Sound and Speed comp - Week 1 (PMC) CLOSED

  • Thread starter Tommi


United Kingdom
Well guys here it is, i would just like to thank everyone who said yes for go-ahead of this comp,i am really looking forward to running and entering it.
I would just also like to thank speedster502 for the tempory banners while my photoshop is down, so thanks buddy:tup:



Hosted by me Tommi2000


Well You take one photo which you think suits the piece of music chosen best, the judge will give a hint of what they are looking for in your shot, then they will decide which one they think suits it the most.

One entry Per person.


• Brightness/Contrast Photoshop or other graphics programs may only be used to crop, resize, adjust brightness, contrast or gamma, rotate, add a border, or to remove the “Gran Turismo/©SCEI” watermark, if you so wish.

• Photoshop or other graphics programs may NOT be used to change levels, hue, saturation, sharpen, apply filters or otherwise manipulate the image in any form.

• When using brightness and/or contrast filters to alter an entry, it must be uniform throughout the entire picture.

•Please mark your entry clearly with Final entry.

•Previews may be posted but no bigger that 400X300 Please.


This weeks song chosen by me is:

'Daniel Bedingfield - Gotta get thru this'

Video/Song Title & lyrics

Hint: Car & Location


4th August 2007


People will vote for the shots that make it through and once the poll has closed the votes will be collected in as normal, BUT the judge will then award points to their 5 favourite shots in this order:
1st - 5 points
2nd - 4 points
3rd - 3 points
4th - 2 points
and finally:5th - 1 point
So someone might get 20 votes in the poll but only 1 from the judge and the person who got 16 votes might get 5 so they would win.


If you have any questions concerning this comp, PMC, ETC. please feel free to PM me.

Good luck and remember to have....FUN!!


p.s this title page may be tided up.

Im on it A.S.A.P but um..if I do win which probably won't happen then some one else is going to have to pick theme as I am going away on Tuesday :scared: . Anyway what car is he in?
Sorry to hear that speedy:(
Either a Merc SL or SLK its one of the two.:D
I started to listen his songs recently 👍
It's a cool comp even better than inspiration one I guess.
We just have to love youtube sometimes.
I have a few ideas of songs I would want to use as "Theme/Music"...... :D
I have an idea for this one, but b-spec bob is running the 24hrs Sarthe, so i can't take pictures at the moment :(
interesting ... i was kind of hoping youd be sticking to the games music since theres already a larger variety available .
Here goes...hope fits the theme...

Final Entry

(click for full view)
Good to hear Dan Bee Ding again

"Where did she go?"

Great idea to have the film clip to work from 👍 This song is not quite my cup of tea, but Venari's entry seems to be a great interpretation 👍
I started to listen his songs recently 👍
It's a cool comp even better than inspiration one I guess.
We just have to love youtube sometimes.

Same here, i was listening to his album and thought i would use one of his songs:tup:

I have an idea for this one, but b-spec bob is running the 24hrs Sarthe, so i can't take pictures at the moment :(
I look forward to seeing your shot:tup: and i hope your win 24hrs Sarthe:tup:

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interesting ... i was kind of hoping youd be sticking to the games music since theres already a larger variety available .
I don't see anyhting wrong with using songs off GT4,but i wanted people to be able to choose any song they wanted:D

Here goes...hope fits the theme...

We can always rely on you to produce superb PMC work NTX:tup:, great entry:tup::eek:

Good to hear Dan Bee Ding again

"Where did she go?"

Great title:tup:, i love how you have got the fire exit logo in the shot, it reminds me of part of the video:D

Great idea to have the film clip to work from 👍 This song is not quite my cup of tea, but Venari's entry seems to be a great interpretation 👍
Thanks:tup:, don't worry im sure in the next few weeks they're could be songs you like:D

Keep them coming guys they're great so far:tup:
It's hard to beat Venari's entry.
Well, here is my try:
Final Entry
Thats a great entry Dustdriver!👍, i know exactly what part that is:tup:
C´mon people, give it a try...this comp its very cool.
I would love to enter this, but I can't find the time at the moment.
C´mon people, give it a try...this comp its very cool.
Yeah C'mon guys (and girls!) we need entry's.
Heck, I might give this a try just for fun:D, if i get my P/S sorted:grumpy:

I would love to enter this, but I can't find the time at the moment.

Don't worry im sure you'll find time in future weeks:tup:
I have an idea for a entry....but it's nothing like the song. I'm sorry to say that I didn't really like the song...but I am sure that there will be other weeks which I will like the song more. I might post my entry...but I don't know.
I have an idea for a entry....but it's nothing like the song. I'm sorry to say that I didn't really like the song...but I am sure that there will be other weeks which I will like the song more. I might post my entry...but I don't know.

Don't worry about it, like you said they're will be songs you do and don't like, its a shame not many people like Daniels song:(, its a long time since he's been in the charts, its mainly his sister Natasha who's been in them.
Final Entry

Click To Enlarge
Umm...this is hard to guys are clever you'll get it.
Same as the video but from the opposite perspective.
Superb work Mini:tup:, you have matched the theme well:tup:, i knew you guys would be good at this:tup: