Warhawk • The Official Thread

sounds good:tup: i still suck pretty bad but I'm getting the hang of it. we should also add DN and JR since they have the game (at least JR should have it by now) But I will be at work until around 12pm EST
sounds good:tup: i still suck pretty bad but I'm getting the hang of it. we should also add DN and JR since they have the game (at least JR should have it by now) But I will be at work until around 12pm EST
I just got in after buying it. I'll give a review after playing it some. Funny thing: Wal*Mart didn't even have s SKU for it. I went across teh street to EB and the when I asked if they had it teh manager shook his head and then said, "I only have one copy that a guy reserved.....but he cancelled when he found out it was online only." I remembered why I hadn't been to this store since trying to buy my Wii.

Anyway, I got it so once my headset charges and I play a bit I will probably be going at it this weekend. I have a friend coming over Saturday for beer and games (I love those days) so we'll probably play some split screen action on and offline.
Ok here are some noobish questions I can remember wondering when I first played, since I'm at work I don't have the manual which probably answers most of these.

how do you get to split screen mode?

how do you change the colors of your character and warhawk, the options are there but cannot be used...

how do you access your friends list in game?

how do you use the headset in game? is there a button you use to talk? (I have never used voice chat in a video game before)

Anyways it looks like with my standard cable internet I will be able to host 22 players as a server so not too shabby

EDIT: game crazy FTW
Anyways it looks like with my standard cable internet I will be able to host 22 players as a server so not too shabby
They have dedictade server racks of PS3s to do this for us if you want to go the full 32.
I got off work at 7pm today, went to 2 Gamestop stores, they all had Warhawk sold out, BestBuy also sold out all of their Warhawk copies.:guilty: I will check walmart and Circuit city EARLY tomorrow to see if they have any.:ouch:
I've only preordered one game before, and it was GT4:sly:, look like I'll have to do this more often from now on. Anyways, some Warhawk impressions please guys?
beautiful, the graphics are great and I have already been in some very intense battles,controls are great but there are still some questions I haven't been able to get answered. easily worth 60$ even though the extra video content sucks...
Oh i know but I was curious to see what the average user would get.
Well, mine will host up to 24, which when I looked on the server list online seemed to be the highest number I saw. I have the lowest connection speed offered by my cable company (1mbs). I am betting you need a 2 or 3 mbs connection to host a full 32.

Here you go...
As lovely as that is, the fine print saying that customizations are unlocked as you increase your rank is not blatantly obvious. I looked over it twice before seeing it. That really should have been with the main paragraph.

Ok here are some noobish questions I can remember wondering when I first played, since I'm at work I don't have the manual which probably answers most of these.
I'll answer what I can from playing around last night.
how do you get to split screen mode?
Push start on the second controller.
how do you change the colors of your character and warhawk, the options are there but cannot be used...
They are unlocked as your rank increases.
how do you access your friends list in game?
It was in a menu option. Without it in front of me I can't give the exact details, but I believe it was in the same place you could search for servers, at the top. I believe it said "Buddies."
how do you use the headset in game? is there a button you use to talk? (I have never used voice chat in a video game before)
I haven't tried this yet, but the manual says you push L3 to talk.
Anyways it looks like with my standard cable Internet I will be able to host 22 players as a server so not too shabby
I didn't see more than 24 in games with a good ping for me.

I got off work at 7pm today, went to 2 Gamestop stores, they all had Warhawk sold out, BestBuy also sold out all of their Warhawk copies.:guilty: I will check walmart and Circuit city EARLY tomorrow to see if they have any.:ouch:
Don't bother with Wal*Mart, unless you are out of options or call ahead first. They have it on their Web site, but when I went in they didn't even have a SKU sticker for it or any signs advertising it.

I've only preordered one game before, and it was GT4:sly:, look like I'll have to do this more often from now on. Anyways, some Warhawk impressions please guys?
Well, the guy at EB, where I bought mine said they only sent him copies for his preorders. This might be an online download thing where they don't want to overstock store shelves if everyone buys it from the PSN. Fortunately someone canceled theirs when they realized it was online only so I got the only available copy in town.

I didn't get to play online as I quickly finished up my rented copy of Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. I played around with logging in and running around boards by myself getting used to the controls. It handled smoothly and looked very pretty. I will hop online tonight to kill some fools.

A little continuation of my story from buying my game, just because it was such an odd experience.:

The manager asked me how I liked my PS3 because he was in the middle of trying to convince a customer to NOT buy one. :confused: As he talked it occurred to me that he was a 360 fanboy. According to him the Playstation 2 was the least reliable machine ever and the PSP was the worst handheld ever....because if you drop it it will break. :dunce: With this I thought it was just that he had bad experiences, then he also went on about how he thought that Nintendo had shoddy equipment. So, he was a manager of a gaming store and he would attempt to talk away business to support the 360. This is a fanboy of the highest level.
A little continuation of my story from buying my game, just because it was such an odd experience.:

The manager asked me how I liked my PS3 because he was in the middle of trying to convince a customer to NOT buy one. :confused: As he talked it occurred to me that he was a 360 fanboy. According to him the Playstation 2 was the least reliable machine ever and the PSP was the worst handheld ever....because if you drop it it will break. :dunce: With this I thought it was just that he had bad experiences, then he also went on about how he thought that Nintendo had shoddy equipment. So, he was a manager of a gaming store and he would attempt to talk away business to support the 360. This is a fanboy of the highest level.

What an idiot! Store staff should be on the most part impartial, state the facts then let the consumer decide... Ive owned 2 PS2's for ten years and not once have they ever frozen or DRE'ed and if you drop anything handheld it will most likely break. He clearly hasn't been one of the millions of people left with overheating 360's...... oh well, I wouldn't let a store guy tell me what he thought was best!

Well after deciding all evening and night, I finally decided to buy WarHawk by the PlayStation Store.
I have never been in online battles this intense before!!! Many war games put you on the battlefield with sound effects in the backround to make you feel like its a war. In warhawk everything you are hearing is real battle around you, every explosion you see could be aimed at you, it's pretty unreal how quickly you can become involved in a firefight with people you battled with just a little while ago.

@ Foolkiller, thanks a lot I had figured most of those out upon going home and playing around with it a little. The only things I am still confused about are:

for split screen, do I just push start on the second controller while on the main menu? I just want to have a 2 player match between me and my friend so how do I do that?

I now understand that you have to go up in rank before being able to customize the character settings, the manual makes it sound like you should be able to paint your aircraft right from the start but I guess not...

How does the ranking system work i.e. what do I need to do to be able to unlock stuff?

Has anyone else noticed that the extra video stuff on the retail version is crap???
Has anyone else noticed that the extra video stuff on the retail version is crap???

Yeah really. I was expecting some cool behind the scenes videos, and all I got was junk like an old Ratchet and Clank trailer (and I do mean old, it was the debut trailer from earlier this year). Oh well.

I picked up Warhawk BTW, if any of you haven't realized. 👍
I have never been in online battles this intense before!!! Many war games put you on the battlefield with sound effects in the backround to make you feel like its a war. In warhawk everything you are hearing is real battle around you, every explosion you see could be aimed at you, it's pretty unreal how quickly you can become involved in a firefight with people you battled with just a little while ago.

@ Foolkiller, thanks a lot I had figured most of those out upon going home and playing around with it a little. The only things I am still confused about are:

for split screen, do I just push start on the second controller while on the main menu? I just want to have a 2 player match between me and my friend so how do I do that? Just hit the PS button to turn on the controller and it will split automatically. But it wont show it until you're IN GAME. As to make a match just between the 2 of you; i think you'd have to host a new game and only allow a small amount of players [like 2 or 4, whichever is allowed]

I now understand that you have to go up in rank before being able to customize the character settings, the manual makes it sound like you should be able to paint your aircraft right from the start but I guess not...

How does the ranking system work i.e. what do I need to do to be able to unlock stuff?
Check the online rankings; ribbons and rewards; on the right side it tells you what you need to do to achieve said rewards.

Has anyone else noticed that the extra video stuff on the retail version is crap???

replied in quote.
I have never been in online battles this intense before!!! Many war games put you on the battlefield with sound effects in the backround to make you feel like its a war. In warhawk everything you are hearing is real battle around you, every explosion you see could be aimed at you, it's pretty unreal how quickly you can become involved in a firefight with people you battled with just a little while ago.
Yeah, last night I was camping in a bunker with a gun rocket turret on top of it. No one had fired a shot at me for about five minutes when someone started using the turret to shoot at Warhawks. The huge explosion sounds made me think someone had come in behind me while I was zoomed. Once I realized someone was on my roof I switched to a rocket launcher and took him out.

for split screen, do I just push start on the second controller while on the main menu? I just want to have a 2 player match between me and my friend so how do I do that?
SuzQ basically answered your question. Turn the controller on/push start (if it's already on) while actually in game.

To create a game for just the two of you without worry of someone trying to join in create a LAN game, not an online game. Since you are the only system on the LAN it is just whoever is on your system that can play. That's also how I managed to play around and learn the maps and controls without people trying to shoot me. I created a LAN game and it was just me wandering around. I had a lot of suicides, but no kills. :indiff:

Has anyone else noticed that the extra video stuff on the retail version is crap???
Yeah, I had already downloaded nearly all thsoe videos from the Playstation Store. I guess the extra $20 was soley in the headset.

I picked up Warhawk BTW, if any of you haven't realized. 👍
I saw you get on last night as I was getting ready to go to bed. If it hadn't been after midnight for me I would have hunted you down.

My only question is: how do I tell a ranked server from other servers? I keep looking at my profile and it says I have no stats because I haven't played on a ranked server. At one point the only filter I was using was to look for servers with a ping < 50.
Ignoring the ridiculous review from PSM Magazine, which as discussed in the Mega PS3 thread looks like it has been clearly identified as being the result of an Xbot mole with serious repercussions likely to follow, especially if they discover proof that Microsoft is in fact behind this.

Game Rankings = Average Score 86%, 8.6, 4.3:
  • 85% 1UP (8/27/2007) = 8.5 out of 10
  • 90% PSX Extreme (8/28/2007) = 9 out of 10
  • 88% IGN (8/28/2007) = 8.8 out of 10
  • 80% GamePro (8/28/2007) = 4 out of 5
  • 90% GameSpy (8/29/2007) = 4.5 out of 5
  • 90% PSM3 Magazine UK (8/29/2007) = 90 out of 100
  • 85% GameSpot (8/29/2007) = 8.5 out of 10
  • 90% GameAlmighty (8/30/2007) = 9 out of 10
  • 80% Eurogamer (8/30/2007) = 8 out of 10
  • 83% Game Informer (10/1/2007) = 8.25 out of 10
  • 80% Electronic Gaming Monthly (10/1/2007) = 8 out of 10
Sony is going nuts right now, because the demand for Warhawk is through the roof. They never expected this much traffic, but the game (via PSN at least) is selling ridiculously well. The servers are back up at the moment, but I don't know how long they'll stay up, lol.

THis is awesome though, this (hopefully) means more support later, and MORE MAPS. GOD PLEASE.
My only question is: how do I tell a ranked server from other servers? I keep looking at my profile and it says I have no stats because I haven't played on a ranked server. At one point the only filter I was using was to look for servers with a ping < 50.

I think a ranked server has a championship cup without an "X" on it right next to the name. Likewise, the unranked servers have "X"s on them.
So playing on a ranked server is the only way to unlock stuff? By the look of the awards page its going to be a PITA to unlock what I want but I guess a challenge is nice.

Hopefully these server maintenance thingyswill fix the few annoyances I have had so far. I have had trouble getting into games (even when not close to full it still tells me they are after 30 secs of trying to get in). I have also had it freeze up 3 times all while online... Overall I think these will be sorted quickly and it's still an awesome game
There was mention of it in the announcements when I logged on last night, so it was planned.
Ah, I never saw this because I only downloaded the game 7 hours ago.

Overall, I'm impressed with the game! Gameplay is good, especially the flying. I wasn't too sure with the ground combat at first, but I'm slowly getting used to it. It certainly can get mad at times - especially if you're defending a flag in the middle of the map when the enemy controls the whole of one side. I'm just a little baffled as to how people are getting so many points at the moment!

Graphics are much better than I thought they would be. Very smooth and minimal alaising, which surprised me. Everything is so detailed and clear as well. All this with no framerate slowdown is quite an achievement. 👍

Very stable online too - I've not come across anyone lagging whatsoever.

My best moments must have been me in a tank at the enemy's main base, just blasting people once they walk outside of buildings. I must have killed 10 people in a row before 2 rockets hit me... :ouch: And one other time was me driving a tank under a tunnel and a Warhawk came out of no where, flew through the tunnel, smaked into me so hard the tank done a full backflip!
Overall, I'm impressed with the game! Gameplay is good, especially the flying. I wasn't too sure with the ground combat at first, but I'm slowly getting used to it. It certainly can get mad at times - especially if you're defending a flag in the middle of the map when the enemy controls the whole of one side. I'm just a little baffled as to how people are getting so many points at the moment!

You just need more training. I got 49 points on one round yesterday, and I can consistently get about 25+. Award ribbons can add a good amount of points to your final score as well.

Personally, I'm loving the game right now – I thought the beta was pretty good, but a few minor tweaks with the weapons (like the pistol being a lot weaker than the rifle, the flamethrower being a bit more powerful, etc) really makes the game much more enjoyable. :)
I am surprised at how good the ground vehicles are and unlike some reviewers have reported, overall the vehicles seem very balanced if you use their abilities to the fullest, ground support from a warhawk could be a little easier though