Warhawk • The Official Thread


1955-2011 R.I.P.
United States
Austin, Texas
D-Nitrate / GTP_DNitrate

(click HERE for more image sizes, including the original)


  • Developer______: Incognito
  • Publisher______: Sony
  • Rating_________: Teen (T)
  • Genre__________: 3PS, MPO, Flight/Ground Combat
  • Game Engine____:
  • Gameplay Modes_: 2-4 Player Split-screen
  • Online Play____: 32 Players
  • SIXAXIS Control: Yes
  • Picture Format_:
  • Audio Format___:
  • Demo___________:
  • Release Dates
    • USA = Aug 28, 2007
    • EUR = Aug 30, 2007 (Sep 08 for BD version)
    • AUS = TBA
    • JPN = TBA
  • Different Editions



Run, Drive, Fly, Fight—Online war awaits!

The long-awaited remake to the PlayStation hit takes flight on the PlayStation 3. In Warhawk, players will experience a true full-scale war in an intense online multiplayer arena. Take to the skies and engage in high-speed aerobatic dogfights or hover to provide crucial aerial support to surging ground troops. Unleash an artillery assault with heavily armored tanks and all terrain vehicles. Advance on-foot to frontline positions and key locations with an array of devastating weapons, mounted guns and emplaced defense turrets.

Experience the online modes like Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and a brand new game type, Zone. Large scale battles and up to 32 players will encourage teamwork and emphasize strategy for an invigorating combat experience.

    Players can choose to be either Eucadian or Chernovan, and they must kill as many other players as possible within a certain time limit. Once the match is over, the winner is whoever has accumulated the most kills. Players can spawn multiple times within one play session and can spawn at any base on the map.

    Players are organized into two or more teams, with each team having its own kill count. Each team has a main base and they have the option to capture neutral bases in the map. Obtaining neutral bases allows for more spawn points. To capture a base, players must move into the center of the base and wait until the capture meter turns to 1. The team with the highest kill count at the end wins.

    CTF mode is a combonation of traditional capture the flag and Team Deathmatch. In this mode your team can capture bases that allow forward spawning. Bases are captured the same way bases are captured in Team Deathmatch. Players can use forward bases to spawn near their enemies' flag and capture it more quickly; they must return the flag to their base in order to win the match.

    Zone mode is similar to Team Deathmatch in that it revolves around capturing bases. In Zone mode each team can "grow" the boundaries of the base by continuing to stay within the zone radius. Once two zones are large enough, the bases will merge and allow more spawn points, more vehicles, and more points accrued. Growing zones is good because it takes the opposing team longer to neutralize and eventually capture the zone. Linking zones will give the team additional vehicles, more spawn points, and their score will accure faster. This mode requires the most amounts of teamwork and strategy.

  • Log on and join thousands of online players in heated 32-player battles

  • Epic next-gen multi-modal design immerses you in a deep 3rd person gameplay experience.

  • Fly or hover in the Warhawk to engage in intense dogfights with dozens of fighters and ground forces aimed your way.

  • Take control of armored tanks or utility vehicles to defend your base or launch a ground assault.

  • Continue the battle on-foot and choose from a powerful arsenal of weapons, including rocket launchers, flame throwers, and proximity mines.

  • Select one of four online game modes including Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and an all-new Zone Mode.

  • Customize your soldier with an unlimited combination of armor and squad markings.

  • Team up with friends and create competitive clans and stay organized with user friendly communication tools.

  • Complex stat tracking records and rewards your accomplishments on the battlefield.

  • Bluetooth and USB headset compatibility for strategic communications and excessive online chatter.

  • Expansion and vehicle and character customization packs scheduled for download through 2008.

4-Player Splitscreen Mode

(click image to see the original 1280x720 pic)
beautiful, I do hope they have some sort of practice mode where you can explore alone and get the hang of controls and what not
I saw some of the videos for this game and I love the way that it seems everything is working out. I like the idea of online only, and I really want that headset. Cant wait!
WarHawk Servers:




As I mentioned in my last post, I wanted to give you guys a bit of a “peek-behind-the-curtain,” to show you our sweet Warhawk server setup.

Those of you familiar with Warhawk already know that the game features a very unique server method that we call “Integrated Game Server” or IGS for short — the industry needs more acronyms don’t you think :-)

The Warhawk IGS method means that instead of us forcing players to be connected to the SONY “mothership” for any and all games, we instead let players host their own servers on their own PS3s. This is fairly unique and it enables a couple of really nice benefits.

First, since Warhawk is a global online game, our IGS method scatters game servers quite literally into player’s homes all over the planet — the US, China, Europe, Australia, and Japan! No matter where you live, what time you want to play, or what language you speak, you’ll always be able to get your game on.

Secondly, this helps with latency. If you haven’t heard, Warhawk is a fast game, a very fast game, so we wanted to ensure you had the best chance of finding servers with good ping times. We also wanted to make sure people could host *and* play on their own servers. After all, why should you have to connect to a server a gazillion hops away when you know that there are Warhawk servers running in your state or city? Possibly on your same ISP? Maybe even friends in your neighborhood or buddies in your dorm?

Hence our desire to develop an IGS system for Warhawk.

All that said, we still want to make sure that there are always an abundance of wicked-fast Ranked Dedicated servers available for players. The images that accompany this post were taken by our very talented IT team here at SCEA. And yes, what you’re looking at is an enormous server cluster for Warhawk…of rack-mounted PS3s!

During the public beta, many of you wanted *way more* Ranked-Dedicated servers to play on so you could level-up and earn awards, rank upgrades, etc….

Well…ask and ye shall receive!

In addition to players being able to host their own servers, 32-player “dedicated” servers for your clan practices or 24-player “player” servers, SONY has made a great commitment to all of our Warhawk players by staging Warhawk Server clusters similar to this one all over the world.

The system that our IT team engineered for Warhawk is truly killer and we couldn’t be happier with the setup — and hopefully players will be stoked too once the game launches. Just for the record…I am fairly confident that our IT team is not comprised of Autobots.

For those of you who participated in the beta, you may remember toward the end that some players started to “spoof” the official SONY server names — shame on you. I will find you all online and shank you repeatedly or snipe you in the crotch!

So…in the beta forums you all asked for a way to identify official SONY servers from player servers…Again, your wish is granted.

When Warhawk launches, all official servers are displayed with an eye-pleasing blue color in the server list. This gives players a really quick way of picking which server they want to connect to.

Alright, this post is getting pretty damn long so I gotta wrap it up.

The last thing I want to mention, and those of you who participated in the beta already know this, is that we don’t force game match-making on to our players with Warhawk. When you log-in to Warhawk, you get a server list…a *global* server list (with customizable filters of course), just like many of us have come to love from years of PC gaming. *You*, the player, get to choose the server you want to play on. If you don’t see a server out there that has exactly what you want…then launch your own.

And yes, you can play on your own server too…even in 4-way split screen.

Well…hope this gives you a bit more info on Warhawk’s server system and setup. If you have any questions please post them in the comments and I’ll try to answer as many as I can.

Rock on!


Looking forward to GTplanet Server:)
Day 1 indeed. Especially since it is the only game coming out in August worth buying. It looks like a ton of fun, and I cant wait to play it. I wonder how big the download will be though, off of the PS store. I mean, it would have to be ridiculously large. Oh well, I need the headset.
... and we get to use them without any monthly fee, instead of how another console maker not only doesn't provide their own servers, but actually charges their customers to use their own consoles as online servers. :crazy:

For those curious to know what the screen would look like during 4-player splitscreen on your PS3:

(click image to see the original 1280x720 pic)
Day 1 indeed. Especially since it is the only game coming out in August worth buying. It looks like a ton of fun, and I cant wait to play it. I wonder how big the download will be though, off of the PS store. I mean, it would have to be ridiculously large. Oh well, I need the headset.

OK, so I actually haven't said whether I'll buy it...

Personally, I'm on the fence. I was in the beta, and on an overall scale enjoyed it. I thought I would buy it the day it came out.

At $30. Not $40, especially since you're paying for an online-only game with 5 maps, 3 unique vehicles (Jeep, tank, Warhawk, everything for each team is simply reskinned, and iffy ground combat with no resale value.

With the ground combat, the reason I specifically say "iffy" is because a few battles are really fun, a decent amount are simply mehtastic, and others are just lame and poor. Granted, this was from the beta, and I'm sure there have been some changes (like the rifle now being more powerful than the now dumbed down pistol), but I need a demo or a complete changelist before forking out the moolah.

And I'm not buying the bundle because wearing a headset with headphones is a pain in the neck. And the very fact of going from Super Stardust HD to Warhawk to Socom to Wipeout HD to GT5: Prologue to LittleBigPlanet, and then to Killzone 2 on a disc without getting up from my chair is a big deal to me.

And the fact that the flood of games is starting around when Warhawk is releasing doesn't help. I'll be buying Bioshock a week before Warhawk is being released. A week after, I'll be playing Lair if it turns out good. Two weeks later will be PGR4 and Heavenly Sword. Stranglehold, Metroid Prime 3, and even Medal of Honor are getting the axe because of this.

So anyway... I'll rent first and decide later.
I will buy the Blu-Ray version, because it means I can sell it at a later date after I have finished with it.

So you would definitely have bought it if it was $30 instead of $40? Its only a ten dollar difference. You buy it, and enjoy it for a good while, as the replay value should obviously be high, and all for $20 plus tax cheaper than any other Bluray title. And lets face it, you are 15, you will have many other chances in your life to make up for the 40 dollars you spent on Warhawk when you were 15. But aside from that, yea just rent it.

Also, it was my understanding that the headset included was a Jabra bluetooth wireless one. No headphones.
So you would definitely have bought it if it was $30 instead of $40? Its only a ten dollar difference. You buy it, and enjoy it for a good while, as the replay value should obviously be high, and all for $20 plus tax cheaper than any other Bluray title. And lets face it, you are 15, you will have many other chances in your life to make up for the 40 dollars you spent on Warhawk when you were 15. But aside from that, yea just rent it.

I know it's only $10 more, I'm just wary of downloadable games because of resell value. More or less a mental block. Like I said, I'm going to wait and rent the game/download a potential demo or see if I can snag a BD version of Warhawk without the headset off eBay.

Also, it was my understanding that the headset included was a Jabra bluetooth wireless one. No headphones.

I wear headphones for my audio instead of using a sound system or TV speakers. Wearing a headset of any sort is uncomfortable as well as cut off half the sound (which is a big deal since that means I can barely hear that enemy tank on my left ready to blow me up).
I will buy the Blu-Ray version, because it means I can sell it at a later date after I have finished with it.
Not only that, but your getting a $40 Jabra Bluetooth for free... some special features on the disc to check out, and the best thing about having the game on disc is that you can take it with you and play it on someone else's PS3... and yes, if you want you can also sell it when you no longer want it any more.

Win, win, win, win scenario.

Heck, I already have three Bluetooth earpieces, and I'm still getting the disc version.

Frankly, I'd prefer it if all downloadable games came with an option to buy it on disc, for much of the same reasons, but I must admit, I do like the convenience of having a game on the HDD, not like the rather exaggerated example Duck gave about having to occasionally get up and switch discs, but rather I like having games on the HDD so when I take the PS3 over to someone else’s house, or on the road, I'm not having to bring along all the game discs.

That said, I wonder if the disc version of Warhawk will give you the option of also downloading it onto the HDD... that would be great if it did! :tup;

I wear headphones for my audio instead of using a sound system or TV speakers. Wearing a headset of any sort is uncomfortable as well as cut off half the sound (which is a big deal since that means I can barely hear that enemy tank on my left ready to blow me up).
The whole point of this and other games like it is to communicate as a team what you are doing and coordinating your efforts. That's going to be hard to do when one of your teammates is wearing headphones jamming to their favorite tunes.

(Note to self: Don't play on the same team as Duck) ;)

But this is probably why you sound disappointed that there isn’t an option to play by yourself against just some sort of AI.
That said, I wonder if the disc version of Warhawk will give you the option of also downloading it onto the HDD... that would be great if it did!
There's going to be an option to install the game to the HDD for loading reasons, but you'll still need the disc in the drive for security reasons.

The whole point of this and other games like it is to communicate as a team what you are doing and coordinating your efforts. That's going to be hard to do when one of your teammates is wearing headphones jamming to their favorite tunes.

(Note to self: Don't play on the same team as Duck) ;)

But this is probably why you sound disappointed that there isn’t an option to play by yourself against just some sort of AI.

Erm, I have headphones directly connected to the PS3 audio cable. I'm not listening to music on the side. I still hear everything people are saying. I'm just... silent.

But feel free to buy me a 5.1 surround system! :P

EDIT: And for clarification, I'm not disappointed with the game itself, per se, just the pricing. There's some things in Warhawk that should be tweaked, of course, but it's not disappointing. And playing with people online still beats playing against predictable AI.
OK, so I actually haven't said whether I'll buy it...

Personally, I'm on the fence. I was in the beta, and on an overall scale enjoyed it. I thought I would buy it the day it came out.

At $30. Not $40, especially since you're paying for an online-only game with 5 maps, 3 unique vehicles (Jeep, tank, Warhawk, everything for each team is simply reskinned, and iffy ground combat with no resale value.

With the ground combat, the reason I specifically say "iffy" is because a few battles are really fun, a decent amount are simply mehtastic, and others are just lame and poor. Granted, this was from the beta, and I'm sure there have been some changes (like the rifle now being more powerful than the now dumbed down pistol), but I need a demo or a complete changelist before forking out the moolah.

And I'm not buying the bundle because wearing a headset with headphones is a pain in the neck. And the very fact of going from Super Stardust HD to Warhawk to Socom to Wipeout HD to GT5: Prologue to LittleBigPlanet, and then to Killzone 2 on a disc without getting up from my chair is a big deal to me.

And the fact that the flood of games is starting around when Warhawk is releasing doesn't help. I'll be buying Bioshock a week before Warhawk is being released. A week after, I'll be playing Lair if it turns out good. Two weeks later will be PGR4 and Heavenly Sword. Stranglehold, Metroid Prime 3, and even Medal of Honor are getting the axe because of this.

So anyway... I'll rent first and decide later.

1up polluted you!

You know, if you put away a few dollars and some spare change every week (say, $3?) then you'll have enough for the game by the time it comes out.

I mean, if you obviously had the intention to buy it at $30, you obviously have the $30 to spend. Now it'll be $40, and you're 'on the fence'?

Come on. It's not $60 (Shadowrun anyone?). It's $40. Greatest Hits titles on the 360 are freaking $30. That's what, almost a year after they are out!? Come on man, either way you look at it, $40 is a bargain, considering it's 5 maps (each with 5 configurations) and the vehicles aren't "iffy" for ground combat, you just have to get better. I easily had a 2.3 Kill / Death ratio, and almost ALL of the time I was on the ground. It wasn't until the end of the Beta I started to use the Warhawks much more.

I'll be honest. You simply did not play enough to be on the fence over $10, because I played it a LOT, and I rarely saw you online :P

Come on, you either want it or you don't, $10 is hardly going to diminish any enjoyment you have with the game. What else would you use that extra $10 for?
What else would you use that extra $10 for?



Yet another game I would like to try, but again I need to finish what I have. This is probably the first time in my life, that I have seriously stuck to that, instead of rushing out and buying games. I have finally realized there is point in buying a game if it only going to cause you to drop another game and then never finish it.
There's going to be an option to install the game to the HDD for loading reasons, but you'll still need the disc in the drive for security reasons.
I guess that makes sense. Otherwise some people would just sell their disc after downloading it to the HDD. At least by having it on disc you can then still take to to a friend’s house and play it on their PS3, which is something I don't think you can do with games that were downloaded off the PS Stores.

Although, I have always wondered if you might be able to do this by simply creating an account on your friend's PS3 using your same ID and password from your own PS3. Then wouldn't it allow you to download all your HDD games onto your friends PS3? There must be something to prevent that as well, because otherwise you know some people are going to just get their PSN games for free from their friends.

Erm, I have headphones directly connected to the PS3 audio cable. I'm not listening to music on the side. I still hear everything people are saying. I'm just... silent.
Yes, but if all you can do is listen, and not be able to respond, that's going to cripple your team, right?

But feel free to buy me a 5.1 surround system! :P
So in your whole house no one has a stereo with a couple speakers? Bummer. If you had to, I guess you could buy an entry level system for about $50, or a used one for $10. :indiff:

EDIT: And for clarification, I'm not disappointed with the game itself, per se, just the pricing. There's some things in Warhawk that should be tweaked, of course, but it's not disappointing. And playing with people online still beats playing against predictable AI.
Sounds like a fair and reasonable personal assessment, but speaking personally as well, I think the price seems quite reasonable, especially by having the versatility of it being on disc, being able to play it on someone else's PS3, and even being able to sell it when the time comes. That and it comes with a Bluetooth earpiece, which if you really don't want or need it, you could sell it online for around $25.

That said, I totally respect the fact that you and I'm sure many others may not feel the price is low enough. For instance, there was no way I was going to be willing to spend $20 on Tekken 5.
You know, if you put away a few dollars and some spare change every week (say, $3?) then you'll have enough for the game by the time it comes out.

It's not that I can't afford it. I can afford to buy the Halo 3 cat helmet, but should I? No! That's not worth $130 to me. Super Rub a Dub and Blast Factor are good fun and have decent value at $3 and $10, but I wouldn't pay $6 or $20 for it.

Come on. It's not $60 (Shadowrun anyone?). It's $40. Greatest Hits titles on the 360 are freaking $30. That's what, almost a year after they are out!?

The thing is, it's downloadable. If it was $40 in a box, I'd snatch that up because of the tangible resale value.

But D-N brought up something I hadn't thought of – selling the headset. I'll just do that, even if I can't just push a button and launch Warhawk. 👍

And for the record, I think both Shadowrun and the Platinum Hits gig are a joke.

and the vehicles aren't "iffy" for ground combat, you just have to get better.

Infantry ≠ vehicles. I think the vehicles are just fine themselves, even if I prefer there were more variety (IE, a tank that shoots lower powered ammo faster or a Warhawk that goes slower but has more armor and cluster bombs from the get-go). It's the actual infantry combat (like, it's near impossible to kill someone in the distance with a sniper rifle, the rifle takes like two clips to kill someone, etc). That's really the reason why I want a changelist or a demo/rental before I take the plunge. If things like that are tweaked/fixed, and I imagine many of those things will, $10 isn't going to stop me.

I'll be honest. You simply did not play enough to be on the fence over $10, because I played it a LOT, and I rarely saw you online :P

I played it a good amount. Obviously not as much as you, but I played it enough to judge.

What else would you use that extra $10 for?

gamerpics and themes

Just kidding. :P
It's not that I can't afford it. I can afford to buy the Halo 3 cat helmet, but should I? No! That's not worth $130 to me. Super Rub a Dub and Blast Factor are good fun and have decent value at $3 and $10, but I wouldn't pay $6 or $20 for it.

The thing is, it's downloadable. If it was $40 in a box, I'd snatch that up because of the tangible resale value.

But D-N brought up something I hadn't thought of – selling the headset. I'll just do that, even if I can't just push a button and launch Warhawk. 👍

And for the record, I think both Shadowrun and the Platinum Hits gig are a joke.

Infantry ≠ vehicles. I think the vehicles are just fine themselves, even if I prefer there were more variety (IE, a tank that shoots lower powered ammo faster or a Warhawk that goes slower but has more armor and cluster bombs from the get-go). It's the actual infantry combat (like, it's near impossible to kill someone in the distance with a sniper rifle, the rifle takes like two clips to kill someone, etc). That's really the reason why I want a changelist or a demo/rental before I take the plunge. If things like that are tweaked/fixed, and I imagine many of those things will, $10 isn't going to stop me.

I played it a good amount. Obviously not as much as you, but I played it enough to judge.

gamerpics and themes

Just kidding. :P

You know, before I read the spoiler, i was seriously going to go to town on you.

But, then I saw it and giggled.

Okay, about infantry combat. Actually, there's certain things you should have been doing.

for example, with the rifle, you've got a distance advantage, so you can drop to a knee and take people out from a far distance. Given that it's been powered up in the final game, and the pistol tuned down, i think it'll balance well.

As for the sniper rifle, I got pretty good with it, I suppose it's a matter of practice, but I could kill people rather well, but I stayed mobile and took people out from multiple area's. Personally, I like that the sniper rifle isn't over powered with huge cross hairs. It balances it out, and makes it more challanging. The game would be ungodly broken if the sniper rifles were more effective (the draw distance is simply TOO far).
As for the sniper rifle, I got pretty good with it, I suppose it's a matter of practice, but I could kill people rather well, but I stayed mobile and took people out from multiple area's. Personally, I like that the sniper rifle isn't over powered with huge cross hairs. It balances it out, and makes it more challanging. The game would be ungodly broken if the sniper rifles were more effective (the draw distance is simply TOO far).

Yeah, I know it'd be stupid to make 1-hit-kills all the way across the map, but for me (I don't know if I just suck or if the rifle needs more auto-aim), the only times I can hit an enemy are at ranges where I'd be better off taking a couple steps and start winging grenades and firing my pistol or rifle.
Warhawk FAQ
Posted on 08/14/07 by Dylan Jobe // Game Director, Warhawk
Is the headset a limited time kinda thing?
No, not to my knowledge. It’s something that we feel adds a lot of value to the retail version of the game but, to be honest, this is a marketing decision. At the end of the day it will depend on things like the contract with Jabra, Sales, etc. You know, marketing stuff.

Who are the top 100 BETA testers?
Ok, you ready for this?
Click, CastleKingSide, Catalytic, Gergination, Aeaas, Merovee, II6FUII-wHaM, Filth_Flannigan, PlayerBeyond, SolidC213, DBWsGreatOne, Taisch, Hakoom, ROYA, ph8al, WillKills_M, tonythetiger1, theONE73, Coryphaeus, XxGRAND-CHAMPxX, Riz09, Canez, Flankhim, ninerfanj343, Jags71, DVSone, IComeInPeace, DRAKE_CHAMBERS, BudLeeOne, Enebreated, csMadMan, RickTheRipper, NoVaPH1R3, G-Man420, Liquided, ArtemisBane, dude23, Kremar, ucigasu, switchitup813, Dangerman, GnuUzir, Laeq, Simi, Hand_Banana, Wunsock, Dubbinenglish, K-X, Yixian1, IRP-OBMAS, inxshambles, Fupa, Pazonal, ethan893, FrozoneUSMC, Pnoiflipnation, DarkArcani, Ace_Martian, Solidsnakejej, RockStarAe, Stiles2417, AbaraiRenji, FayroeFox, AfoBanjo, Slevin_Kelevra, Kman1086, Requiem911, EZCheez, Bulletproof92, Air-Reez, jhop22, Wyji, Cooter203, oneofthosedays, IIHoTsHoTII, Snoits, Laughed, KingZ777, kylegtheassman, TRUEWON415, Takiwara, musashi2036, boondock_saint88, Draicus, TicTak, Riffraff, gunhoo, FT-Cheddar, danthecrazyman, TheWolface, Dman2000000, PriViTePyLe, sonofa2

Does the game have split-screen online?
Yes, 2, 3 and 4-way online and off-line. We also provide a server option that admins can set that controls whether or not players can be connected via split screen and yet another server admin option that controls whether or not split-screen players can be on opposing teams. If you are hosting a competitive game or clan match or something, you may want to make sure that your players aren’t “screen-hunting.” And yes, these options are available if you host your own player, dedicated or ranked dedicated server.

Can multiple PSN accounts be logged-in at the same time during split-screen gameplay?
No. When you engage split-screen, the Warhawk real-time creates a temporary guest account and adds a little circle with a number inside it for which player you are. For example, if you jumped in on my PS3 for split-screen action, I’d be “TheGoatAss” and you would be “(2)TheGoatAss.”

Will there be downloadable content in the future?
The technology behind Warhawk was designed from the ground up with expandability in mind – very “data-drive” for those uber-tech enthusiasts. We have nothing to announce right now, but rest assured that if the player-community wants new content, we’ll be developing it!

Does Warhawk support keyboard or mouse?
Nope, not for game control anyway, just the keyboard for text input and stuff like that.

If I run a Warhawk server on my PS3, is it independent of the SONY servers?
Yes. The only connection that is maintained is for your PSN buddies, incoming messages, stuff like that. As an interesting bit of trivia. The first few days of the public BETA we didn’t have a single SONY server running, but it didn’t matter because there were soooo many players hosting their own servers!

Can you play on your PS3 while you host a game server on the same PS3?
Yes. We call this a “player server.” This mode supports 24-players *and* up to 4-way split.

If I host my own server, how many players can I support?
Short answer is it depends on your connection speed/bandwidth. When you choose to host a game, or set of games, Warhawk first “pings” out to what we call bandwidth servers around the globe (which one you test to depends on which country you live in). Anyhoo, it is at that point we then do a really quick series of bandwidth tests to determine how many players you will be able to handle. We spent quite a bit of time looking at the bandwidth requirements to make sure that the games that you host are not out of your league with regard to the bandwidth needed. We got a lot of comments during the BETA about players that were hosting 24 or 32 player games when they didn’t have the bandwidth to do so. This resulted in pretty crappy game experiences sometimes. Our updated bandwidth requirements should resolve a lot of this and we’ll be monitoring it and changing them if we need to.

Thanks Dylan, but that didn’t really answer the questions. How many players??
Ok, that was a bit of a ramble but it at least lets you know what’s going on behind the scenes. For me at home, I have a standard cable modem with Comcast and I often host 24 player games. If you’re at school (college dorm or something) on a network you’ll probably be hosting up to 32 players, but the net is what the net is and you all know how it can change like the weather. If you have a really bad connection, then you will be hosting eight or 16 players. Sorry, we have to protect the player community from people hosting slow servers that just piss other players off. That said, if you connection is bad, you’ll still be able to *play* in a 24 or 32 player game, just not host one of that capacity.

How many of the maps support 32 players?
All maps. We worked really hard to make sure that the game would support the MAX player count in all levels, not just a subset.

I work for an ISP, can we host a Warhawk Server?
Sure. When you setup the server, you can give it your vendor name and tag it with a server message in case you want to gratuitously promote that “Penetrode’s ISP now features 43% more awesomeness.” There is, of course, a max character length on the server message so please no manifestos.

Does Warhawk support the XMB buddy list?
OMG. Yes, thank you for asking but you didn’t really have to. Of course any “buddy” that you have in the XMB will show up in your “Warhawk Buddy Page.” From there you will see if they are online and what game they are in. We also added a quick join from the buddy list so you can instantly hop into any game your buddy is in. You also have the option of linking directly to the stats server from your buddy list. This way you can always keep tabs on which weapons your friends are using, which maps they play the most, etc.

Does Warhawk support clans?
Yes. You can form a clan, give your clan a prefix tag [4 characters], your clan can have a motto, leader, and yes, the leader must make invites into the clan, you have access to a separate clan mail/message that can be used to coordinate practices or matches, and lastly you can use your clan list just like the XMB buddy list to jump right into their game or retrieve their statistics.

Does the game support more than 1 headset connected to the same console?
No. You can only bind one headset in the XMB and Warhawk uses whichever headset you have active.

If I buy the retail version, do I have to have the Blu-ray in my PS3 to run Warhawk?
Yes. “Reluctant Hero” asked about this Wednesday, but sorry man. But hey, one of the many advantages of the BD is that when you power-up your PS3 you can boot directly into the game.

Can you turn the HUD off?
No, sorry, “MrCamo.”

How is chaff deployed?
“TTP” asked about a conversation that we had at E3 regarding chaff. Right now, you must select Chaff from the WeaponCross and then press L1 to deploy, just like in the BETA. We have toyed around with changes to this, one of which you and I discussed at the show. Nothing has been decided though. I will say this, and this came up during some of our review sessions with the long-lead media, we have greatly enhanced the way missile scrubbing and the aerobatics system works so that chaff is not primarily used for defending yourself when in hover mode. When you are in the air you can now perform your aerobatics more easily than you could in the beta. So, this ends up being the preferred method of defense. Think of chaff as a get out of jail free card, especially when you are hovering in a Warhawk.

Does Warhawk support VoIP channels?
Not exactly. I will say the ‘subscription’ method in Resistance is pretty damn slick, though. What you do get is a per player control as to whether or not the voice is transmitted from that player – think of it as a kind of patch board. If you are the leader of a squad with Bob, Jimmy and Bruce, then you can just patch them in and turn everyone else off. Additionally, let’s say that your buddy Evan is the leader of another squad and you want to be able to talk to him but not the troops in his squad. Then simply patch him in and you’re all set. Hopefully that answers your question “9158.”

Game-wise, what is different between the Blu-ray version and the PSN version?
Gameplay-wise they are identical.

When is Warhawk being released in Europe, Japan, Australia, China, Korea etc?
All I can say is that we have incredibly talented teams in all those territories and they are working very diligently to get Warhawk ready and, ultimately, announce a release date. But I do *really* hope that you guys can understand that announcing the release date in those territories is kind of *their* thing and not mine.

Will a weapon from Resistance:FoM appear in Warhawk?
No. I’m not sure where that rumor started “Lothar,” but while we’re on the topic … the Laark would be a wicked great indirect-fire weapon. The Insomniac guys always have top-shelf weapon design, among other things.

Can you play split-screen on a ranked game?
No, and I know this will be a point of contention, so please hear me out on this. When we first started developing and testing the ranked servers, we *didn’t* block split screen. What we observed is players using a second controller as a remote observer; not really playing but rather just kind of cheating the system. This allowed them to know where more of the enemies were without actually being part of a squad and communicating, they were just cheating. As a result, they were growing up the ranks faster than other players that weren’t cheating and that isn’t fair for those of you playing legitimately to rank-up. I hope you guys can understand the decision.

What do I need to turn my PS3 into a server?
Nothing. Buy Warhawk and that’s it. You will need a good connection though if you want to host a lot of players.

During the BETA, there were times when the game would crash, is that fixed?
LOL. Yes! We wouldn’t have shipped if it was still “crashy.”

Will there be an option to join local servers just in your country?
Yes. While we wanted to make sure that players got to choose the exact server they jumped into, we *totally* realized that if the game takes off, which we hope it does, that players might be simply overloaded by the server list. So, more to your point “Shadow_Dancer,” you can filter by region, language, game type, ping, max rank, etc.

Does Warhawk support a “Party System” like Resistance:FoM?
Thanks for clarifying “Holy_Diver.” Unfortunately, no, we do not do it in the same way. When you are playing split-screen we drop the whole group into the game, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what you were looking for.

Can you use any headset with Warhawk?
Yes. The Jabra that’s included is a good headset but you might already have one, or maybe still have the USB SOCOM headset. They all work.

Are the Warhawk servers “Worldwide?”
Yes. All territories can play together on the PSN.
I found this rather interesting, take it however you want, I just post the thing:):

He (Rob Smith) was the guy that wrote Warhawk review.

Yeppers - he came from PC and official XBOX magazine to ruin the once-decent PSM.

Here's his first week in office - he doesn't even try to hide the fact that he's an assface:


Now, I personally don't think it's right to do this kind of **** for any magazine - even if a PSM editor went to the XBOX mag and bashed the 360 there - that's just plain ****ing BS.

Proof for those of you screaming obscenities that he's not a bot.

EDIT: July 2007 issue - page 006 for those of you who have it
Well that would certainly explain some of the peculiarly low scoring reviews PSM has given some of the PS3 games.

Thanks for the heads-up. I'll add Rob Smith to the long list of untrustworthy sources for accurate info and reviews.

On Warhawk related news, Sony has finished the "Warhawk Poster":

(click pic to see the original 2722x946 size)

In the latest developer blog entry, Mark Valledor, a Marketing Manager for SCEA, gives special Kudos to some of the top public beta testers and forum participants, and as a special treat, their names have been placed on many of the planes in the poster. In that blog entry there are several close-up pics from the poster showing their names. Nice tribute... any one here have their name on the poster?
More on this guy:

Playstation 2. Do you own one and will consoles kill PCs or will the two mate and produce unholy offspring?

No. Never will. Got a DVD player, so why do a I need one. And no they won’t kill the PC because regardless of whether people like it or not, there’s a social mentality built around the PC beyond gaming (home accounts, creating crappy holiday cards on the old printer, surfing for porn, writing resumes…) that won’t be replaced by any of the new handhelds, and won’t be available through consoles. It’s a huge argument, and not one to go into here, but PCs are here to stay (for at least the next five years). But X-Box will kill the PS2 (tee-hee).

HE was spot on right there!. No really, how does a D bag get a job reviewing games when he has a personal vendetta against Sony products. And PC Gaming will not be as good as console gaming. I'm sure he owns at least 2 PS2's now.
same way car-reviewers and movie reviewers do -- they are opinionated.. lol

I recognise that map [on the latest image] from testing.. called Badlands [iirc].. and obviously in DogFight mode.

my favorite level is Archipelago though.. i love the tanks!