console than the Xbox (read my pricing of the Xbox above)

.................... anyway I'm not the best guy in discussions , hopefully you guys will get my point , and some day I will improve :)
It doesn't, but it weakens the case of the HD-DVD attachment being necessary to compare the two systems, thus strengthening the 360's price case.
I utterly fail to see how it can't be taken into account when comparing the two, the PS3 can play Hi Def movies as standard, to allow the 360 to do the same you have to spec the HD-DVD drive. You may have no desire to play Hi-def movie and games from the same machine, but a lot of people will disagree with you. That makes the 360 a cheaper option for you and other with no interest in Hi-def movies, however on a spec for spec price comparison you have to look at package as similar as possible, if not then you are simply not comparing like for like.

That's not what I said. What I'm saying is that I'm having a hard time believing that anyone -- or at the very least, most people -- will use that space.
That's funny because I've heard exactly the same sort of sentiment about drive/storage space said so many times in the past, thing is in almost every case its been proven to be wrong. Hi-def visuals and sound require a much large amount of disc space, so downloading hi-def trailers, full games, etc will utilise far more of that space.

I could turn your statement around, too -- because you think you're going to use it, does that make it important for everyone? It's certainly nice to have, but then again, so is a 50-car garage, and not everyone owns or wants 50 cars.
As I already pointed out, for me it was a no brainer, price for price against a 360 the extra 40 gig effectively cost me nothing. I think the average gamer is much more likely to take advantage of a large disk space than the average driver is a 50 car garage, not the best analogy in the world. I honestly think that both MS and Sony are looking to offer an ever increasing range of products to download, making storage space a factor for most people (again I would mention that the latest announced 360 has a 120 gig drive).

Sorry Scaff, but everything here boils down to personal preferences. If it didn't, there'd be a crystal-clear winner and the thread discussion would be over.

Unless we set down strict guidelines as to what makes a console good or bad and what is to be included or excluded from the discussion (which is just silly), everyone is going to express their opinion from a different viewpoint, with different needs, different ideas of what makes a console good or bad, and different observations and experiences with said consoles.

To me, "why I believe the PS3 is not at the same level as the 360" is almost synonymous with "why I personally would not buy a PS3," and you said yourself that you can clearly see the latter in my words. If you're looking for something more comprehensive, I'm afraid I can't give it to you without extending beyond my own knowledge, observations, and experiences with each. I'm at the limit as it is, considering how little time I've personally spent on a PS3.

If you're wondering "why did you bother to post, then?" the answer is that I knew the 360 would get reamed (lol gran turismo website), and, since it's my preferred choice between the two, I decided to give it as much of a fighting chance as I could.
As I said I have no problem with a personal opinion and certainly many of the factors discussed have been based around that. Some however will be far more easily judged on an objective basis, for example a price comparison done on a spec by spec basis.

Your early posts on this subject read more as a point-by-point comparison of the two, and not from a personal point of view. Comments that the PS3 is known to be unreliable, which now appear to be based on a unit you have seen in a display case (for the record I've seen plenty of 360 that have overheated in these display/security cases - they are a poor option for almost all consoles). Your opinion was formed on the basis of this limited sample, yet presented in a manner which suggested it was a widespread issue. At the same time you were almost totally ignoring the issues the 360 has suffered from, saying it is as reliable as almost any MS product. Well as the 360 is independently believed to have had a fall out rate of around 10% for the first machines (and even MS friendly IGN put it as high as 15%) that does not bode well for any future MS products.

Joey D
I don't see how people are taking this into account. Everyone is pointing out flaws in the 360, mainly the lack of BluRay. As far as I know BluRay was very new at the time of the 360's release. Since they 360 is older, it's going to have slightly dated technology. If you are going to give lee way to the PS3 for not being out as long you must give lee way to the 360 for having a year's dated technology.
Actually I personally think that most people here have been quite fair to both machines, new tech is always going to have issue with it, particularly at launch. Note that I don't slam MS for having the Ring of Death issues, rather I simple point out that it occurs (because to try and deny that would be silly). I have also had nothing but praise for the way in which MS has actually handled the issue itself.

Yes the 360 is an older machine and as such is behind the PS3 in terms of high capacity storage for games, and as you rightly say that is because it launched to market first with its machine. Its a reversal of positions from the last round, when MS gained an advantage in technology by launching the Xbox after the PS2. By getting the 360 to market first MS gained an advantage in terms of customer base and volume of titles, but were always going to have to play catch-up on the tech front. Sony were in exactly the same position with the PS2, huge user base and range of titles already in place when the Xbox launched, but they never managed to come even close to developing the hard-drive (later dropped even as a consideration for the small PS2) and on-line was very poor (even after the network adaptor was standard on the small PS2. None of this stopped people comparing the PS2 and Xbox and now that the situation is effectively reversed I don't see why this should change. Both positions give pros and cons, and it will be very interesting to see how the two companies handle the reversed roles.


There is more to video games than the technology that it offers.

LOL! Uh, yeah and? Seriously. There will always be those great classic games you play just because they are fun. I mess around with some genesis games every now and again. I even picked up the genesis collection. but the Majority of my gaming time is spent with the newer consoles.

Besides, this thread is about comparing the PS3 and Xbox 360. Technology is the most significant part of the discussion because the technology will ultimately determine the fate of said console. Notice how I didn't say the better technology, just the technology. Beta was better then VHS but VHS won, wonder why? :sly:

Let me clarify. Looking back at Scaff's "definition" for "speccing up," the external HD-DVD drive has nothing to do with games, and the wireless adapter is an expensive solution to a minor problem. An extra 40GB of Hard Drive space in most cases should be a non-issue unless you pirate a lot of games and load them from your hard drive. Plus, in all of this, you're not changing any of the core, essential parts, such as the graphics capabilities, online system, etc.

Sorry, but anyone who insists on adding an HD-DVD drive to a 360 in order to compare it to the PS3 isn't a gamer. And I know Scaff knows better than to not let go of that movie player.

Do you think we're that far away from having HD quality movies and CG in games? What's going to happen in say 2009 when there's and HD version of Final Fantasy, GTA or other high level franchise that can fit on a blueray disc but only on multiple DVD's? What do you think developers will opt for? They won't put it on HD-DVD because they know(as you've stated) most 360 owners won't get the HD-DVD add on.

I don't think the PS3 is perfect. Actually far from it. I think they didn't make it easy enough to develop for and that's seriously hindered it's progress on a whole. But I do think when It's finally time for my PS2 to go to the background, the PS3 will be it's replacement.
nah, ps3 and 360 fans can unite for the common good and try to get info about gta4 now. then we can argue some more, after looking at the ps3 vs. 360 thread at the people here look like polite market analysts :)
The PS3, 360, and Wii is all based off of one CPU Chip, and that is the PowerPC. Yes the PowerPC that use to be in the Apple Macintoshes. The Nintendo Wii is lowest price of the three. The 360 is the most expensive, and the PS3 is right in the middle. Before you all think I’m nuts lets do a price comparison. Xbox360 Elite is 480.00USD, but when you factor in 100.00USD for the WiFi Adapter, 200.00USD for the HD-DVD player, and 20.00USD for the play&charge kit. The 360 comes out to be around 800.00USD verses 600.USD for the PS3.
I like the PS3 more, just because of the Gran Turismo series. Come on, atleast I'm honest. I hate X-Box because I can't get used to the damn controls. :mad:
How can't you get used to the controller? The Xbox and PS controllers are fairly similar to use.
The PS3, 360, and Wii is all based off of one CPU Chip, and that is the PowerPC. Yes the PowerPC that use to be in the Apple Macintoshes. The Nintendo Wii is lowest price of the three. The 360 is the most expensive, and the PS3 is right in the middle. Before you all think I’m nuts lets do a price comparison. Xbox360 Elite is 480.00USD, but when you factor in 100.00USD for the WiFi Adapter, 200.00USD for the HD-DVD player, and 20.00USD for the play&charge kit. The 360 comes out to be around 800.00USD verses 600.USD for the PS3.
But wait! You're forgetting the $100 (at least) it costs to upgrade the PS3's hard drive to 120GB. 💡

Besides, the 360 is only the most expensive if you just gotta have every add-on out there. Few people actually do so.
I like the PS3 more, just because of the Gran Turismo series. Come on, atleast I'm honest. I hate X-Box because I can't get used to the damn controls. :mad:

Erm, what?

The only difference between the Sixaxis and the 360 pad button-wise is that the D-pad and left analog stick swapped places, and of course the general shape of the controller shell.
If it wasn't for the damn D-Pad location, I would be all over the 360 controller. That goes for the XBox Controller S, as well (though to a lesser extent).
120gb notebook hard drives are $80.00USD on New Egg ...


But wait! You're forgetting the $100 (at least) it costs to upgrade the PS3's hard drive to 120GB. 💡

Besides, the 360 is only the most expensive if you just gotta have every add-on out there. Few people actually do so.

Erm, what?

The only difference between the Sixaxis and the 360 pad button-wise is that the D-pad and left analog stick swapped places, and of course the general shape of the controller shell.
To me, there has always been the problem with the remote. The 360 remote seems to be very large and round, with an awkward d-pad. Not to mention it takes batteries, and i HATE looking 4 batteries. Whereas the PS remote Is sleek, small enough to fit your hand, light, rechargeable, and is congruent on both side with the joysticks. Also it doesn't have bright green lights shining directly in your face, but has tiny red boxes slightly angled your way to catch your eye but non irritating.
I prefer the PS3 because, in my opinion it looks better, has a better home menu, has a better controller and better games.