Warhawk • The Official Thread

I picked up the retail version today. This game is fun. Pure fun. But I suck so bad. I really have spent about 2 and a half hours playing, and have killed maybe 5 people in the air. The ground is a different story though, its a lot easier to me. But man this game is certainly a fun one.
Yeah, I'm about like DP...Any tips for when you are in a warhawk? I'm getting killed like every fifteen seconds because I have to hurry up and hit right then secondary fire 1/2 second before a missile takes me out. Very frustrating.
Yeah, I'm about like DP...Any tips for when you are in a warhawk? I'm getting killed like every fifteen seconds because I have to hurry up and hit right then secondary fire 1/2 second before a missile takes me out. Very frustrating.

The best thing you can do in a Warhawk is avoid being in the 'middle' of the map. That's where everyone is going nuts, missles are flying, and everyone is LOOKING to shoot you in the back.

I generally start out by finding weapons on the outer area's of the map, and then aiming to take out people who are already engaged in a dog fight.

And no matter what, your PRIMARY mission should always be to get health IMMEDIATELY after you kill someone. Stock up on chaff as well.

NEVER RUN. If someone is shooting you from behind, TURN AROUND. Trying to 'out run' anyone in a warhawk simply won't work, because they go the same speed as you, and the range on weapons won't let that work. Just do a flip, turn around, and fly past them head on.

Also, Mines are your friend, I use them frequently, usually just blasting into the enemy's side of the map, dropping a few mines, then high tailing it out of there.

I finish 1st in about 40% of all my dog fight matches :)

My on foot experience is far superior though :) esp in Zones and CTF. I'm a monster.

G.T. - I may want to recruit you into my clan, depending on your stats etc. I plan to get really competitive at this game, so I'll be checking you out ;) Should you want to join that is!! I'm doing pretty poor ATM with only a 2.6 K/D ratio :(
wow; someone is already "towing" people eh? that didnt take long.
i just use the knife & rifle when on foot; occasionally mines & flame thrower [for tanks/warhawks]

easiest way to kill a warhawk; learn the tank ;) and turn up the aiming speeds all the way up [pause menu], so you're not turning slow as [bleep] to aim at them. Its my fav. toy in warhawk. I suck at flying; because i get 'air-sick' in pro-mode. Easiest way to not get hit by swarm missles, is go crazy with the two analog sticks, it makes you fly irratically [not in pro mode though].. you'll be bouncing around with a pinball - only a few gun types will work on it ;) but the swarm missles dont even try ;) lol

I really wish i had a PS3, so i can play when i get my copy from work. :(

OH - one question; how are the headsets working out for u guys?
TG.T. - I may want to recruit you into my clan, depending on your stats etc. I plan to get really competitive at this game, so I'll be checking you out ;) Should you want to join that is!! I'm doing pretty poor ATM with only a 2.6 K/D ratio :(
I only have a 1.13 K/D ratio, so I'm doing pretty badly...

But I'm slowly getting better. Quickly switching to the knife in close combat is something I'm starting to do now, and decelerating in a Warhawk instead of keeping the acclerator down constantly helps me shoot and aim better with it. I tend to lose my sense of perspective quite easily too. :ouch:

The tank is by far my most favorite tool. It was the same in Battlefield 2. I can aim pretty well with it... On a good run I can kill over 20+ people with it on a single match.
Okay, this is a bunch of bull****. I can't join ANY game because apparently 3/8, 19/24, 31/32, and any other number of players means that a room is full.
Okay, this is a bunch of bull****. I can't join ANY game because apparently 3/8, 19/24, 31/32, and any other number of players means that a room is full.
Ah, yes, I forgot to mention the few problems I had with that. Even rooms that say 24/32 are apparently "full". I wouldn't mind doing this, but waiting half a minute every time for it just to tell you the room is "full" is starting to tick me off a little. It's pure luck after half an hour I manage to get into a ranked match.

The game froze 4 times in a row for me earlier as well. I decided rather than turning the console off then turning it immediately on again, I'd leave off for 10 minutes before turning it on again. It seems to have done the trick...
How come no one is using their ****ing headsets? Are you all afraid to talk?

For a game called Warhawk, I find the Warhawks useless.
Since only the download-able version is out here at the moment I don't have a headset... And because hardly anyone uses one I don't see the point.
How come no one is using their ****ing headsets? Are you all afraid to talk?
This has me wondering... as I have still not had a chance to pick this up yet, when players are using headsets, are you hearing everyone's chatter or just your fellow team members?

I hope just your team members, otherwise not only would there be too much chatter if everyone was using headsets, but you'd risk giving away your battle plan to the enemy.

It would be nice if all games that support voice chat would allow you to "mute" specific players. I've been in one too many races in MotorStorm where some players make non-stop annoying comments, especially when they are having a bad race, or have such bad headsets that all you hear is annoying static.
For a game called Warhawk, I find the Warhawks useless.


They're not supposed to be all dominating vehicles since there's a dozen or so on each map. If you know how to use them they can be pretty powerful.

Since only the download-able version is out here at the moment I don't have a headset... And because hardly anyone uses one I don't see the point.

Yep. I have my shiny Jabra sitting next to me but I have no intention of using it since I've heard a whopping 5 people talk out of the hundreds I've played with.
Is the Jabra headset they give you any good?

Because I may consider getting this game for the fact that I could do with a headset for my mobile but also because I get another ps3 game! :sly:

Do you save any money on the headset from buying it in this bundle?

Warhawk seems to be really good by the general mood ive gotten from this thread.

the headset is fine, its a very basic one but I've used it several times on my phone and haven't had any trouble, it's actually easier to set up than my girlfriends Jabra.

I tried to set up a game last night with some folks but GT was the only one to respond and then my roommates beat me up and watched a movie on the ps3.
I did find Foolkiller and we killed each other a few times :)
I tried to set up a game last night with some folks but GT was the only one to respond and then my roommates beat me up and watched a movie on the ps3.
I did find Foolkiller and we killed each other a few times :)
I did try to join a couple of your games but everytime is just said "Error: Cannot find the game".

What's going on there?
server error I guess? I know there are still issues as far as it running smoothly such as non-full games not letting you in and freezing issues but I am confident it will be ironed out quickly with this much support.
I find the headset essential. Basically, if you coordinate a game ahead of time with people you know will talk, you will win. It's as simple as that.

I dominated early this morning, I only had 2 games out of the 12 I played where my K/D ratio was less than 9:1.

Oddly enough, most of my kills come from sniping and the Bino's, with occasional rocket launcher kills to Warhawks.

I've grown very fond of the ground game lately, especially when playing zones. Man do I love zones.
Is the Jabra headset they give you any good?
You can find many reviews of the Jabra BT125 online and they appear to be right in line with most Bluetooth headsets, certainly at the $40 price level.

Personally, I've never used that model, but I still have my Jabra BT350 and it's an excellent Bluetooth headset.

I used to have a Plantronics Discovery 655 which along with the Jabra, Samsung Blackjack, and Motorola Razr I got free with my most recent mobile contract.

It was a really nice headset with what I thought was excellent noise cancellation... that was until I accidentally left it on plane and replaced it with "The Jawbone". This is by far my favorite Bluetooth headset that I've used, and its noise canceling performance is really amazing. This is especially useful when your trying to have an important conversation while running through the airport... late for your flight. :embarrassed:

Adding to my unwitting collection of Bluetooth headsets, I even kept the very first Bluetooth headset I got a few years ago, the Motorola HS801.

I tried all of these with the PS3 in MotorStorm and with the PS3's voice chat and except for the Motorola, they all performed quite well.

My beef is that unlike my phones, the PS3 only lets you add one Bluetooth headset to the system settings. This means unlike with my phones where I can simply select in the phone's menu which headset I want to use, with the PS3 you have to go through the whole set up process each time you switch headsets. :ouch:👎

I'm hoping this will be resolved with a future system update.
Oddly enough, most of my kills come from sniping

Honestly, I can't hit anything with that to save my life. I don't know if it's the lack of auto-aim, or if you actually try to use it for its designed purpose (picking off enemies from a long distance) it's really hard to lead a target because of the controls and enemies not moving predictably at all. I'd rather just hop in a tank or grab a rifle + flamethrower and do far more damage.
Well I just downloaded it and I would love to play a game but for whatever reason every room is full that I try to join. Is there a GTP server?
It's good to see a lot of people like this game, but finding a game to join is insanity. Sometimes it takes me an hour to join a RANKED server! What's with all these unranked servers? And why are they always full as well? GRRRRRRRRR!
It's good to see a lot of people like this game, but finding a game to join is insanity. Sometimes it takes me an hour to join a RANKED server! What's with all these unranked servers? And why are they always full as well? GRRRRRRRRR!
agreed, this is a big problem
AHA! I discovered a useful piece of advice:

The problem is that the refresh rate for the server list is too slow. When you try to join a server that doesn't APPEAR to be full, it actually IS. This is because everyone is seeing the same information you are and they joined the "not full" server a few seconds before you could.

The best thing to do is try joining servers that look full. It will either say that the game is full, or you will get connected. The reason you can join these games is because other people looking for a game are trying to join the "not full" servers.

This doesn't make any sense at all, but it seems to work sometimes.

I also noticed that I have a better chance joining a game with one player...and of course it always ends up being someone who leaves like two minutes into the match rather than waiting a bit for people to join up.

Maybe if the server list wasn't forced to display up to 800 servers it would refresh better.
I've tried to come around the problem by putting the ranked servers in my Favorites, but none of the information about the servers seem to appear in it...
OH - one question; how are the headsets working out for u guys?
Mine works great, for the most part. For some reason after about 3-5 games it quits reading it and when I push L3 it won't let me talk anymore.

This has me wondering... as I have still not had a chance to pick this up yet, when players are using headsets, are you hearing everyone's chatter or just your fellow team members?
Depends on the game type. Team Deathmatch you just talk to your teammates, but in deathmatch it is everyone at once.

It would be nice if all games that support voice chat would allow you to "mute" specific players. I've been in one too many races in MotorStorm where some players make non-stop annoying comments, especially when they are having a bad race, or have such bad headsets that all you hear is annoying static.
Agreed. I was in a dogfight the other day and this one game was just pwning the rest of us and he would just trash talk non-stop and say things like, "Come on guys. I'm tired of winning. Can someone else win? I thinkI'll just hover this whole game." Talking trash wouldn't have been bad if he wouldn't have done it non-stop.

Is the Jabra headset they give you any good?

Because I may consider getting this game for the fact that I could do with a headset for my mobile but also because I get another ps3 game! :sly:
Works great with my Razr and the game.

I tried to set up a game last night with some folks but GT was the only one to respond and then my roommates beat me up and watched a movie on the ps3.
I did find Foolkiller and we killed each other a few times :)
Yeah, I didn't get to respond in time because I had friends over, but they left about ten minutes before 11 so I jumped online, but no one was there. So, I just played, then you joined in, and I killed you. :)

I did try to join a couple of your games but everytime is just said "Error: Cannot find the game".

What's going on there?
I tried to join one of yours and got teh same thing. I think it might not allow cross-regional play, which would suck.

Honestly, I can't hit anything with that to save my life. I don't know if it's the lack of auto-aim, or if you actually try to use it for its designed purpose (picking off enemies from a long distance) it's really hard to lead a target because of the controls and enemies not moving predictably at all. I'd rather just hop in a tank or grab a rifle + flamethrower and do far more damage.
Yeah, my sniping skills are horrid. I only use it when I see someone else sniping, so I pick them off while they are trying to shoot someone else.
Sniping would be a lot easier if you could use a mouse. (This is why I only use the PC for FPS games)

For some reason it has trouble recording my stats. I'm still at 3 hours and 5 minutes, and Airman status, when I already put in at least 5 hours on ranked servers now.
For some reason it has trouble recording my stats. I'm still at 3 hours and 5 minutes, and Airman status, when I already put in at least 5 hours on ranked servers now.
Yeah, my stats haven't updated since 9/1 despite me playing many games the past two days, and I was happy to have actually won my first game yesterday, but no stats updates to show it.
Yeah, I didn't get to respond in time because I had friends over, but they left about ten minutes before 11 so I jumped online, but no one was there. So, I just played, then you joined in, and I killed you. :)

this is true:nervous: however me and Duck pwned some n00bs with a tank last night, then I got on a ranked CTF game and kicked much ass, unfortunately it doesn't seem to have shown that particular ass kicking yet.