Warhawk • The Official Thread

I'm getting very annoyed with the freezing now. The game is becoming unplayable when they happen randomly...

PLEASE sort this out!
You can filter the servers.

Agreed. My PS3 locked up three times in a row requiring hard resets when I was trying to join a game last night. I thought the beta I was in would've fixed it.

Yeah, but finding a server that works out of 800 is hard enough. :P
this "game is full" issue would not be nearly as bad if it weren't for the amount of time it takes to tell you the game is full, and the fact that it has to completely recompile the list of servers (it doesn't even attempt to put you back on the part of the list you were at). Once this gets resolved (hopefully it will:nervous: ) This game will be truly seamless
this "game is full" issue would not be nearly as bad if it weren't for the amount of time it takes to tell you the game is full, and the fact that it has to completely recompile the list of servers (it doesn't even attempt to put you back on the part of the list you were at). Once this gets resolved (hopefully it will:nervous: ) This game will be truly seamless

Agreed, I'm pretty disappointed I paid 40 bucks for it now.
well the good side is that considering the sort of feedback you get making a game like this, I imagine Incognito is already trying to put a patch or something similar together to handle the problem. It's one thing to have glitches that affect game play, but to have a problem that can keep you from playing the game at all hopefully has gotten their attention. BTW Joey you add me as a friend yet so I can try and take you down?
Well, I figured out why my points per game are so low. I am playing too much deathmatch.

I jumped in to a Zone game by just joining the game that Jeremy Ricci was in and found myself doing much better, when Jeremy Ricci wasn't hunting me down. Either I just kept coming up in the wrong place or he was specifically hunting me down.

JR, you are very good. And you don't have to say it, I know I suck.

Anyway, I quit out after a game of that because I was lagging on that server and joined a ranked Sony Zones game and I was pulling in 40 some odd points per game and my lowest KDR was 0.93. I hit a high of 4.00. I need to quit doing ranked deathmatches as the odds of dying are greatly increased when everyone is trying to kill you.

My stats still haven't updated since 9/1. Anyone know what's up with that?
I love the Zones mode. Its fun just to hop in the tank and go cruising. I just get in it, drive to the nearest Zone, and park my heavy metal *ss beside the flag and blast at everyone until Ive captured the zone. Its fun.
I love the Zones mode. Its fun just to hop in the tank and go cruising. I just get in it, drive to the nearest Zone, and park my heavy metal *ss beside the flag and blast at everyone until Ive captured the zone. Its fun.
Last night I hopped in a teammate's tank, climbed in the turret, and used the flamethrower and machine gun on men and the rocket launcher on Warhawks and other vehicles. If we both shot at tanks at the same time we could knock them out real quick.

My favorite is when I shoot an enemy tank and the life gets down to about half full and the guy jumps out because he sees the smoke, so I run up, jump in, and blast him. :D
I would say right now the tank is my favorite vehicle with the jeep being awesome as long as you have a good team mate you can communicate with. On foot with plenty of grenades, a machine gun, and a rocket launcher is also pretty powerful.
Can you lock onto warhawks when firing the ground missile turret thing? What about when using the rocket launcher. I ask this because sometimes, when I am flying in my warhawk, minding my own, i get locked onto, and there are no other warhawks to be seen. Help me out.
Can you lock onto warhawks when firing the ground missile turret thing? What about when using the rocket launcher. I ask this because sometimes, when I am flying in my warhawk, minding my own, i get locked onto, and there are no other warhawks to be seen. Help me out.

Yes, you can lock on the Warhawk using the rocket launcher and Ground missile Turret.

Awesome game btw, play 3h straight without a single problem.
you can also lock onto tanks using the portable missile launcher but I'm not sure about the turrets. The only reason I don't use the warhawk more often is because it can be very difficult to hit ground targets and you are so vulnerable when hovering trying to get a good shot off.
I think I just had the most enjoyable game yet. It was an eight man CTF game and one of my teammates communicated very well. The rest of the team was basically decoy fodder. He and I were the only two talking and we would both race into the other camp on jeeps and whoever reached the flag first grabbed it and the other pulled up to pick him up and ride back to base. We were backing each other up left and right and we both wound up with close to 100 points. The rest of our team just ran around getting killed. One even ran right in front of me while I was driving the jeep and got himself killed. This was the same guy I tried to ride in the back of a jeep with, but he just wrecked us into some rubble and flipped the jeep. But because the one guy coordinated with me we won the game 5-2. If you ever run across JWAG he is a good teammate to have.

As for using the tank, it is good for penetrating, but the moment the other team realizes you have it you get bombarded from all sides and have to bail out quickly.

Oh, and it locked up on me twice tonight and my stats are still not updating. It seems to be a problem across the board and was what they were supposed to be fixing when the servers went down over the weekend.

Oh well, when it works it is incredible fun. I am sure my wife got tired of hearing me yell, "I've got the flag and I'm coming in with a Warhawk on my tail."
I like the tanks the best. When some people drive a tank they charge at you like a joust and "fire and pray". Idiots, LOL. I also like the sniper rifle and binoculars whenever I can find them. Sniper rifles can be a good warhawk killer if you see one hovering, it only takes two shots to kill one. The wait time on binocular airstrikes is short when you consider just how devastating it is. If you see a couple of tanks and some troops packed together, use the binocs and BOOM, all of them are dead. Heeheehhahahahahahah.
I have been getting good with the land mines but I still haven't been able to get the hang of the sniper rifle, and is anyone else having trouble with their ribbons updating? I WANT TO PAINT MEH WARHAWKZ
I haven't had any updates AT ALL, which sucks, but at least I'm not stuck at recruit like other people.

BTW if any of you see me playing online my username is Rubble86.

EDIT: I've been killed by my team mates while sniping 4 times now, what is with people who can't appreciate a soldier that employs stealth tactics and uses his brain? You see it in the military in real life as well. Wouldn't they rather that I died fewer times while still getting kills?
and is anyone else having trouble with their ribbons updating? I WANT TO PAINT MEH WARHAWKZ
Nothing has updated for me since 9/1. Since I first logged on on 8/31 I am still stuck at recruit.

EDIT: I've been killed by my team mates while sniping 4 times now, what is with people who can't appreciate a soldier that employs stealth tactics and uses his brain? You see it in the military in real life as well. Wouldn't they rather that I died fewer times while still getting kills?
What kind of game were you playing? I was in a CTF game last night and all but two of us were just trying to kill everyone so they could get the flag themselves. They would sit in our base in a tank and kill us when we got close then grab the flag and run it in. I just quit after that.

I also had a game where we were in a team deathmatch and the guy running the server was on the losing team, so with 5 seconds left he quit the game. This kind of stuff is making me think that I might be better taking the half hour to get into a sony server. I'm also remembering why I haven't played online in years. At least I haven't seen any evidence of hacking and cheating yet. If that starts I will definitely either quit or just stick to Sony's servers.
Well the good news is that once you get into an official server, you stay in for as long as you want. And when I was playing last night, the map changed with each new game, so it wasnt boring either. The game stayed Zones though. I got four ribbons in one game last night!
Well the good news is that once you get into an official server, you stay in for as long as you want. And when I was playing last night, the map changed with each new game, so it wasnt boring either. The game stayed Zones though. I got four ribbons in one game last night!
You can set up a rotation on your own system. It will save up to seven lists of rotations that you can load up any time you want to run it again.

When you create a game set up all your options and then push square to run add another one. I messed with this last night, but since my Internet seems to only like maxing out four players I am only good for dogfighting and deathmatches.
I was playing TDM. It's weird, I guess they were just 10 year-olds or something. Or maybe they wanted to kill me to get my sniper rifle?
I was playing TDM. It's weird, I guess they were just 10 year-olds or something. Or maybe they wanted to kill me to get my sniper rifle?

Or they don't understand the concept of Team. These are usually the same guys that absolutely refuse to use headsets.
Hmmm in ranked matches I'm getting just a tad frustrated now. Either I do completely badly, because I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time where there's no action or I'm being shot almost instantly after a spawn, or I do very well, getting much more points than the opposition. I'm just finding this randomness a little annoying...

Oh well. Maybe I just suck altogether...
I noticed that the servers were down last night and this morning before work I didn't get a single full game message, anyone have the same thing happen? maybe they fixed it?
I think most Warhawk players are scared of speaking. The only time I do hear someone is when they accidentally hold down L3 and all you hear is someone gargling a penis or somethin'.

Incognito needs to add more maps, Warhawks, gigantic airships. A little back story would be nice to explain why we are fighting in this world. They should add this Warhawk too:

I think most Warhawk players are scared of speaking. The only time I do hear someone is when they accidentally hold down L3 and all you hear is someone gargling a penis or somethin'.

Incognito needs to add more maps, Warhawks, gigantic airships. A little back story would be nice to explain why we are fighting in this world. They should add this Warhawk too:


Yeah I remember seeing gian warships in some of the trailers, whatever happened to those????

Warhawk 1 FTW! I bought it again after all these years
So I have to hold down L3 in order for people to hear me? That may be why I thought it didnt work. I could hear everyone else through my Jabra, but no one responded to me...